Chapter One Families have changed Families that look like today are very different from 200 years ago macro level Your family changed over time what it looked like today from 5 or 10 years ago micro level No definition of a perfect family cookie cutter diverse family Colonial America families were businesses goods to sell or trade schools learn education churches correctional health and welfare institutions o The naughty kid was sent to uncle house to work on farm If sick go to aunt house to nurse you back to health If family died other relatives took you in Family responsible to take care of each other Families were the center of lives African Americans and slavery Industrialized and Urbanized America separate work and home life waves of immigration the idea of families not doing everything together o Typically the male goes to work and bring in wage that is used to buy things Separation of home and work life works all day then come home to spend time with family o Male becomes bread maker wife is homemaker middle class privilege o Poor working class wages so low that on verge of poor middle people who over saw the working class managers and upper class oversaw the managers and companies Rockefeller etc formed o Horrible work conditions poor class a lot of immigrants working Women had lower status now women have more status decisions bringing home money Children worked in colonial times also in industrial times Then child labors acts formed Now children today cannot work under child labor acts Function of family changed don t spend the same time together as in colonial times Different expectations of marriage colonial America women do not expect husband to say I am pretty etc the focus was on economics survival to get along Now it s to love and be great husband support me etc Research shows that men who have supportive families good relationships healthy relationships with children are far more successful than men who have bad relationships and unsupportive families Modern America o 1950 s Leave it to Beaver Iconic family stay at home mom put together at all times mom homemaker dad probably had high school degree and can support family kids are close to the mom and dad not so close Kids attached to mom because spent so much time together Middle class family white father breadwinner mother homemaker Mom was more submissive to husband o 1970 s The Brady Bunch o 1980 s The Cosby Show alot of kids step family could not notice that they are a step family if not hearing the song Mom and dad call all kids sons and daughters and vise versa All live in one house live in made upper class Enough money to comfortably support six children No baby mama daddy drama Divorce is more common lets show what divorce and marriage looks like but only the good stuff Black family upper middle class Emergence of black families on television Unique because dad is a doctor and mom is a lawyer highly educated and successful Very privileged not necessary shows how black families are Not that different from educated white America so that white educated people will watch this too to relate Wife not so submissive to husband equal if not more so powerful to husband due to education Clare wife was educated independent In contrast to the 1950s family came from a lineage that white American men went to work and women were to stay at home and take care of home so that man can return too a comfortable home African American women were enslaved they worked through colonial times and industrial revolution Correlation between power and working status with women in a marriage African American women always worked they did not develop that men are more hierarchy then women In white families today women still do more housework than men even if make more money or same amount Playing out gender role Based on what our culture tells us Gender roles are different in white black Hispanic etc o 1990 s Friends Controversial because living together before they were married not blood related all friends single a wife rosses first wife was lesbian One night stands swapping partners not wholesome family TV show But yet they did function like a family all close to one another shared joys of life important to each other o 2000 s The Osbournes The most amount of profanity on TV bleeping First reality family TV show Uncensored unscripted a reality of a family Different from our standard family but yet all families are dysfunctional They still have love in the family been together through thick and thin kids have crazy teen years but now settled down o 2014 Modern Family Keeping up with the Kardashians Modern family links three diff families same sex family old and young relationship and nuclear family The kardashians step family and then have children together generational families the mom and husband the children and the grand children How is media showing diversity in our families o Honey Boo Boo Little People diversity other abilities not the average family 19 Kids and Counting today we are barely having more than two children Sister Wives more than one wife at same time The walking dead like a family because they protect each other families are not necessarily blood related help in difficult situations and help survive o Not nuclear family more types of families in different situations o In the United States 25 of Americans live alone single not married no children 28 does not have children a couple without children or children who do not live with parents Many more female singled headed households than single male households Functions of Family Definition of a Family Types of Family Seccombe A relationship by blood marriage or affection someone you like love doesn t matter gender in which members may o Cooperate economically make common good of family better o Care for Children o Consider their identity intimately connected to the larger group FSU is part of a family a fraternity sorority a housing group considered family Family of orientation you come from Don t have a choice born into it placed into it Helps shapes you into who you are defines you Family of procreation family you create from marriage adoption more control over you choose to partner with or marry and when you want too Control the rules and regulations the timing Fictive kin not biologically related through adoption So important to you that you consider family like calling someone an aunt or uncle but not blood related but are close family friends etc Regulation of
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