Chapter 1 6 30 15 Families are a central social institution o The inner circle is you and then the microsystem family school friends people you interact with on a day to day basis mesosystem when those people interact with others like parent teacher conference exosystem political system religious system your school macrosystem chronosystem We are part of them all Some people describe family with the legal definition and then others go the emotional route based on feelings and the environment they provide There is no exact answer to the definition of what a family is it is based on opinions Family US Census Bureau Definition o 2 or more people living together related by birth marriage adoption family social science definition o a relationship made by blood marriage or affection in which members may cooperate economically care for children consider identity to be intimately connected to the larger group types of families o family of orientation origin the family youre born into parents siblings grandparents etc o family of procreation the family you make your wife or husband your children o fictive kin more abstract non relatives but they are important to you they are considered by you part of your family but not legally why do we need to define family o Shared meaning o Social implications Who do you define as your family and see as a part of you DTR defining the relationship When you define it you give the people that are part of the family a meaning they determine their roles by it and it leaves people out who aren t defined in the family o Policy implications Taxes health insurance and benefits Not being able to getting the benefits without marriage Joint accounts Purpose of family o Each culture in society has family has a difference perspective but the purpose is pretty much the same o Economic cooperation What you need to exist and make sure youre taken care of joint accounts paying for school o Care warmth protection intimacy Parents need to protect their family members Which mom did the monkey choose Went to the comfy mom Only went to the other one o Reproduce and socialize children when it needed the milk She is socializing her brothers to become fsu fans They hear that she is doing well and it socialized them to believe that education is important Kids get most resources in a joint family o Regulate sexual behavior Our families tell us who we cant have sex with Learn in society and from family that it isn t okay to have sex with your brother polygamy marry cousin etc What types of sexual things are okay Those answers come from our family and society as a whole o Social placement status and roles The kardashians Being born into their family gives them that place in society because of who their family is Roles are you a mom dad sister o Property and inheritance Started mainly when people were farming land would leave land to their kids Wills and inheritances OR next in kin gets what was once yours o In summary SOCIALIZATION We are teaching children the rules and expectations of society And modeling the rules and expectations of society practice what you preach THEME 1 Linking the Micro level Macro level perspectives on families o Micro level Individuals uniqueness decisions they make interactions with family what the individual has with their broader family Ex how do we teach a couple to have better communication so they don t end up divorced Micro level factors Feelings Personal choices Behaviors Communication Decisions Constraints Values o Macro level interactions Big picture stuff Economics society all the big things that impact families Ex how do we teach society as a whole to value marriage so maybe they get divorced less Make divorce more difficult Macro level factors Culture History Power and inequality Social institutions THEME 2 Families are Always Changing o Studying families in American history Colonial America Family was the source of everything They were the businesses schools hospitals This means families were treated as a business they needed more kids to fit all these roles Adolescence wasn t a thing Indentured servants and slaves Industrialization Tore apart African American families They were torn away in order to become slaves You could start a family but you wont finish it Slave owners would rape the slaves to make even more People didn t live with a lot of people anymore Moved to the city to go find jobs no more working in the home This pushed women to be more domestic and stay home Children didn t have to work as hard anymore and they got to be a kid and just focus on education Started having less kids less to take care of Families today Baby boom wars etc shaped all of this today We are all about romantic love and affection Lots of smaller families o Profile of US families today Marry later Smaller families Wait until you have a job or stability 1 in every 5 women choose not to have kids On average less then 2 kids per family More working moms People need to work more due to economy and to make an affordable income 2 out of 3 moms are working out of home today Elderly population increased Jump started by the baby boom People who are 85 and older are the fasting growing cohort That age group is getting a lot bigger you are going to have generations that last longer More older adults to take care of not just taking care of your kids but of your parents too More single parent households Post pone having kids By choice just by it happening Growing ethnic diversity Hispanic population is fastest growing making our families look a lot different African americans have the smallest percent of families that are married couples instead it is half and half split between male head of household and female head of household Asians and white people have around 80 married couples and Hispanics have 67 THEME 3 the importance of social science research o How do you study this type of social science They follow the same steps that other scientists take Quantitative research o All about numbers patterns trends o Responses quantifiable numeric they can be answered by a number choose from a pre determined group of possible answers check the appropriate response o responses open ended not restricted to a pre determined group of possible answers o deeper sense to understanding tell me how that divorce was to you qualitative research o different goals of research describe phenomenon prevalence how many people are divorced 75 get divorced before blah blah examine factors
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