FAD2230 Notes for Exam 1 i i ii 1 Why study families and other close relationships a Families are the center of our lives b The legal definition of family is two or more people living together by birth marriage or adoption c The social science definition of family is family is a relationship by blood marriage or affection by which members may cooperate economically may care for children and may consider there identity to be intimately connected to the larger group 2 We are now seeing more non traditional families a Family of orientation is the family you are born into b Family of procreation is the family you are going to create c Fictive Kin are people who aren t really related to you but really are just close Fake aunts and uncles d Marriage is an institutional arrangement between persons to publically recognize social and intimate bonds All cultures have some way they publically recognize marriage Anthropologist Stephen s definition is a socially legitimate sexual union has a public announcement it is undertaken with some idea of permanence and is assumed with a more or less explicit marriage contract 3 Functions of Families a Regulate Sexual behaviors all societies dictate who can have sex b Reproducing and Socialize children teach children how to behave c Property and Inheritance an evolved society has a surplus of food with who in society and property d Economic Cooperation families need to cooperate to succeed e Social Placement Status and Roles opportunities lower class verse upper class individuals have f Care Warmth Protection and Intimacy the feeling that someone is there for you 4 Linking the Micro level and Macro level perspective of Families a Micro level focuses on individuals in specific families b Macro level focuses on interconnectedness of marriage families and intimate relationships with the rest of society i Families as a social institution a major sphere of social life with a set of beliefs and rules that is organized to meet basic human needs 5 Social Status and Families a Master status the role you most identify with Most likely race and gender Demographic information 6 Families are always changing a Patterns of Descent Bilateral traced through both male and female sides of the family Patrilineal linage is traced through exclusively or at least primarily through the man s family line Matrilineal linage is traced exclusively or primarily within women s families 7 History of Family Life in the US a Family life in Colonial America i Families were responsible for production Industrial Revolution Urbanization Immigration b Changed family life drastically people go off to work more people were moving to Urban environments Took focus away from families and separated families c The Rise of the Modern Family 20th Century The modern family is constantly changing You could exist on your own families aren t for survival BUT for sources of affection Ch 2 1 Social Status Gender Race Ethnicity and Social Class a Social stratification the hierarchical ranking of categories of people within society b Sociological Imagination the recognition that our personal experiences are in large part shaped by forces within the larger society c Sex biological difference men and women and there role in reproduction d Gender cultural and socially constructed differences associated with femininity and masculinity 2 Sex and Gender differences a Androgyny possessing both masculine and feminine traits in equal proportion Has nothing to do with sex Most often the most successful people 3 Gender Learning a Gender Socialization teaching the cultural norms associated with being male or female We place a great deal of importance on male and female b Agents of Socialization primary groups for gender socialization Parents differential treatment Schools hidden curriculum encourages sex typed behavior i ii i ii iii i ii i ii i ii i i ii iii iv 4 Race Ethnicity Toys and books show boys as leading characters Mass Media a Race a category describing people who share real or perceived physical traits such as skin color b Ethnicity shared cultural characteristics such as language place of origin dress food religion and other values i ii Everyone has their own ethnicity Ethnic Group a group of people that share specific cultural features c Minority Groups A category of people who have less power then the dominant group and who are subject to unequal treatment 5 Prejudice Discrimination and Pervasive Problems a Social Capital social networking connections which can be a valuable source of information such as a resource for job leads b Prejudice a negative attitude about members of selected racial c Stereotypes over simplified sets of beliefs about a group of and ethnic groups people d Discrimination behavior actions or practices based on racial or ethnic preferences that have harmful impacts i ii Individual discrimination one person exhibiting a negative behavior towards another person Institutional discrimination social institutions such as the government religion and education create policies and practices that are systematically disadvantages to certain groups 6 Approaches to Social Class a Social Class a social position based primarily on income and wealth but occupational prestige and educational level may be relevant as well b Socioeconomic Status SES some combination of education occupation and income c Social Mobility movement from one social class to another 7 The Importance of Social Science Theory and Research a Empirical Approach An approach that answers questions through a systematic collection and analysis of data b The Goals of Family Research i ii iii iv Describe some phenomena Examine the Factors that predict or are associated with some phenomena Explain the cause and effect relationship or provide insight into why certain events do or do not occur Examine the meaning and interpretations of some phenomenon c Qualitative Research narrative description with words rather than numbers to analyze patterns and there underlying meaning d Quantitative Research data can be measured numerically 8 Theories help us make sense of the world a Theory general framework explanation or tool used to understand and describe the real world b The Rational Choice and Social Exchange Theory i ii iii iv v Assumes individuals are rational beings and their behavior reflects decisions evaluated on the basis of cost and benefits The relationships we choose to maintain are ones that maximize our rewards and minimize
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