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CHAP 12 PROCESS OF DIVORCE Intro o Melanie a child who was child of a divorce o Didn t like it at all but when she realized its better as she got older but would never want divorce Divorce in US o 1 3 of people who are married are divorced US is second highest and How common is Divorce It Depends on How We Measure It o Crude Divorce Rate The number of divorces per 1 000 people in the Russia is Highest population Better to compare countries but is problematic because it includes non married o Refined Divorce Rate A measure of 1 000 married women who divorced It doesn t show the future o Historical Trends Before men ran shit and women didn t have rights to initiate Would either separate or desert each other During 19th Century it rose highest was after world war II Why do People Divorce o Micro Level Factors Parental Divorce Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce People whose parents divorced were more likely to divorce Couple who marry at young age are the highest to have Age of Marriage divorce Parental Status Couple who have young children or have many children are less likely to divorce Non marital Childbearing Having kids before marriages has higher chance of divorce Sex of Children than daughters Race Ethnicity Couples who have sons are less likely to have divorce Different racial or ethnic groups vary Hispanic Asian least likely but Blacks are most likely Education Income Lower level jobs more likely to divorce Divorce is more common among people with lower income Degree of Similarity between Spouses Least likely when religion ethnic group age are same More likely different characteristic The Couples Age Likelihood of divorce is during adulthood but declines as couples age o Macro Level Level of socioeconomic Development Less developed countries have less divorce harder to support alone Religion Divorce Laws Catholic forbids divorce No fault Divorce A type of divorce now prevalent in all 5o states in which divorcing couple can go before a judge without one part having to blame the other o Oklahoma in 1953 Women Status and Employment Patriarchy countries women don t divorce because of shame and cant support themselves In US employment is fair so if they are unhappy they can end In 2000 Egypt allows women to divorce on incompatibility Attitudes Toward Divorce Before politicians couldn t be divorced but now its ok This generation doesn t want divorce because they seen Blacks are more restricted in divorce because they want it to be more difficult Restrictive divorce was more common in educated as kid women Also women report more marital problem doesn t mean they will initiate divorce Broke women and less educated are more likely to get divorce compared to rich educated women The Phases of Separation Preseparation One or both partners may think about the benefits of separation o At first it s a fantasy to be free but experience anxiety sadness anger loneliness Early Separation Phase Couple have series of issue before separation o Who moves How to work financial matters How to explain to children Mid separation Phase Realities of daily living set in o Maintaining 2 households arranging visitation o Problems could be resolved or not and lead to for kids divorce Late Separation Phase Learn to live as 2 single people o Not all separated couple divorce work on problem and reconcile o Others don t divorce but remain separated due to financial religious objections o Legal Separation A binding agreement signed by both spouses that provide details about child support o Others realize they cant work out and file divorce Station of Divorce o Divorce ends other relationship such as family in laws friends who pick sides neighbors and children o Stations of Divorce The interrelated emotional legal economic co parental community and psychic dimensions of divorce which together attempt to capture the complexity of the divorce experience o Emotional Divorce The initiator ask for changes or threatens to leave Women are more broker than men Men have more difficult time emotions because they don t have a network of supportive relationship stress can be so extreme can lead to illness and death Men lose custody to kids and can be depressing Legal Divorce The termination of marriage contract by state o Legal divorce orders Legal issues like who visits the child Spilt everything from house to debts Case with a wife who supported her man through medical school and buddy left her after his degree and he had to compensate her back o Economic Divorce Stereotype is that the wife runs of with marital assets Women are generally more poor after divorce because men are single and women are single parents Alimony Payment by one partner to the other to support the more dependent spouse for a period of time Western Europe there is more by Gov help for single parents o Co parental Divorce Legal Custody A custody agreement where one parent has the legal authority to make important decisions concerning the children after a divorce such as where they will go to school in what community or state they will reside or who will notified in case health emergency or school Sole Legal Custody Legal custody is granted solely to the parents with whom the child lives with It was like this in the past Joint Legal Custody Noncustodial parents usually fathers retain their legal rights with respect to their children Fathers pay more child support more time with kids and more overnight visits Physical Custody Custody arrangement where child lives often mothers based on best interest of child Sole Physical Custody Child legally lives with one parent and visits the other parent 80 of divorces with moms Joint Physical Custody Children spend a substantial portion of time in the homes of both parents perhaps alternating weeks or days within a week Works best but needs tremendous cooperation from both sides otherwise wont work Children are ore successful in joint physical custody than sole Child Snatching The acts of a non custodial parent kidnapping his or her child Usually done out of revenge Parent says they are doing it for their child s best interest 200 children a day are kidnapped o The Community Divorce Families break apart like in laws Also friends are questioned on their allegiance Grandparents have issues to see grandchildren o Psychic Divorce Refers to process of regaining psychological autonomy and beginning to feel whole and complete again as a single person Forgiveness is an important factor for a better well being A

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