FAD2230 Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Common unrealistic expectations II Chapter 3 Building Expectations i being single ii types of singles iii friendships Outline of Current Lecture I Evolution of Dating II Who do we date III Cohabitation IV Views on cohabitation Current Lecture Evolution of Dating Calling young man visiting in a woman s home ex The patriot black ink Dating occur in social settings outside of the home can occur in pairs or in groups Cohabitating committed couples who are living together but are not married Who do we date Homogamy people who are similar on characteristics such as ethnicity social class values Propinquity geographical closeness Pool of eligibles the pool of people from which we are able to choose mates Cohabitation It has increased and become increasingly normal Intention matter of how its going to turn out in the long run Cohabitation is linked to relationships that do not last very long more likely to have unhappy marriages more likely to divorce Views on cohabitation It s a sin it makes financial and logistical sense we are getting married in a few months An alternative to marriage A testing ground for marriage
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