Exam 3 Study Guide Ch 11 15 FAD2230 Ch 11 Stress and Crisis Crisis a critical change of events that disrupts the functioning of a person s life Family Stress tensions that test a family s emotional resources 1 Within the family violence or alcoholism 2 Or outside the family coping with a hurricane or other natural disaster Acute stress short term stress 1 Cramming for an exam 2 Planning a wedding 3 Having a disagreement with your partner Chronic stress long term 1 Experience with an abusive partner 2 Challenges associated with combining work and family 3 Living with a chronic illness like diabetes Responses to stress 1 General Adaptation Syndrome The predictable pattern one s body follows when coping with tress which includes A Alarm Reaction Brain perceives a stressor and sends a message to the body defensive forces of the body are mobilized for flight or fight B Resistance The body continues to battle the stressor by maintain its elevated state of alert C Exhaustion Chronic stress over long periods can be dangerous and can lead to depression fatigue frequent headaches panic attacks Social Readjustment Rating Scale scale of major life events over the past year each of which is assigned a point of value Patterns of family crisis 1 The higher total of points the greater the persons chance of becoming ill 1 The event that causes the crisis 2 The period of disorganization that follows 3 The reorganization that takes place afterwards ABC X models model designed to help us understand the variation in the ways that families cope with stress and crisis 1 A the initial event causing the crisis ex graduation extramarital affair 2 B the resources a family has to meet the demands of the crisis ex Social support money religious faith 3 C the meanings families ascribe to the event ex Human nature an opportunity God s will 4 X the outcome Double ABC X Model a model designed to help us understand the effects of the accumulation of stresses and crises and how families adapt to them Intimate partner violence violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate 1 Physical economic sexual psychological abuse Conflict tactics scale scale based on how people deal with disagreements in relationships Women are more likely to experience extreme violence Femicide killing of women Types of intimate partner violence 1 Common couple violence arises out a specific argument in which at least one 2 partner lashes out physically Intimate terrorism physical psychological or sexual violence that is motivated by a desire to control the other partner 3 Violent Resistance self defense 4 Mutual violent control pattern of behavior in which both partners are controlling and violent and are battling for control Cybersalking repeated unwanted attention in the form of e mail texts bulletin boards Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence 1 Broken bones 2 Scratches 3 Death 4 Emotional Problems 5 Psychological depression anxiety Coping with violence leaving or staying Why they might stay Might be financially dependent on men because of children or violence is more extreme Learned Helplessness psychological condition of having low self esteem feeling helpless and having no control that is caused by repeated abuse Battered women s syndrome recognized psychological condition often a subcategory of post traumatic stress syndrome used to describe someone who has been the victim of consistent and or severe domestic violence It may be difficult for some women to gather courage and resources to leave immediately Leaving is often a process rather than a single event Violence occurs in gay and lesbian relationships Sexual assault most underreported violence Date rape drugs Drugs such as GHB and roofies that are used to immobilize a person to facilitate an assault Alcohol most common date rape drug Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse attack on a child that results in an injury and violates our social norms Occurs in all socioeconomic statuses ethnicity race and around the world Types of child abuse 1 Neglect 2 Physical hitting shaking burning 3 Sexual inappropriate sexual behavior with a child for sexual gratification 4 Psychological emotional verbal abuse that hurts self esteem of child Corporal punishment spanking child Corporal punishment teaches children violent behavior People of all ages can abuse Most abusers are family members Single and young parents are more likely to abuse their children Consequences of child abuse digestive problems asthma gynecological problems nightmares Trafficking recruitment transportation transfer harboring or receipt of perosns by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion of abduction of fraud or deception of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability for the purpose of exploitation Sex trafficking an industry in which children are coerced kidnapped sold or deceived into sexual encounters Elder abuse abuse of an elderly person that can include physical sexual psychological abuse financial or material exploitation and neglect Explanations for Violence among Intimates Micro Level Explanations 1 Intergeneration transmission of violence a cycle of violence that is passed down to dependents we learn norms and behaviors including violence by observing others 2 Stress explanation violent families often encounter lots of stress loss of job financial hardships Macro Level Explanations women 1 Patriarchy violence is likely to occur in cultures that view men as superior to 2 Cultural support violence sports are violent some types of violence are extremely public readily available on the t v and are condoned by the culture 3 Norms of family privacy if people are more isolated may be hard to find outside help for the abused Violence and the Law 1 Anti stalking laws 2 Domestic violence shelters battered women s shelter temporary safe house for women leaving an abusive relationship 3 Treatment for abusers voluntarily entered or court ordered Crude divorce rate the number of divorces per 1 000 people in the population Refined divorce rate a measure of divorce based on the number of divorces that occur Ch 12 Divorce out of every 1 000 married women Historical trends 1 Divorce rate is going down Why do people divorce Micro Level Factors 1 Parental divorce peoples who parents divorced are more likely to divorce intergenerational transmission of divorce a pattern noted by researchers that people who parents divorced are also more likely to divorce 2 Age of marriage younger are
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