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FAD exam 3 Chapter 11 Family Stress and Crisis Violence Among Intimates The Nature of Stress and Crisis 1 2 Crisis critical change or event that disrupts the functioning of the lives of one or more family members Can be positives or negative Family Stress tensions that occur either within the family or outside the family that tests the family s emotional resources a a b c There can be many different types of stresses i Stress can be normative which is stress we expect ii Nonnormative which is stress we don t expect iii iv chronic which is long term unhealthy stress It can be acute or short term or 3 General Adaptation Syndrome Predictable pattern our bodies have for coping with stress 1st stage Alarm Reaction Our fight flight reaction to a situation 2nd stage Resistance Our body tries to maintain heightened state of alert continued stress has impact has immune system 3rd stage Exhaustion Our body returning to normal unstressed state Unless there is chronic stress leading to unhealthy conditions 4 5 The Social Readjustment Rating Scale scale of major life events that can be traumatizing are assigned to a point system based on how much they affect health and well being Score is higher more serious medical event There are certain phases to a family crisis a The event that causes the crisis b c the period of disorganization that follows and the reorganization that takes place afterwards 6 5 patterns to a family crisis Function vs time a No change 15 b Increased 18 c Decreased 5 d Roller coaster 51 down up flat e Mixed 11 up down up flat FAD exam 3 7 8 Families can either cope or not using the ABC X model ABC X Model used to understand the differences in family coping with stress a b c d e A factors are the initial event causing the crisis B factors are the resources the family has to meet the demands of crisis C factors are the way the family perceives blames how and why crisis happened X factors is the outcome and depends on how a family does ABC Figure 11 2 is a good example 9 Double ABC X Model designed to understand the effects of the accumulation of stresses and crises and how families adapt to them Violence Between Intimates 1 Violence between intimates is a social problem for three reasons It affects a large number of people economic impact Violence can be physical economic sexual and psychological a b Violence is not completely random c The causes and consequences of violence must address its macro level dimensions Intimate Partner Violence violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate a b Females 20 24 yrs are at greatest risk c 1 3 million women victims of physical assault The Conflict Tactics Scale CTS asks people how they deal with disagreements in relationships and classifies in three groups non aggressive responses psychological aggressive responses and physically aggressive responses There are many different types of intimate partner violence 2 3 4 a b c d Common Couple Violence heated argument that results in one partner physically lashes out during a fight Not as freq Intimate Terrorism physical psychological or sexual violence to control the other partner More frequent and can escalate over time causing serious injury and PTSD syndrome Violent Resistance abuse in the form of non legal self defense Typically women Mutual Violent Control both partners are controlling and violent very dangerous 5 Stalking excessive contact or tracking of another person Attention that is unwanted and causes a reasonable person to be fearful a On a continuum very and it s scary FAD exam 3 b Cyber stalking stalking using electronics this is much easier form of stalking c Anti stalking laws for protection Coping with violence can lead to partners either leaving or staying a 6 Learned Helplessness because of repeated abuse the abused has developed a lower self esteem feeling helpless and feel they cannot control the abuse around them Leaving a relationship is a process rather than an action b c The abuser can use a variety of different techniques to control relationship Page 313 Inducing shame i Blaming the victim ii iii Lowering self esteem iv Creating financial dependency v vi Threatening retaliation vii Exploiting love and hope viii Exploiting commitment marriage vows are a promise ix Fear of abandonment Isolating victim d Battered Women s Syndrome psychological condition to describe someone who has been the victim of consistent and severe domestic violence i Subcategory of PTSD 7 Rape is a form of sexual assault and is typically an unreported crime a Date rape drugs drugs that are used to immobilize a person to facilitate an assault b Alcohol is the most popular rape drug If not able to give full consent rape i Rape is a recidivist repeated crime Most offenders don t get caught the first few times bc most victims do not report the rape c There is marital rape d Rape on college campuses 3 bc not reported i 80 victims and rapists know each other Child Abuse and Neglect 1 Child Abuse an attack on a child that results in an injury and violate our social norms a Recently 800 000 children were victims in each year 2 Children from the ages from birth through 12 months old have the highest rates of victimization FAD exam 3 3 4 1700 children die a year due to child abuse Four main types of abuse a b c d Neglect failure to provide for the child s basic needs Physical hitting shaking burning etc that inflicts pain and physical injury Sexual inappropriate sexual behavior with a child for sexual gratification Psychological verbal mental or emotional abuse that destroys self esteem 5 Corporal punishment a Spanking is not abuse if only use open hand and a fist and does NOT leave a mark b Mother more likely to spank c Boys more likely to be spanked d Black women more supportive of spanking 6 Who abuses the children a b c Young and single parents are most likely to abuse their children Parents are most likely to abuse children than just random people Mothers are more likely to harm or kill their children than men 7 consequences long term emotional scars a children are permanently disabled b c difficulty in educational behavioral d Trafficking recruitment and abduction of children or adults so that they will be sex slaves physical slaves or some kind of abuse lead to poor attachment neglect and abuse in their own children 8 a The UN estimates that there are at least 12 million adults and children forced into labor or sexual servitude at any given time Elder Abuse 1 Elders can be

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FSU FAD 2230 - Chapter 11: Family Stress and Crisis: Violence Among Intimates

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