FAD2230 EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Chapter 11 Family Stress and Crisis Violence among intimates Crisis A critical change of events that disrupts the functioning of a person s life Family stress Tensions that test a family s emotional resources family stress differs from other types of personal stress because events that affect one member such as an illness may ripple through an entire family Acute stress short term stress ex finding a parking spot Chronic stress long term stress ex a chronic illness Stress can be normative such as family adjusting for things like a new baby being born Stress can also be non normative such as a family adjusting to changes brought on by caring for a baby with a serious disability General Adaptation Syndrome GAS a fairly predictable pattern for coping with stress including phases of alarm resistance and exhaustion The social readjustment scale a scale of major life events over the past year each of which is assigned a point value that may have occurred over the last 12 months 3 distinct phases The event that causes the crisis The period of disorganization that follows The reorganization that takes place afterwards A The event that causes the crisis B The period of disorganization that follows C the reorganization the takes place afterward X is it a crisis or did the family adapt The ABCX model A model designed to help us understand the effects of the accumulation of stresses and crisis and how families adapt to them Double ABCX model A model designed to help us understand the effects of the accumulation of stressed and crises and how families adapt to them This refers not only to the initial event but the family life changes and transitions that take place because of it Violence is a social problem because 1 it affects large numbers of people 2 violence is not completely random Intimate partner violence violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate such as a spouse or partners The violence can encompass physical economic sexual or psychological abuse many times more than one type is involved Conflict Tactics scale CTS A scale based on how people deal with disagreements in relationships non aggressive responsive calm have info to back you up try to help settle the problem crying psychologically aggressive response insulted refuse to talk about the issue stomped away did something to hurt your partner physically aggressive response threatened to hit your partner threw something pushed grabbed etc Men are more likely to be victims of physical aggression than women Types of intimate partner violence common couple violence most frequent comes from an argument throwing or hitting something intimate terrorism physical psychological or sexual violence motivated by desire to control another person violent resistance reacting to someone attacking you socially accepted but still violence mutual violent control two people that are each controlling of one another get into physical fights stalking obsessive contact of tracking of another person there are laws in all 50 states easier now with social media cyber stalking Femicides the killing of women Consequences of intimate partner violence are both physical heal emotions doesn t always heal learned helplessness because of repeated verbal and physical assaults these women have developed low self esteem and feel that they cannot control the abuse or the events around them most women don t stay in abusive situations leaving is a process rather than a single event Battered women s syndrome a recognized psychological condition often a subcategory of post traumatic stress syndrome used to describe someone who has been a victim of consistent and or severe domestic violence Marital rape now considered a crime along with all other rapes Date rape drugs drugs that are used to immobilize a person to facilitate an assault alcohol is Gay and lesbian relationship abuse is the same as if not more than heterosexual relationship the number one date rape drug abuse Child Abuse Is an attack on child that results in an injury and violates our social norms children from birth to their first birthday have the highest rates of victimization more children under the age of four die from abuse and neglect than from anything else neglect failure to provide child s basic needs most common physical obvious shaking is also involved if you shake a baby you can cause serious damage sexual more common than you would think It is appropriate for kids to know the proper names of things corporal includes spanking only allowed to use your open hand Parents are 80 of the people who abuse children Especially mothers Single mothers and young parents are also more likely mainly because of stress The intergenerational transmission of violence perspective suggests that we learn norms and behaviors including violence by observing others Trafficking perhaps the most extreme form of child abuse The recruitment transportation transfer harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion abduction fraud or deception Sex trafficking coerced kidnapped sold or otherwise enslaved and trafficked across international borders for use as involuntary sex workers elder abuse abuse of an elderly person that can include physical abuse sexual abuse psychological abuse financial or material exploitation and neglect Macro level explanations patriarchy violence is more likely to occur in cultures when men are considered dominant and have control over women and children cultural norms supporting violence all extremely violent activities but considered fun and entertaining football wrestling race car driving norms of family privacy what goes on in a home stays in the home Violence commonly happens in homes that are socially isolated Often isolation comes first then the violence Chapter 12 The Process of divorce Divorce is a long term process that begins years before and often continues years after the official decree The United States has one of the highest divorce rates About 1 3rd of people who have been married have also been divorced Crude Divorce rate The number of divorces per 1 000 people in the population Refined divorce rate a measure of divorce based on the number of divorces that occur out of every 100 women this is more accurate because it doesn t count it twice The peak of divorce was in the 1940 s after war for many reasons They then fluctuated back down and back up again in the 60 s because of no fault divorce
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