Family and Development Study Guide Multiple Choice Questions 1 Child Support a Child support receipt has improved but still over half of families do not receive the full amount owed to them on a regular basis b Federal government has stepped up its efforts to improve the collection of child c Congress passed laws to increase the proportion of children who were eligible for child support to increase and standardize child support orders and to improve support payments collection rates children d Strong child support enforcement increases father s involvement with their e However overall trends in child support have not improved much i 54 of custodial parents have some type of agreement or court award to receive child support from noncustodial parent ii Of custodial parents three quarters receive any child support at all iii Less than half of custodial parents receive the full amount iv Custodial parents who received the full payments due were likely to be older highly educated and divorced f refer to pages 350 1 of text book 2 Guy uses a variety of control tactics to cripple his partner s sense of control of her life making her hesitant to leave the abusive situation Which is not the one of tactics the guy is likely to use a Common tactics i Coercion and threats ii Intimidation iii Emotional abuse iv Isolation v Minimizing denying blaming vi Children vii Male privilege viii Economic abuse 3 is motivated by desire to control the partner It may escalate over time and cause serious injury a Intimate terrorism 4 A recognized psychological condition used to describe someone that s been a victim of consistent and or sever domestic violence is called a Battered Women s syndrome 5 Because of repeated verbal and physical assault Elaina has developed low self esteem and feels she cannot control the abuse or events around them In essence she has learned to feel helpless and has difficulty envisioning a way out of situation This is called a Learned Helplessness 6 The tensions that occur either within the family for example violence or alcoholism or outside the family such as coping with a hurricane or other natural disaster that test the family s emotional resources are called a Family stress 7 is a non adversarial means of resolution in which a divorcing couple along with a third party such as a trained therapist or trained mediator to negotiate the terms of their financial custody and visitation settlement a Divorce Mediation 8 Raja is studying family charge and is focusing on sage related transition that are socially produced socially recognized and shared He sees ageing as a lifelong process influenced by social structure historic force and culture He is using the perspective a Life course perspective a B Factors 9 Your 16 year old sister is pregnant and your family sees this as a serious crisis However they are able to weathering this crisis because of their commitment to each other emotional support and good communication skills These are examples of 10 Miguel is regaining autonomy and starts to feel whole and complete again as a single person after is divorce This is referred to as the station of divorce a Psychic divorce 11 What are the three phases of General Adaption Syndrome GAS a Alarm reaction resistance and exhaustion 12 It s been 10 years since Everett s divorce and he is remarried If you were a betting person what demographics would you guess best describes Everett 13 Ruby is trying to juggle work and family as a single mom She goes to work early so she can pick her daughters up from school in the afternoon This is known as a White wealthy educated a Flextime 14 Conflicts Tactics Scale a Asks people how they deal with disagreements in relationships b Includes non aggressive responses psychological aggressive responses and physically aggressive responses c Says men are more likely to be victims of physical aggression than are women d CTS contains flaws i Men are less likely than women to remember their own acts of violence and they may not perceive their own acts as abusive ii Since respondents are asked how they responded to the conflict violence can take place without preceding disagreement and CTS may underreport some violence iii Women are more likely to experience the most extreme forms of violence which CTS doesn t list e refer to pages 308 9 of textbook 15 Your Mom and Dad are approaching retirement age What would you tell them about sex differences in retirement a Men begin planning for retirement at an earlier age than women 49 54 although they retire at a similar age and women b Process of retiring is associated with a decrease of marital quality for both men c Conflict arises when one spouse particularly the wife was still employed while the other spouse began to retire i May be due to their differences in role status and power d Men are happier when wives conform to traditional gender roles e Men are more satisfied with retirement than women 71 56 f Women are more likely to be busy with volunteer work or other family activities and are less interested in part time employment after retirement g Women who had more year long employment gaps during their working years are more likely to be satisfied in retirement h refer to pages 411 4 of textbook 16 What are the most common forms of elder abuse a Financial abuse b Neglect Emotional abuse physical abuse sexual abuse 17 Remarried couples tend to perceive their new relationships as more equitable than their first marriage why is this their first a Women have greater levels of financial resources in their second marriage than b Women seek more power because of specific experiences in their prior marriages c Men concede more during marital conflicts than they did in their prior marriages d Both remarried men and women have expanded their roles in marriage 18 Constance and Jerry are at the pre separation phase of the divorce process Which is e refer to page 343 of textbook NOT likely to be associated with the stage a Associations of stages i One or both partners begin to think about the benefits of a separation ii They may first fantasize about being free of responsibilities associated with marriage iii But when they think about the logistics they commonly experience anxiety sadness fear anger and loneliness at the same time iv May not fully reveal their intention to separate friends and family v May continue to attend family functions making up excuses for the partner s absence 19 Jonas is a single father Compared to a two
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