FAD2230 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE By Liz Epple Chapter 11 will not be covered due to it being available to all students online Except terms and book materials Terms Crisis A critical change of events that disrupts the functioning of a person s life General Adaptation Syndrome GAS The predictable pattern one s body follows when coping with stress which includes the alarm reaction resistance and exhaustion Social Readjustment Rating Scale A scale of major life events over the past year each of which is assigned a point value the higher the score the greater the chance of having a serious medical event Intimate Partner Violence Violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate such as spouses or partners The violence can encompass physical economic sexual or psychological abuse Conflict Tactics Scale A scale based on how people deal with disagreements in relationships Learned Helplessness The psychological condition of having low self esteem feeling helpless and having no control that is caused by repeated abuse Battered Women s Syndrome A recognized psychological condition Often a subcategory of post traumatic stress syndrome used to describe someone who has been the victim of consistent and or severe domestic violence Child Abuse An attack on a child that results in an injury and violates our social norms Trafficking The recruitment transportation transfer harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion Intergeneration Transmission of Violence A cycle of violence that is passed down to dependents Domestic Violence Shelter A temporary safe house for a woman with without children who is escaping an abusive relationship Elderly Abuse Abuse of an elderly person that can include physical abuse sexual abuse psychological abuse financial or material exploitation and neglect Family Stress Tensions that test a family s emotional resources Acute Short Term Chronic Long Term Top stresses Money 1st Children 2nd Patterns of Family Crises 3 Phases 1 Event that causes crisis 2 Period of Disorganization that follows 3 Reorganization that takes place afterwards Coping or Not The ABC X Models families adapt Chapter 12 Terms ABC X Model Helps to understand the variation in the ways that families cope with stress and crisis Double ABC X Helps to understand the effects of the accumulation of stress and crisis and how No Fault Divorce Type of divorce now prevalent in all fifty states in which a divorcing couple can go before a judge without one party having to blame the other Legal Separation Binding agreement signed by both spouses that provides details about child support Stations of Divorce Interrelated emotional legal economic co parental community and psychic dimensions of divorce which together attempt to capture the complexity of the divorce experience Legal Divorce Termination of the marriage contract by a state court order Alimony Payment by one partner to the other to support the more dependent spouse for a period of time Legal Custody Custody agreement where one parent has the legal authority to make important decisions concerning the children after a divorce such as where they will go to school etc Sole Legal Custody child custody arrangement in which legal custody is granted solely to the parent with whom the child lives Joint Legal Custody Custody agreement in which noncustodial parents usually fathers retain their legal rights with respect to their children Physical Custody Child custody arrangement that decides where the child will reside Sole Physical Custody Custody arrangement where child lives with one parent and visits with the other Joint Physical Custody Custody arrangement in which child spends substantial portion of time with both parents Child Snatching Act of a noncustodial parent kidnapping his or her child Divorce Mediation A non adversial means of resolution in which the divorcing couple along with a third part Therapist Trained mediator negotiate the terms of their financial custody and visitation settlement Child Support Order Legal documentation declineating the amount and circumstances surrounding the financial support of noncustodial children Binuclear Family Type of family consisting of divorced parents living in two separate households but remaining one family in spirit for the sake of the children On average 40 50 of Marrieds can expect their marriages to dissolve over the life course Divorce rate is 50 for 1st Marriage 65 for 2nd Marriage Calculated by o Number of Divorces per year o Ratio of current Marriages to current Divorces o Lifetime records of Marriage and Divorce o Crude Divorce Rate Number of Divorces per 1000 people in population o Doesn t account for couples married to each other o Counts unmarried individuals o Refined Divorce Rate o Counts only one sex Women and it has to be have been married Various factors can bind marriages and families together o Economic Interdependence o Legal Social and Moral constraints o Spouse s Relationship o The binding strength of some reasons have lessened o Causes Economic Factors Wives in Labor force Independence Effect Income Effect High Expectations Decreased Social Legal and Moral Constraints o Other Remarried mates are more likely to divorce Cohabitation before marriage Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce Changed Nature of Marriages Itself increases likelihood of Divorce Premarital Pregnancy may increase the risk of Divorce in subsequent marriage Remaining child free Race and Ethnicity are differentially associated with chances of divorcing is associated with higher likelihood of Divorce Happiness after Divorce Compared to Married people Divorced people Have lower levels of life satisfaction General negative mood Poorer physical health More Depressed More inclined to commit suicide Getting the Divorce Those in unhappy marriages tend to be more depressed than Divorcees Emotional Can happen long before divorce one or both partner withdraws positive emotions from relationship Legal The legal processes through which the divorce is officially taken care of Community Dealing with mutual friends clubs church in laws and other activities that both spouses used to share Can occur Before During After divorce Psychic Changing back from the couple mentality We to individual mentality I Me Economic Far reaching implications after divorce other spouse s responsibilities could fall to you if they don t take care of it Ex Credit Cards Economic Consequences for Men
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