1 Families Have Changed a Colonial America families were businesses schools churches and correctional health and b welfare institutions i African Americans and slavery Industrialized and Urbanized America separate work and home life waves of immigration i Home becomes a haven ii Women become masters at maintaining the household domain iii Social stratification poor working class middle and upper class iv The Jungle by Upton Sinclair depicts a good picture of these classes c Modern America Where we re at now i Economy is based on technology and services 2 Family of Orientation where you came from 3 Family of Procreation the family you build a Families in the 1950 s Leave it to Beaver i All White middle class families are the perfect family Nuclear family ii Father works mother stays home b 1970 s The Brady Bunch i White upper middle class combined family step family no mention of exes ii Portrays that divorce is okay you should make it like a nuclear family put pressure on people in stepfamilies c 1980 s The Cosby Family i Black family but still upper class mom works opens up the idea of a multigenerational family ii Difference shift towards women s roles d 1990 s Friends Controversial because men and women lived together in nonmarital arrangements i ii Sent the message that being single for a long time is okay iii Challenges the definition of a traditional family e 2000 s The Osbourne s i A typically nuclear family very wealthy ii May be very atypical on the outside but they really do love each other 2012 Modern Family Two and a Half Men Family Guy Teen Mom i Diversity in social class family structure marital status f 4 Burgess and Locke were the first to define the family in 1945 Lots of legal and genetic aspects 5 Seccombe 2012 A relationship by blood marriage or affection in which members may a Cooperate economically b Care for children c Consider their identity intimately connected to the larger group 6 Types of Families a Family of orientation where you come from Influences family of procreation i b Family of procreation the family you make in a constant flux have more control over this c Fictive kin not actually related to you but elevated to that level of family 7 Functions of Family a Regulation of sexual behavior b Reproducing and socializing children c Property and inheritance d Economic cooperation and provision e Social placement status and roles Find out who we re expected to be and our roles i ii Protective role of an older brother f Care warmth protection and intimacy
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