FAD2230 Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Self Identification Theory II Gender Schema Theory III Chodorows Theory of Gender IV Chapter 2 i Race Ethnicity ii What does ethnicity mean iii Within group diversity iv African American SES Labor Outline of Current Lecture I Cont of African Americans SES and Labor II Latin Hispanic SES and Labor III Asian Islander SES and Labor IV Native American V White Families Current Lecture Cont of African Americans SES and Labor Blacks far more likely to never marry Married blacks have more egalitarian gender roles than whites High rate of incarceration poorer health and higher mortality has affected the fix ratio of African American men More than twice as likely as whites to suffer the death of an infant 68 4 if births in 2002 were to unmarried mothers family system is child kin networks extend beyond the nuclear family unit Latin Hispanic SES and Labor 29 of Latino children are poor education levels low 59 graduated high school because of strong work ethic females in workforce as likely as whites to be married but lower divorce rates because of catholism value of family cultural family values Catholic vales explain the high fertility rates Larger households than any other ethnic groups Lower infant mortality rates than whites wife during and after pregnancy is waited on Asian Islander SES and Labor Often termed modern minority because of strong educational attainment increase in rep in upper management and family incomes Lower divorce rates Power in families range from male dominance to egalitarianism Higher rates of interracial marriage Teens and non marital birth rates are very low sheltered Lower fertility rate feel responsible for how children turn out mom loses identity Lower infant mortality rates than whites Native American Increase in infant mortality rates health care Tend to marry at younger ages than blacks and whites education Higher rates of cohabitation living together not Christian Higher proportion of divorce Respect for elders because leaders and mentors White Families Privileged value privacy higher SES and higher education middle class traditional gender roles even when both work more likely to be a married couple less likely to have extended family living with them or take care of older family on average have lower fertility rate less likely to ask family for help with children
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