Final Exam Study Guide Exam 1 Notes I Families are a central social institution a Family US Census Bureau 2 or more people living together related by birth marriage or adoption b Social Science Definition a relationship by blood marriage or affection in which members may cooperate economically care for children and consider identity intimately connected to a larger group II III IV V VI Types of Families a Family of orientation origin birth parents b Family of procreation chosen partner raising family c Fictive kin meaningful bonds Importance of definitions a Shared meaning being on the same page b Social implications i DTR Define The Relationship c Policy Implications i Taxes health insurance and benefits Purpose of family a Economic Cooperation sharing bills etc b Care Warmth Protection and Intimacy Harlow s monkies feeling safe c Reproduce and Socialize Children d Regulate Sexual Behavior e Social Placement Status Roles f Property and Inheritance SOCIALIZATION a Teaching b Modeling Linking Micro level and Macro level perspectives on family a Micro right around you personal choices feelings constraints behaviors children the rules and expectations of society the rules and expectations of society interactions decisions communications and values b Macro culture history power and inequality social institutions social status VII Our relationships are inextricable relatied to the social structure found in our society patterns of social organization that guide our interactions with a Social structure social movements others VIII Families are Always Changing a Studying Families in American History i Colonial America ii iii iv Families today companionate family Indentured servants and slaves Industrialization b Profile of US Families i Marry later between 25 and 27 ii 1 in 5 families will not have kids smaller families iii More working moms iv Elderly population increasing v More single parent households IX Importance of Social Science Research a 2 types of Research i Quantitative responses are quantifiable numeric choose from a predetermined group of possible answers ii Qualitative responses are open ended not restricted to a predetermined group of possible answers b Goals of Research i Describe phenomenon Prevalence ii Examine factors associated with phenomenon Correlation iii Cause and Effect Causation iv Examine meanings and experiences c How to study families Research questions theory hypothesis research methodology d Research Question i Describes what you want to know IV DV variables ii The population you want to study iii Ex How do FSU students view marriage X XI Our choices even personal ones do not exist in a vacuum a Often around people who are like you Social location gender socioeconomic status race ethnicity a Social Stratification i Hierarchal ranking of categories of people within society ii All groups not treated equally iii More less or different opportunities based on your group where you come from iv People will work for different reasons v Different experiences shape us b Sociological Imagination i Personal experiences are shaped by forces within our society ii Not about feeling superior or inferior iii THINK ABOUT HOW SOCIETY EMPOWERS OR CONSTRAINS US c Feminism is the radical notion that women are people d Basics i Sex biological conception ii Gender socially deprived construction iii Androgyny having both masculine and feminine traits e Men and Women are really not from different planets i Biological differences ii Cognitive differences iii Hypothesis Gender similarities iv Findings 1 Very few differences 1 Males and females are similar but not all behave the same way 2 78 of gender differences were small or close to zero 3 2 consistent differences a MOTOR PERFORMANCE ex throwing a ball b MEASURES OF SEXUALITY ex how they feel about f Gender Socialization casual sex i Taught cultural norms associated with being male or female ii Agents 1 Parents 2 Schools 3 Toys 4 Peers 5 Mass media XII Gender s Influence With Family and Close Relationships a Patriarchy social organization in which the expectation is that men have a natural right to be in positions of authority b 22nd rated on Gender Equality XIII Race vs Ethnicity a Race real or perceived physical traits deemed important by society b Ethnicity shared cultural characteristics c Different Experiences Based on Skin Color i Prejudice attitude stereotypes ii Discrimination behavior individual happens to you institutional d Racial Ethnic Family Groups i Cultural Equivalent emphasizes similarities to mainstream white ii Cultural Deviant views distinguishing qualities of minority groups as families negative or pathological iii Cultural Variant emphasizes cultural and contextual factors when understanding minority family groups XIV Social Class a Socioeconomic Status Income i ii Education iii Occupational prestige b How does social class influence the family and our relationships i Caste system in India inherited and cannot be changed c American Dream Social Mobility upward movement from one class to another d 14 3 of US Population in 2009 lived in poverty Family Studies Research and Theories a Theory our lens of families i Provide basic assumptions about nature and assumptions ii Range from macro to micro perspective XV b Types of Research i Quantitative Research 1 Responses quantifiable numeric chose from predetermined group of people ii Qualitative Research 1 Not a set response more detailed c Research Design Structure people randomly assigned to groups given different descriptive exploratory or explanatory analysis of a person examination occurs at one time point examines same individuals at several time points d Research Methods logistics i Experiment treatments ii Case study group or event iii Cross sectional iv Longitudinal In depth interview i Survey ii iii Focus group iv Observations v Secondary analysis conseling e Macro Level and Micro Level Research i How do views on marriage influence future action of attending premarital ii Methodology quantitative cross sectional iii CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION f Empirical Approach Answers questions by systematically collecting and analyzing data i Theories range from macro to micro level perspectives ii Research design structure iii Research method logistics g Define Utility i Useful has a function ii Profitable beneficial iii Functional rather than attractive XVI Rational Choice Social Change a Rooted in utilitarianism philosophical perspective that suggests
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