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Family and Relationships Test 1 Chapters 1 5 Chapter 1 1 Family definitions a Social Science i ii b Legal i A relationship by blood marriage or affection Examples football team old lady with cat 2 or more people living together related by blood marriage or adoption 2 Other definitions a Family of Orientation Family you are born into b Family of Procreation i i i i c Fictive kin 3 Functions of Family a Marriage Family you make through marriage 1 Spouse and children Nonrelatives with a strong and intimate bond Institutional arrangement between two people to publically recognize their social and intimate bonds b William Stephen s Definition of Marriage i ii iii iv A socially legitimate sexual union Is publically announced Undertaken that it will be permanent Assumed that there is more or less an explicit marriage contract c Functions of Marriage i Regulation of sexual behavior 1 Cultures regulate behavior by creating ideas on who and when can have sexual relationships Incest taboo 2 a Virtually universal regulation that forbids sexual activity and marriage between family members ii Reproducing and socializing children 1 Able to reproduce and continue human race 2 Raise children together iii Property and inheritance 1 Wealth staying within family 2 Land ownership Economic cooperation iv 1 Sometimes marriage is necessary for families to survive because of economic benefits 2 Two spouses can mean two jobs v Social placement status and roles 1 Marrying in a family with wealth Care warmth protection and intimacy vi 4 Perspectives on families 1 Having a family gives you a permanent support system a Micro i ii b Macro i ii Your perspective Focus on individual and his her interactions Your overall beliefs Focus on interconnections of marriage families and intimate relationships with the rest of society 5 Family as social institution a Social institution i Major sphere of social life with a set of beliefs and rules that is ii organized to meet basic human needs Families used to encompass many of the other social institutions that are present today 1 Examples political religious healthcare 2 How families acted as such a Families working together in the field b Families acting as your hospital c Families providing you your education d Families teaching you religion b Status i ii Master status General status it he social position that you occupy 1 The major defining status of a person a Most people have more than one status b Is your biggest defining factor c Will change throughout lifetime i Example becoming a mother 2 Examples student child white girl 6 Unemployment and Marriage Rates a Single parent households with woman in charge i People believe these women are purposely having children outside of marriage 1 Not true many factors affect circumstances b Why are so many women having children without marrying their children s fathers i Micro Level Factor 1 Poor women seem to value marriage quite highly 2 Because they believe their relationship isn t perfect won t marry and shy themselves away from marriage ii Macro Level Factor 1 Women see marriage as too risky as their potential spouse is most likely not too financially stable c Human Agency i Ability of humans to create viable lives even when they are constrained and limited by many social forces Example young single women raising a child on little income ii 7 Marriage patterns a Monogamy b Polygamy 8 Authority a Patriarchy i i i b Matriarchy c Egalitarian 9 Patterns of Descent a Bilateral i Marriage between a male and female i ii System allowing for more than one spouse Polygyny 1 Husband with more than one wife iii Polyandry 1 Wife with more than one husband Form of social organization where the norm expectation is that men have a natural right of authority over women Form of social organization where the norm expectation is that women have a natural right of power over men 1 Typically not seen in many societies Expectation that power authority are equally vested in men and women i Descent traced through male and female sides 1 Example in United States you have two sets of b Patrilineal grandparents i Descent pattern where lineage is traced exclusively primarily through a man s familial line 1 Example in United States your last name is most likely from your father s family line c Matrilineal i Descent pattern where lineage is traced through wife s family 1 Example Native American tribes 10 Chinese Marriage Policies a Couples in China still cannot marry freely i Government requires people who plan to marry to apply for permission and register officially on a waiting list 1 Fortunately can choose your mate b Government has these rules to regulate births due to large population c One Child Policy i With few exceptions families are typically only allowed to have one child together Cannot simply get pregnant without facing consequences ii 1 Heavy fines 2 Strong encouragement for abortion iii Benefits 1 Can offer their child best of everything education attention more income iv Downfalls 1 Higher value on males in society a Many baby girls have disappeared because to carry on family name couples want to have a boy 11 Residence patterns a Neolocal i Expectation that a newly marriage couple will establish residence ii Will live independently b Social expectation on living i Patrilocal ii Matrilocal 1 New couple with live with husband s family 1 New couple will live with wife s family 12 History of Family Life a Colonial America i ii iii iv Everything happened within the family self sufficient Example prison 1 No actual facility people sent to work for a family Nuclear family Extended family 1 Family comprised of adults and their children 1 Family compromised of parents children and other relatives such as grandparents a In colonial America extended family did not live with you because older adults typically died before their grandchildren were born v African American Families 1 Family bond extremely important a Relationships created by blood were considered more important than those of marriage to African Americans 2 Importation of Slaves Stopped a Whites began to encourage family relationships and childbearing among African American Slaves b Some relationships forced for breeding purposes b Industrialization Urbanization and Immigration i ii iii Families leaving home to go to work in the city Helped define adolescence period 1 Due to age created for children to work in the factory Poor and Working Class Families 1 Most were immigrants 2 No

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FSU FAD 2230 - Chapter 1 Family definitions

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