Exam 1 Study Guide By Liz Epple CHAPTER 1 TERMS Family A relationship by blood marriage or affection in which members may cooperate economically may care for children and may consider their identity to be intimately connected to the larger group Family of Orientation The family that your born into Family of Procreation The family you make through marriage partnering and or parenthood Fictive Kin Nonrelatives whose bonds are strong and intimate Marriage Institutional arrangement between persons to publicly recognize social and intimate bonds Socialization Process by which people learn the rules expectations and culture of the society Social Structure A stable framework of social relationships that guides our interactions with others Micro level Focus on the individual and his or her interactions in specific settings Macro level Focus on the interconnectedness of marriage families and intimate relationships with the rest of society Social institution Major sphere of social life with a set of beliefs and rules that is organized to meet basic human needs Status The social position that a person occupies Master Status Major defining status or statuses that a person occupies Human Agency the ability of human beings to create viable lives even when they are constrained or limited by social forces Monogamy Marriage between one man and one woman Polygamy A system that allows for more than one spouse at a time Gender Unspecified Polygyny The Marriage pattern in which husbands can have more than one wife Polyandry The marriage pattern in which wives have more than one husband Patriarchy Form of social organization in which the norm or expectation is that men have a natural right to be in positions of authority over women Matriarchy A form of social organization in which the norm or expectation is that the power and authority in society would be vested in women Egalitarian The expectation that power and authority and vested in both men and women equally Bilateral Descent that can be traced through both male and female sides of the family Patrilineal A descent pattern where lineage is traced exclusively primarily through the man s family line Matrilineal A descent pattern where lineage is traced exclusively primarily through the women s family line Neolocal The expectation that a newly married couple establishes a residence and lives there independently Patrilocal The expectation that a newly married couple will live with the husband s family Matrilocal The expectation that a newly married couple will live with the wife s family Nuclear Family Family comprised of adults and their children Extended Family Family comprised of parents children and other relatives Ex Aunts Uncles Grandparents Companionate Family A marriage based on mutual affection sexual attraction compatibility and personal happiness THEORIES Structural Functionalism Theory that attempts to determine the structure systems functions and equilibrium of social institutions Conflict Theory Emphasizes issues surrounding social inequality power conflict and social change Feminist Theory Gender is seen as the central concept for explaining family structure and family dynamics Social Exchange Theory Draws upon model of human behavior Assumes that individuals are rational beings and their behavior reflects decisions evaluated on the basis of direct opportunity costs and benefits Resources Money Physical Attractiveness Personality qualities Negative Outcome Rewards are less than cost Positive Outcome Rewards are greater than cost Symbolic Interaction Theory Emphasizes the symbols we use in everyday interaction and how they re interpreted Words Gestures Appearances Family Development Theory Explains the patterns and process of change in families over lifespan Consists of stages o Marriage birth adoption growth leaving home and retirement o Determined by age of Oldest child Stages of Family Lifecycle Married w o children Child bearing families Oldest child to 30months Family w preschool children O Child 30mths 6yrs Family w school age children O Child 6 13yrs Family w teen O Child 13 20yrs Family w launching centers First child is gone last child leaving Middle Aged Parents Empty nest retirement Aging Family Members Retirement to death Family development tasks For members and family at each stage THEMES o Negotiating Roles and Boundaries o Economics o Housing o Romance Sex o Developmental needs of Children Role Behavioral expectation for an individual n a group over time Position Certain location in Social Group to which we assign rights duties Mom Dad Brother Sister Aunt Uncle Etc Systems Theory A system is a set of elements that interacts so that one effects others Family is a system made of unique individuals that contribute to the overall family identity Boundaries define who what is allowed in or out of a certain system Physical Psychological Emotional Closed Open Random o NONE are ALWAYS Good Bad Right Wrong Subsystems parts of a system that carry out its own function Spouse Parent child Sibling sibling CHAPTER 2 TERMS Social Stratification The Hierarchical ranking of categories of people within society Sociological Imagination The recognition that our personal experiences are in large art shaped by forces within the larger society Sex Biological differences between men and women and their role in reproduction Gender Culturally and socially constructed differences between males and females found in the meanings beliefs and practices associated with Femininity Masculinity Androgyny Possessing both masculine and feminine traits in near equal proportion Gender Socialization Teaching the cultural norms associated with being male or female Agents of Socialization The primary groups responsible for gender socialization Hidden Curriculum Gender socialization which is taught informally in school Race Category describing people who share real or perceived physical traits that society deems socially significant ex skin color Minority Group Category of people who have less power than the dominant group and who are subject to unequal treatment Social Capital Social networking connections which can be a valuable source of information such as resource for job leads Prejudice Negative attitude about member of selected racial and ethnic groups Stereotypes Oversimplified sets of beliefs about a group of people Discrimination Behaviors actions or practices based on racial or ethnic preferences that have harmful impacts Individual Person to Person
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