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fad FAD Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Families have changed Colonial America families were businesses schools churches and correctional health and welfare institutions a Families made their own clothes food etc they were the center of businesses b Learned within their home as well as worshiped at home c For white families everything that they did took place within their homes and families d At this point African Americans were still enslaved but everything that we now considered institutional like whites did in the home Industrialized and urbanized America separate work and home life waves of immigration a Poor working class middle and upper class b Industrial revolution moved families from rural living to urban living c Now families are not the center of life but just a part of it For white American working middle and upper class it became normal for the man in the family to work outside the home and woman became the caregiver and stayed at home with the family Poor families both mother and father had to work outside the home Working class were the laborers in factories middle class were the managers and upper class owned the factories a Different people considered the working class and are more b More common for women to be working outside of the home and there is more equally between the husband and wife when employment and home life is present Modern America flexible fad 950 s Leave it to Beaver a The family presented the ideal traditional family of this time White middle class family the father worked and mother stayed at home two children nuclear family parents still together Father had H S degree which able to get him a good job to maintain the middle class 1970s Brady Bunch b During this period of time their was a high divorce rate changing the norms of families c People began to remarry d Mothers were still staying at home and dads going out to work e Show projects a family with stepfamily but doesn t show the negatives of it that is okay Trying to show society the not perfect nuclear family and But doesn t present negatives like child support and going back and fourth from parents 1980s Cosby Family a Presents a middle class African American family for the first time Both mom and dad have a good job b Show a privileged black family so to would draw in everyone to watch it including the middle class white c Shows equality of mother and father and introduces a strong female role 1990s Friends a This takes away the idea that your family has to be blood or b Shows that your family is who you spend time with and who you marriage related to you depend on c Controversial because it presented females in non monogamous relationships which was becoming the reality in America if people liked it or not fad 2000s The Osborne s a Privileged family real life events b Shows that even though the family is not perfect they all love each other and support each other and that is what family is about Many kinds of American Households a Shows the traditional nuclear family is only 23 5 of America b Unmarried couples gay lesbian Definition of family a Burgess and Locke 1945 A group of persons united by the ties of marriage blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting and communication with each other in their respective social roles husband and wife mother and father son fad and daughter brother and sister and creating and maintain a common culture The problem with this definition it doesn t include everyone it leaves out gay lesbian cohabitation and people who are not living under the same roof but are family b Seccombe A relationship by blood marriage or affection in which members may cooperate economically care for children consider their identity intimately connected to the larger group Not focused on how people are actually related but how people interact with one another to make then their family For EX your sorority is your family but you are not related by blood Types of Family o Family of orientation family you come from what you are born into and essentially become your first teachers in life o Family of procreation family that you make through marriage or reproduction o Fictive kin family that is not made by blood or marriage but someone who is so close to you that you consider them to be your family EX friends from home Functions of family c Regulation of sexual behavior d Reproducing and socializing children e Property and inheritance f Economic cooperation and provision g Social placement status and roles h Care warmth protection and intimacy Chapter 2 Race Ethnicity and Social Class and Gender fad Race Ethnicity feature a Race implies a biological distinct group based on physical b Scientific thinking rejects the idea that there are separate races distinguished by biological markers c Race is a social constriction This means that we the people of society have created this 1 biological race human race ALL OF US Minority groups a The term minority implies that persons in those groups experience some disadvantage exclusion or discrimination in American society as compared to dominant group non Hispanic white Americans African Americans Hispanic American Indians Asians Hawaiians and other pacific islander b Remember that within each racial category that there is diversity between groups meaning not all Asians are the same African Americans c A higher proportion of black children 32 than those of other ethnic groups live in poverty 1 in 3 black kids d Blacks are more than twice as likely as white to suffer death as an infant e Divorce rates are higher f Far more likely to have never married g Higher incarceration rates poorer health and higher mortality had affected the sex ratio of the African American men h 68 4 of births to unmarried mothers in 2002 Unmarried doesn t mean not partnered i Kin networks extend beyond the nuclear families fad whites j Married blacks have more egalitarian gender roles than do Since slavery was happening for so long and women were enslaved too the passed down the tradition of both men and women working Also bc of this women have more authority than others bc they help financially and can ask for help around the house Higher divorce rate bc women are more financially independent so they feel like they can exit the relationship and still be okay Latino Hispanic families a More than half of the recent growth of the Hispanic population is due to the international migration b 29 of Latino children are poor c Educational levels are low 59

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