1 29 2013 Chapter 4 Love A strong affection for one another arising out of kinship of personal ties attraction based on sexual desire and affection based on admiration benevolence or common interests attachments early in life will affect relationships later in life A theory postulating that the way in which infants form Attachment Theory Needs a mirror image o Secure Attachment An attachment type where infants feel safe when their mothers are out of sight o Anxious Ambivalent Attachment become nervous when their patents leaves the room and can show rejection when the parent returns attachment to their primary parents An attachment type where infants show little The attachment type where infants o Avoidant Attachment o Theories on Love o Sociobiology instinctive impulse to pass on their genetic material An evolutionary theory that all humans have an Have children o Biochemical Perspectives of Love theories that suggest humans are attracted to certain types of people at which point the brian releases natural chemicals that give us a rush we experience as sexual attraction o Micro Level of love Sternberg s Triangular Theory of Love as having three elements intimate passion and commitment A theory that sees love Possible bonus question Reiss s Wheel Theory of Love shows relationships moving from the establishment of rapport to self revelation mutual dependence and finally need fulfillment A developmental theory that
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