Family Relationships Exam Three Notes Chapter 11 Family Stress and Crisis Violence among Intimates The Nature of Stress and Crisis Crisis a critical change of events that disrupts the functioning of a person s life o Crisis can be either positive or negative in nature Family stress tensions that tests a family s emotional resources o Tend to develop more slowly and can be from sources within the family or outside of the family may be an event that effects one member of the family and causes a ripple effect throughout the family Acute stress short term stress ex cramming for an exam a disagreement Chronic stress long term stress ex a chronic illness an abusive partner Responses to Stress General Adaption Syndrome GAS the predictable pattern one s body follows when coping with stress which includes the alarm reaction resistance and exhaustion o Alarm reaction our body responds in a fight or flight manner metabolism o Resistance the body continues to battle the stressor this has a damaging effect on increases hormone levels rise the immune system o Exhaustion stress over long periods of time can lead to exhaustion depression insomnia panic attacks ect stressful situation must be controlled or alleviated Social Readjustment Rating Scale a scale of major life events over the past year each of which is assigned a point value The higher the score the greater the chance of having a serious medical o Can be from both positive or negative events Patterns of Family Crisis 3 distinct phases 1 The event that causes the crisis 2 The period of disorganization that follows 3 The recognition that takes place afterwards Families may return to normal functioning after but also could increase or decrease functioning Five Patterns of the Effects of Stress Crisis on Family Function o No change 15 o Roller coaster 51 decline in family functioning during the crisis but rebonding after the crisis passed o Decreased 5 family functioning declined permanently and marital satisfaction communication and togetherness was never the same o Increased 18 made the family stronger o Mixed 11 ABC X model a model designed to help us understand the variation in the ways that families cope with stress and crisis o A factors the initial event causing the crisis graduation moving affair o B factors the resources a family has to meet the demands of the crisis money social support religion counseling o C factors the meanings families ascribe to the event perception of stressor ex God s will an opportunity a disaster o X factor the outcome will depend on the combination of all other factors could result in a crisis or may not Double ABC X model refers not only to the initial event but also to family life changes and transitions that take place because of it includes the resources the family already has and the new coping resources includes the perception of the stressor as well as the perception of the aftermath Violence among Intimates Violence is a social problem because 1 It affects large numbers of people 2 Violence is not completely random 3 The causes consequences and solutions of violence must address its macro level Defined as violence between people who are physically and sexually intimate such as o Can encompass physical economic sexual or psychological abuse Conflict Tactics Scale CTS a scale ased on how people deal with disagreements in dimensions spouses or partners relationships o Non aggressive responses discussed the issue cried brought in someone else to o Psychological aggressive responses insulted or did something to spite the other o Physically aggressive responses pushed grabbed hit threatened o Found that men are more likely to be victims of domestic violence this is resolve the issue person misleading Men are less likely to remember their acts of violence or perceive themselves as being abusive Respondents are asked how they responded not what their partner did also Women are more likely to experience severe types of violence that is not listed on the scale The CTS also does not include acts of sexual violence or aggression 1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic violence women are far more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence of intimate partner homicides are men Females between ages 20 and 24 are at greater risk of having domestic violence in 85 of domestic violence victims are women intimate relationships such as spouses or partners Frequency of Intimate Partner Violence Women are much more likely to report intimate partner violence than men Femicide the killing of women 1 3rd of female homicide victims are killed by their partners 1 3 million women are abused by their partners a year Intimate partner violence accounts for nearly 2 million injuries and 1 500 deaths in the US every year 70 80 percent of intimate partner homicide the husband abused the wife at some point in their relationship 18 5 million mental health visits are by intimate partner violence victims Costs of intimate partner violence exceeds more than 5 billion dollars a year Victims have lost almost 8 million days of work annually Types of Intimate Partner Violence Common couple violence instigated by a fight or argument pushing shoving slapping less frequent and less likely to escalate or cause injury Intimate terrorism all about fear and control threats and constant fear physical psychological or sexual violence that is motivated by a desire to control the other partner Violence resistance using violence as self defense indication that a woman may leave her abusive partner soon Mutual violence control both partners are violent and controlling to one another Stalking and cyberstalking obsessive contact or tracking of another person that is unwanted and causes a reasonable person to be fearful Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence More likely to behave in unhealthy ways such as high risk sexual behaviors using harmful substances and having unhealthy diet related behaviors Living in constant fear would take a toll physically and mentally Suffer from post traumatic stress even when they are removed from relationships Need assistance getting out of these relationships o Some women face barriers such as language differences lack of resources Victims lose 8 billion days of paid work each year Coping with Violence Leaving and Staying Most people do not stay but leaving is very difficult over 2 and a half years of abused women had left the relationship Psychological control through a variation of tactics o Victim blaming
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