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FAD 2230 Exam 2 Study Guide Chapters 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chapter 7 Building Relationships Being single can happen by choice not by choice there are different reasons for you to be single or not never married and single are not the same thing Young people are most likely to have never married and to be currently single whereas older people may have married in the past but are often single due to widowhood o Look back at chart between single married Being Single o Single a person who has never married is divorced or is widowed o There is a difference between being single by choice or because of circumstance Situations such as no same sex etc In our 20 s 30 s and 40 s many people get divorced 60 70 80 s many are becoming widowed Types of Single o Voluntary Temporary Singles Unmarried adults who may be delaying marriage while pursuing education or establishing a career Voluntary it is a choice they are making Temporary not viewed as long term option but for that point College students Interested in marrying just not ideal at the moment o Voluntary Stable Singles Unmarried adults desiring a single unmarried lifestyle Bachelors or bachelorettes want to be in stable relationship but don t have to be married The catholic faith catholic fathers cannot have sex or be married this is a choice they make voluntary and it remains throughout pastorhood stable o Involuntary Temporary Singles Singles actively searching for a mate but unable to find a suitable one Doesn t like that they are single and wants to be married but is in process of finding someone Doesn t want satisfaction of being single and wants to find that satisfaction of moving on in that stage cougars o Involuntary Stable Singles Unmarried adults who can expect to be single for life even though they may not want to be Involuntary has maybe attempted to be married date and is not successful or has a bad history maybe lost faith in ability to find someone and has just accepted that they will probably be single Friendships o Friendships provide valuable support while single and partnered Support having some companionship or when partner doesn t exactly feel the same have some support Having close friends that you can confide in may help you live By lowering blood pressure heart rates and cholesterol longer levels o Social Class and Race Ethnicity Working class tend to have friendships that last longer than middle class friendships More likely to have grown up in the same area and to continue to live there as adults Middle class tended to have a friendship of shorter duration o Female Friendships more intimate relationship focused o Male Friendships less intimate activity focused Less sharing of emotions thoughts feelings Focus more activities onto things they have in common fishing football o Cross Sex Friendships a friendship between a man and a woman that is strictly platonic more common today then in past generations can be complicated with tensions Tension can arise when you have dating partner and it may be jealous insecure etc Important to take inventory of who important friends are and why they are important and make sure you are commutative with your partner friends o Colonial times no technology or mobility had to be planning by advanced like letters etc o Calling young man visiting in a woman s home Would occur with family around There was no privacy because the whole family was present share a meal in the parlor or living room If man came a long distance he would stay the night or nights but it was under the watchful eye of the parents Urbanization Would occur in more social settings and then friends would be by not as much family leading into dating Automobiles became more in and transportation became easier Brought set of new social activities Labor laws limited the hours that teenagers could work and education was mandatory these changes resulted in o Adolescence the period of life that occurs between childhood and adulthood Evolution of Dating o Dating occur in social settings outside of the home can occur in pairs or in groups Provides fun and recreation Offers companionship Allows intimacy Confers social status Assists in mate selection o Cohabitating committed couples who are living together but not married Who Do We Date o Dating scripts a set of expectations around dating that differ somewhat for men and women o Woman s dating script Waiting to be asked on a date buying a new outfit waiting for the date to arrive eating lightly while out going to the bathroom to primp and calling friend afterward o Men s dating script Asking someone for a date preparing the car getting money planning date picking up date etc o Technology today calling when we want texting face timing o Back then distance send letters etc o Distance today cars and airplanes we can somewhat see often Social media announce relationship status to world and helps reconnect with other people dating someone they dated long before or dating someone that is friends of a friend dating sites Presents challenges to dating texts allow you to be sneaky social media can reconnect with ex partners o Homogamy people who are similar on characteristics such as ethnicity social class values Often what draw us to that person o Propinquity geographic closeness People we go to school with work with live in general vicinity o Pool of eligible the pool of people from which we are able to choose mates Ex consider at least half of FSU population male or female as this pool potential who we would filter out through senses of physical attractiveness personality chemistry etc Potential partner once you relocate to a different town you change your pool of eligible o Cohabitation living with a romantic partner without being married It has sky rocketed in the last 50 years Cohabitation Views on Cohabitation o It s a sin Probably having sex or physical intimacy o It makes financial and logistical sense however there is still emotional psychological part that needs to be in line too o We are getting married in a few months Intention is to be married so they make transition a little early but have clear expectations on why exactly they are moving in together o A testing ground for marriage Potentially can be problematic testing ground may mean they may not be as committed not clear sense of commitment so there can be some challenges Can feel pressured once cohabitated pressured by society or family and friends Cohabitation o Cohabitation is linked to Relationships that do not last

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FSU FAD 2230 - Chapter 7: Building Relationships

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