Chapter 14 18 Notes from PowerPoint Lectures Textbook and Vocab Link to Quizlet at Bottom of Review Today the majority of mothers work outside home with slight decline in recent Chapter 14 Families and the Work They Do years The majority of mothers with children 0 2 or 0 6 work outside the home except among Hispanic groups as kids get older more mothers work Although the majority of adults say that working moms are either a good thing for society or do not make much difference a sizable minority see working moms as a bad thing for society Family Work at Home The Division of Household Labor Household Labor Routine Household Lab and or a home such as cooking washing dishes or cleaning such as household repairs yard care or paying bills Occasional Lab in general the unpaid work done to maintain family members nondiscretionary routine tasks that cannot be postponed household tasks that are more time flexible and more discretionary Who takes most responsibility for Men s share of domestic work has increased although women have most of the responsibility Fathers report an extra hour or two of leisure compared to mothers Explanations for the Gendered Division of Labor Time Availability Perspective suggests the division of labor is largely determined by the need for household labor and each partner s availability to perform household tasks Relative Resources Perspective the greater the relative amount or value of resources contributed by a partner the greater his or her power within the relationship which can then be translated into bargaining to avoid tasks such as housework that offer no pay and minimal social prestige Gender Perspective Doing Gender Juggling Work and Family Life Conflict Overload and Spillover a form of tension under which people feel that the pressures Role overload Work Family Conflict from paid work and family roles are incompatible in some way enough time to meet each commitment effectively Spillover carrying over into work in another sphere an occurrence caused by the demands involved in one sphere of work feeling overwhelmed by many different commitments and not having Percentage of Fathers and Mothers in Dual Earner Couples Reporting Work Family Conflict 1977 vs 2008 Work family conflict is common and is reported more often by men than women Men in dual earner families with children under 18 believe that the conflict has increased 35 to 59 Women in dual earner families with children under 18 believe that it has remained the same 41 to 45 The Preferred Work Status of Mothers 1997 2007 Percent Mothers nowadays seem to favor part time over full time work and stay at home mothers are increasingly satisfied with their arrangement Full Time work grows less attractive to moms Who s Minding the Kids Preschool Age Children Daycare Centers nonresidential facilities that provide childcare Family Childcare Provides private homes other than the child s home where childcare is provided Nannies Babysitters non relatives that provide childcare in the home 10 hour 2008 Price of Childcare sample of states per child Childcare is expensive especially for an infant in a daycare School Age Children Self Care children who are unsupervised and taking care of themselves Effects of Childcare on Children s Well Being Location of Fatalities and Serious Injuries from Violence by Type of Childcare in the United States 1985 2003 Percent Despite the stereotypes to the contrary daycare centers are among the safest place for children s care Child is safer at a childcare center than a nanny babysitter More liability supervision background checks at childcare Family daycare is the worst then in home 1 wages that are above federal or state minimum wage levels usually 3 household labor in general the unpaid work done to maintain family members 2 nonstandard work schedules job schedules that are part time subcontracted Ch 14 Vocab living wage ranging from 100 percent to 130 percent of the poverty line temporary in nature occur at night or offer irregular work schedules and or a home cleaning such as household repairs yard care or paying bills 5 occasional labor household tasks that are more time flexible and discretionary 4 routine household labor non discretionary such as cooking washing dishes or 6 9 role overload 8 work family conflict 7 relative resources perspective a perspective that suggests the division of labor is a form of tension under which people feel that the pressures time availability perspective largely determined by 1 the need for household labor such as the number of children in the home and 2 each partner s availability to perform household tasks such as the number of hours spent in paid work the greater the relative amount or value of resources contributed by a partner the greater is his or her power within the relationship which can then be translated into bargaining to avoid tasks such as housework that offer no pay and minimal social prestige from paid work and family roles are incompatible in some way having enough time to meet each commitment effectively carrying over into work in another sphere childcare is provided 13 nannies babysitters 14 early childhood education and care ECEC an international term for daycare preschool and other programs to ensure that all children begin elementary school with basic skills and are ready to learn an occurrence caused by the demands involved in one sphere of work 11 daycare centers 12 family childcare providers feeling overwhelmed by many different commitments and not children who are unsupervised and taking care of themselves private homes other than the child s home where non relatives that provide childcare in the home nonresidential facilities that provide childcare 10 spillover 15 self care Notes from textbook 1 The overall U S employment rate was 7 0 in November 2013 and higher for minority groups Many people lost their jobs or had their income reduced contributing to the rise in home foreclosures bankruptcy and the number of families who no longer have their health insurance 2 Millions of people earn only the minimum wage Half are adults age 25 or older most of them women There has been a large increase in the number of people with non standardized work schedules meaning temporary work weekend or evening shifts or rotating schedules 3 Millions of Americans have no health insurance or number that may decline somewhat after passage of the Affordable Care Act Small firms are finding the cost of providing insurance to their workers
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