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Family Relationships Unit 3 Chapter 14 Family Work Lecture Notes The Changing Dynamics of the Workplace o Early America Work of the family was everything to do to maintain the home Growing food making clothes Family Based Economy family had to contribute to the home for survival Industrial Revolution then happens Family Wage Economy making a wage to bring home to buy things o Trends in Child Labor All kids worked inside the home Industrial Revolution happens o Women s Labor Force Participation Women had to work in the home Industrial period happens Child labor issues became a problem this is when laws came about Working class women had to work Ethnic minorities had to participate in the labor force The ideal family usually only applied to white middle class families but some Employment Status of Mothers by Marital Status 1970 2007 Percent women had to work o When mothers are other they have significantly increased amounts of working women o Married mothers increase in working o Single mothers increase in working as well o Today a large majority of mothers work outside of the home for pay but there has been a small decline since 2000 because of the economy less job openings o Increase 1970 2000 then decreases 1 Mother s Employment by Age of Youngest Child by Race Ethnicity 2008 Percent o When children are young mothers work less than when they re older o Usually when children go to school mothers return to work o Hispanics work less outside of the home regardless of age Is the increase in working mothers with young children generally a good thing for society a bad thing for society or doesn t it make much difference o Larger percentage 41 think it s a bad thing but a large percentage also thinks it doesn t matter but not a lot of people think working is a positive thing o Working moms say working outside the home is bad probably don t like working outside home o At home moms that don t have experience of working outside of the home do endorse working outside the home Family Work at Home o The Division of Household Labor home Household Labor in general the unpaid work done to maintain family members and or a Differs in social class number of kids standards of clean etc Routine Household Labor Nondiscretionary routine tasks that cannot be postponed Ex cooking washing dishes etc things that can t be postponed women usually Occasional Labor household tasks that are more time flexible and more discretionary 2 Such as household repairs yard care or paying bills men usually o Who does what Housework o Who does what Childcare o Renegotiating family work Who takes most responsibility for perceptions of what they do o We see that men are stepping up with child care but men and women don t have the same o Men and women overestimate how much work they do each is thinking I do more o Increase in how much cooking men do but women don t see this change o Men are saying they do so much more but women say they don t do much more Perception isn t always the same as the reality Leisure Time in hours Mothers and Fathers o Men get more leisure time regardless of the circumstances o But if women are employed part time and men are full time they get about the same leisure time Correlates to amount of housework being done Family Work at Home o Explanations for the Gendered Division of Labor Time Availability Perspective need for household labor and each partner s availability to perform household tasks suggests the division of labor is largely determined by the Only accounts for part time working moms and full time at home moms 3 Relative Resources Perspective contributed by a partner the greater is his or her power within the relationship which can then be translated into bargaining to avoid tasks such as housework that offer no pay and minimal social prestige the greater the relative amount or value of resources If you bring more resources you have more power Whoever makes more money has the power to say well I make more money so I get more leisure time while you can do the housework Gender Perspective doing gender it s the women s job to cook and clean traditional Juggling Work and Family Life o Work Family Conflict and family roles are incompatible in some way time to meet each commitment effectively o Role Overload a form tension under which people feel that the pressures from paid work feeling overwhelmed by many different commitments and not having enough It requires you to shift gears when you re at work and at home an occurrence caused by the demands involved in one sphere of work carrying over o Spillover into work in another sphere Work issues affects things at home and vice versa Ex kids are late getting ready for school so you re late to work Percentage of Fathers and Mothers in Dual Earner Couples Reporting Work Family Conflict 77 2008 o Women have felt about the same amount work home conflict o Men have increased a lot in the amount who feel conflicted because of our increased expectations of men doing work at home The Preferred Work Status of Mothers 1997 2007 percent o Mothers favor part time work o Working mothers they re ok working but would rather work part time than full time o At home mothers like their arrangements 4 Who s Minding the Kids o Preschool Age Children Daycare Centers nonresidential facilities that provide childcare business facilities Certain amount of staff for each child rules expectations replacements Child may not get one on one care also may get sicker because more kids Family Childcare Providers private homes other than the child s home where childcare is provided Opens their home with a child care license who keeps 4 5 kids with them Nobody to relieve them or to watch them so taking somewhat of a risk Nannies Babysitters non relatives that provide childcare in the home They re your employee they do what you want But again no supervision Childcare Arrangements of Preschoolers with Employed Mothers by Race Ethnicity o Most adults prefer family care different ethnic groups prefer other things that isn t relatives o Blacks don t prefer non relative care or putting children in daycare o Asians largely prefer relative care o Hispanics and whites prefer relative care 2008 Price of Childcare sample of states Per Child o Relative care is basically free nannies or child care is really expensive o Centers charge more for infants because of the constant care that infants require once they re potty trained it s much cheaper 5 Who s Minding the Kids o School Age Children

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