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EXAM 2 MATERIAL February 3 2012 Chapter 6 Communication Conflict and Power in Our Relationships Importance of Communication Communication an interactive process that uses symbols like words and gestures to both send and receive messages Communication is a transaction Communication is a process Communication includes co construction of meanings o You re bringing to the table what your construction of that meaning is o Depends on your environment growing up o Each partner speaks a language and interprets meaning in a way acquired from his or her family of orientation Communication uses symbols o Symbols can be verbal words or nonverbal gestures The Cultural Context of Communication Embracing Difference Race Ethnicity and Communication o Language o Variance of Standard American English SAE Spoken by Whites Blacks African American English o Study that shows that if you hear a small bit of a conversation many people can depict the race of the person speaking Due to syntax acoustics and rules for subject verb agreement o Racial differences in speech patterns also helps explain the gap in wages between Blacks and Whites o Non verbal messages also differ across racial and ethnic groups Social Class and Communication Cultural Differences o Members of the working class are more likely to use simple connection phrases such as like or but and to use fewer pronouns o Breaking code drop slang and native language to speak more proper American language Depends who you re speaking to Know what SAE is and can weave in and out of it when it suits their interest o Have words that mean something in your culture o Sapir Whorf Hypothesis The concept that language shapes our culture and at the same time our culture shapes our language Studied the language patterns of several different cultural groups Many groups have different meanings for different words o Understanding how language influences and is influenced by culture is critical in our global world o Individualist vs Collectivist Cultures Individualist focuses on personal achievements and independence Values personal achievement and independence Great potential for miscommunication between these two groups Ex US Collectivist ex China o High vs Low context Cultures Focuses more on the needs of the group than the needs of the individual High A lot more emphasis on the indirect and nonverbal communication Communication is based on the context of the individual Usually collectivist cultures such as Latin America or Japan where people may want to get to know one another well before engaging in any transactions People tend to use more feeling in their expressions Low communication is more direct US and Germany People don t know each other well and more emphasis is placed on formal transactions and everything must be explained explicitly May be perceived as being rude by someone from a high context culture o Masculine vs Feminine Cultures Some cultures emphasize the stereotypical male values of achievement assertiveness and material success while others emphasize traits that have been more traditionally aligned with the feminine including caring for others modesty and enhancing overall quality of life In masculine cultures gender stereotypes tend to be more rigid and women have less power in society Feminine cultures are more likely to see compromise and negotiation as useful communication tools where masculine cultures may see these tools as a sign of weakness o Centralized vs Decentralized Power Centralized In some cultures power is given to very few and there is a pretty big distance between those who have power and those who don t Ex Cuba participate Decentralized US vote who we want to be in office can write to congressmen Power is more evenly distributed and average people have a chance to These differences also affect our worldview and our communication styles o High vs Low Ambiguity Aren t clear cut rules for communication and behavior High Greece not very clear cut rules for behavior and communication People living in these cultures are generally comfortable with unknown They minimize the importance of strict rules governing relationships and situations communication o Short term vs Long term Time Orientation ST want it now Ex US LT look at idea of perseverance keep working hard and it ll pay off Ex Asian type cultures Types of Communication Are You Listening to Me o Listening The process of giving thoughtful attention to what we hear A lot more difficult to be a good listener than you may think Involves a collection of skills that seriously have to be practiced acquired Components you need to be an active listener 1 You need to hear the message receive the message 2 You need to understand and decode the message 3 You need to retain it for some period of time 4 You need to evaluate what you have heard After you have done those 4 steps you can respond Need to use eye contact body language Verbal Communication It s All Your Fault o John Gottman NOT INCLUDED IN BOOK Studied couples and their conflicts and communication Identified two types of problems Solvable problems o Things that don t have the deep meaning associated to them o Ex Taking out the trash Perpetual problems o Usually associated with religion or children or sex o Ex Whether to have children or not Video taped couples for 15 min having a conversation about a perpetual problem Monitored heart rate breathing to indicate levels of stress Examined the interactional sequences Looked for when one partner expressed negative affect anger sadness whining disgust o When these negative affects were present belligerence contempt and defensiveness there is a higher rate of divorce These are your high intensity affects o The immediate response of the other partner had a huge influence on to where the conflict went Shared humor would deescalate the argument Those who could deescalate the conversation were in a better situation had higher levels of marital happiness If partner responds with anger it would escalate the information The presence of anger isn t as detrimental to relationships as one may think The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse 1 Criticism o Different than a complaint o Attacking someone s character Ex Accusing someone of being untrustworthy o When people say you never and you always the other person will almost always respond with defensiveness 2 Contempt 3 Defensiveness o Eye rolling sarcasm mocking o A good way to escalate and make someone anger o Defending yourself against a

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