Chap 11 Book notes Family Stress and Crisis Intro o Battered women Syndrome o Girl Shannon who killed her Bf because he abused her o Convicted 15 years but did 8 Framingham Eight were released and people were aware The Nature of Stress and Crisis o Crisis Critical change or event that disrupts the functioning of the lives of one or more families o Family Stress Tensions that come with in the family or outside In violence or alcoholism Out Hurricane or Natural disaster Normative Adjusting to changes because of new baby Nonnormative Having a disable child o Acute short term Cramming for exam Disagreement with partner Planning a wedding o Chronic Long Term Having Diabetes Shannon s case living with abusive partner Response To Stress follows o General Adaption Syndrome GAS Predictable patter ones body Alarm reaction Flight or fight feel anxious first stage Resistance Maintaining elevates state of alert and can cause immune system to be weak after final can get sick second stage Exhaustion Chronic stress for long periods can be dangerous be depressed eating disorder insomnia o Finances and Budgeting is the number one stressor for family and then children behavior The Social Readjustment Rating Scale o 2 physicians Thomas Holmes Richard Rahe have quantified the impact of many life events on health and well being o Social Readjustment Rating Scale A scale of major life events over the past year each of which is assigned a point value The higher the score the greater the chance of having a serious medical event Death of spouse is the highest and then divorce Patterns of Family Crisis o 3 phases 1 the EVENT causes the crisis 2 the period of DISORGANIZATION that follows 3 the REORGANIZATIN that takes place afterwards o Burr and Klein study 51 Studies No change 15 Increased 18 Decreased 5 Husband cheated and got caught and marriage is better now because wife realized there are thirsty bitches Family moved for better job but wife wasn t happy and kids felt lonely and left husband Kid left for college house felt empty but overtime it was Roller Coaster 51 got better Mixed 11 Stress not fully resolved o Coping or Not The ABC X Models Reuben Hill ABC X Model A model designed to help us understand the variation in the ways that families cope with stress and crisis A factors are the initial event CAUSING the crisis o Graduation extramarital affair moving across B factor are the RESOURCES a family has to meet the demands of the crisis o Social Support money Religious faith C factors are the MEANING FAMILIES ASCRIBE TO THE EVENT o Human Nature Catastrophe an opportunity country counseling God s Will X factors will depend on the ABC Factors o Type of crisis itself resources of the family perception of the meaning they associate the crisis Double ABC X model A model designed to help us understand the effects of the accumulation of stress and crises and how families adapt to them Double A family life changes and transition due to Double B resources the family already has and new initial event coping resources Double C perception of the stressor and the aftermath Violence among Intimates o Violence among intimates is a SOCIAL problem First it affects a large number of people Second violence isn t completely random can detect patterns Third the causes consequences and solution must address MACRO level including social cultural and economic factors o Intimate partner Violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate such as spouses or partners The violence can encompass physical economic sexual psychological abuse How We Define and Measure Intimate Partner Violence o Conflict Tactics Scale A scale based on how people deal with disagreement in relationships o 3 responses Non aggressive responses Discussed an issue calmly Psychologically aggressive responses Insulted him her Physically aggressive responses Throw something abuse o Studies show women are more likely to be victim of intimate partner violence however 1 quarter of intimate partner homicides are committed against men Frequency of Intimate Partner Violence o Femicide Killing of women o Talks about different studies are done and are better because they were bias and now scientist have an input with big studies o Native Americans and Alaskan Natives are likely to suffer abuse o Women snitch more then men Types of intimate Partner Violence o Common Couple Violence Specific arguments arise and one partner lashes out not severe though o Intimate Terrorism Physical psychological sexual violence is motivated by a desire to control o Violent Resistance Non legal term for self defense Indicate women may leave partner soon o Mutual Violent Control Pattern of behavior in which both partners are controlling and violent and are battling for control Stalking Cyberstalking o Consist of obsessive contact or tracking another person and make them fearful It could also be calling the phone sending flowers emails basically unwanted acts o California passed first anti stalking law in 1990 Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence o Abuse is physically like bruise o Psychologically stress can cause conditions like fibromyalgia o Victims likely do dome shit like have sex for money and do drugs and be socially isolated due to low self esteem Coping with Violence Leaving Staying o Learned Helplessness The psychological condition of having low self esteem feeling helplessness and having no control that is cause by repeated abuse But usually ends down the road by leaving o Control tactics Blaming the victim If you went so stupid I wouldn t hit you Women really start to believe and feel they deserve the Inducing Shame Embarrassed of being beaten beating Hide bruises Lowering self esteem You re an idiot and everybody thinks Actual feel like not being worthy and feel like a loser Creating Financial Dependency Women are financially dependent on men Men don t let them work and make sure they don t credit so they are broke and have nothing to their name Isolating the Victim Not letting them associate with other people or institution Threatening retaliation Abusive perpetrators threat victims to so scare Exploiting Love Hope Fantasy of the Perpetrator changing lol Don t want relationship to end just abuse Exploiting commitment to the relationship When you take vows you promise to stay forever Some are dumb and still commit Creating fear of abandonment Low self esteem cause them to think they cant do it by them selves o Battered Women Syndrome A recognized
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