Chapter 11 Family Stress and Crisis Violence among Intimates All families face a crisis at one time or another which is a critical change or event that disrupts the functioning of the lives of one or more family members A family crisis whether positive or negative can upset all of these routines Sometimes a crisis occurs completely unexpectedly Other crises evolve more slowly from Family Stress the tensions that occur either within the family violence or alcoholism or outside of the family such as coping with a hurricane or other natural disaster Stress can be normative such as adjusting to the family changes brought on by the arrival of a new baby or nonnormative such as adjusting to the family changes brought on by caring for a child with a serious disability Acute Stress short term ex Cramming for an exam planning a wedding Chronic Stress long term ex Living with abusive partner challenges associated with combining work and family Our bodies tend to have fairly predictable pattern for coping with stress including phases of alarm resistance and exhaustion known as General Adaptation Syndrome GAS Selye 1955 1956 Alarm Reaction first stage The brain perceives a stressor and send a message to the body resulting in immediate changes in neurological and physiological states so that the defensive forces of the body are mobilized for fight or flight Resistance second stage The body continues to battle the stressor by maintaining its elevated state of alert Body weakens after continuous stress Exhaustion Chronic stress over long periods can be dangerous and can lead to depression fatigue frequent headaches panic attacks insomnia and eating disorders Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe quantified the impact of many life events on health and well being in the Social Readjustment Rating Scale it assigns a certain point value to stressful events that may have occurred over the past twelve months Ex Death of close friend is given a 37 while sex difficulties are given a 39 The higher the total score the greater the person s chance of being sick Table 11 1 Money is the number one cited family stressor 2 Children s behavior 3 Insufficient time as a couple A family crisis often follows a reasonably predictable pattern with three distinct phases 1 The event that causes the crisis 2 The period of disorganization that follows 3 The reorganization that takes place afterwards Figure 11 1 Effect of stress crisis on family functioning What happens after a family faces a stressful event or even a crisis Five patterns have been identified The most common is a roller coaster effect with a decline in functioning followed by an increase in functioning and then finally stabilizing No change 15 Increased 18 Decreased 5 Roller Coaster 51 Mixed 11 18 of families in the study claimed the crisis made the family stronger Only 5 said that the family functioning declined permanently and that marital satisfaction communication and family togetherness were never the same Figure 11 2 ABC X model of family stress and crisis The outcome of the crisis will depend on the combination of ABC factors the type of crisis the resources the family has to deal with and their percentage of meanings they associate with it A stressor event B internal family resources formal and social supports C family s perception meanings X family Crisis The ABC X model is to help us understand differences in family coping A factors graduation extramarital affair moving across the country B factors social support money religious faith counseling C factors human nature a catastrophe an opportunity The outcome or X factors will depend upon the combination of ABC factors Figure 11 3 Double ABC X model of family stress and crisis pile up The Double ABC X model is designed to understand the effects of the accumulation of stresses and crisis and how families adapt to them aA family life changes and transitions that take place because of it bB both the resources the family has and the new coping resources they obtain cC also takes their perceptions of the aftermath Violence among intimates is also a social problem 1 Affects large number of people 2 Violence is not completely random we can detect particular patterns and risk factors for both victims and perpetrators 3 The causes consequences and solutions of violence must address its macro level dimensions including social cultural and economic factors Intimate Partner Violence refers to violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate The violence can encompass physical economic sexual or physiological and many abusive situations Conflict Tactics Scale CTS asks people how they deal with disagreements in relationships Non aggressive responses Discussed an issue calmly Got information to back up side of issue Brought in or tried to bring in someone to help settle problem Cried Psychologically aggressive responses Insulted him her or swore at him her Sulked or refused to talk about issue Stomped out of room or house Physically aggressive responses Threatened to hit him her or throw something at him her Threw or smashed hit kicked something Slapped him her Studies using the CTS have often found that men are more likely to be victims of physical aggression than are women Upon closer scrutiny the finding is misleading 1 Men are less likely to remember their own acts of violence and they may not perceive their acts as abusive 2 CTS respondents are asked to tell the researcher how they responded to a situation of conflict or disagreement 3 Women are more likely to experience the most extreme forms of violence some of which the CTS does not list 4 The CTS does not include acts of sexual violence or aggression which are far more likely to be perpetrated by men More recent studies show that women are far more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence Almost of intimate partner homicides are committed against men nearly 350 a year About 4 8 million incidents of intimate partner violence occur among women ages 18 and older each year About 22 of women and 7 of men have been victims of intimate partner violence Differences between women and men s rates become greater as the seriousness of the assault increases Ex Women were 2 3 times as likely to report that an intimate partner threw something at them pushed grabbed or shoved them Women were 7 14 times more likely to report they had been beaten up choked tied down threatened with a gun or had a gun used on them Table 11 2 Women are three times more
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