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FAD 2230 Exam 2 Chapter 6 Communication Conflict and Power 1 The Importance of Communication a b c Most problems in marriage stem from ineffective communication between partners Communication the interactive process that uses symbols like words and gestures to both send and receive messages There are four main general concepts of communication i Communication is a transaction all human behavior is a continuous exchange partners are simultaneous senders and receivers ii Communication is a process it is dynamic and always changing depending on sex race culture iii Communication includes co construction of meanings two people can hear two completely iv Communication uses symbols used to construct meanings or definitions Can be verbal and ethnicity etc different things nonverbal 2 Cultural Context of Communication a Social Class and Communication i Working class tend to speak less standard American English SAE than middle upper middle class ii Different levels of income education and occupation prestige communicate in different ways b c Sapir Whorf Hypothesis the concept that language shapes our culture and at the same time our culture shapes our language Ex if you lived in the 1950 s and tried to tell someone to just Google it then they wouldn t understand The differences in culture is affected by its language used and vice versa Race and ethnicity also greatly affect communication i People from different races or even different geographical locations use different dialects Ex Ebonics or a southern slang ii Differences in communication among race can discriminate and explain gap in wages eg Blacks iii vs Whites Breaking Code refers to when you change from your natural dialect to more proper English when talking to a potential employer certain audience iv Differences in communication can be misunderstood Ex lack of eye contact may not mean lack of attention but may indicate sign of respect don t stare at elders d Cultural Differences 6 cultural orientations i Individualist vs collectives personal achievement and independence vs group focus FAD 2230 Exam 2 ii High vs Low context High context is focused on indirect nonverbal communication More feeling and expression in high context Low context is more direct explicit and formal iii Masculine vs feminine Masculine stereotypes are more rigid assertiveness Feminine are more caring and likely to use compromise and negtionation iv Centralized vs decentralized centralized power in the hands of few Decentralized power is more distributed and average people have more chance to participate v High vs Low Ambiguity vi Short term vs Long term time orientation Long term focus on the future and value thrift perseverance deferred gratification Short term focus on spending than on savings want quick results instant gratification 3 Types of Communication a Listening the process of giving thoughtful attention to what we hear i To actually be listening to must do the following 1 Must receive message 2 Must understand and decode it 3 Must retain message for a period of time 4 We need to evaluate the message 5 We must respond to the message b Active Listening when you are extremely attentive with god eye contact and body language and encourage the other person to continue talking If you are able to paraphrase what someone has said you are actively listening i ii Stops looks listens asks questions reflects by paraphrasing c Verbal Communication the spoken exchange of thought feelings or other messages i ii We typically tend to believe body language more than verbal communication and we can recognize feedback more appropriately via body language Ex If you are texting on your phone while listening to your friend talk about her day she can tell you aren t actually interested even if you say you are iii Barriers to understanding verbal communication 1 Bypassing a word has several meanings 2 Lack of precision incorrect or unclear language 3 Overgeneralizing You always do You never do 4 Static evaluation always seen the same way never changing 5 Polarization speak in extremes only see the world as black or white FAD 2230 Exam 2 6 Biased language words that reflect bias about race ethnicity sex sexual orientation d Nonverbal communication communicating without words by using gestures expressions and body religion or culture language i actions speak louder than words nonverbal communication is often more believable than verbal communication when the two are in conflict ii Nonverbal messages are easily misunderstood especially when there are cultural differences iii The amount of personal space a person gives takes away also says a lot about the message received and the level of comfort between the two people Culture has a major influence on how non verbal communication is interpreted iv 1 Ex in the U S it is polite to make eye contact while talking to someone but in other cultures it can be seen as extremely disrespectful e Written Electronic Communication i As culture has become more modern we have become more dependent upon technology as a form of communication This can lead to difficulty interpreting the true emotions of the conversation Informality is the new norm 1 2 Our writing influences our speech 3 We have volume control over our messages 4 We have more relationships with less depths 5 We can live in the moment 4 Sex Differences in Communication a Women typically use communication to build and establish relationships they communicate to connect and relate to other people while men approach communication as a way to receive vital information i Women are more likely to smile make eye contact and make facial expressions and use their bodies more Men are straight to the point and assertive with their communication ii iii Women occupy less personal space than men iv When communicating women use both sides of brain while men primarily use the left hemisphere analytical side 5 Conflict Communication and Problem Solving a Self disclosure telling a person something private about yourself that he or she would not otherwise know FAD 2230 Exam 2 i Range from insignificant superficial to extremely personal significant ii Engaging in self disclosure does not guarantee success in a relationship iii Self disclosure only benefits relationship if there is exchange and support b c Conflict disagreements over decision making problem solving or achieving goals which can result from difference between group members in personality perception information tolerance for risk and

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