2 07 2013 Chapter 5 Overview of Historical and Cultural Influences on Sexuality sexually stimulating one s own body a woman s first menstrual period those born with genitalia that do not clearly o Masturbation o Menarche o Sex and Gender Intersexed identify them as unambiguously male or female biological when a person feels as comfortable if not more so in expressing gendered traits that are associated with the other sex not biological feelings and emotions surgery and hormone treatments an individual who undergoes sex reassignment Transgender Transsexual Our Sexual Selves Biology and Culture Intertwined the sexual and romantic pattern of partners of having an attraction and preference for developing having an attraction and preference for relationships o Homosexual o Heterosexual o Sexual Orientation choice romantic sexual relationships with the opposite sex with members of one s own sex and females o Homophobia feelings toward homosexuality o Bisexual or anti gay prejudice having very strong negative an orientation in which a person is attracted to both males o More people think that homosexual relationships are more morally acceptable in recent years Sex gender and sexual orientation are three distinct components of our identity know Gender Masculine or Feminine Sexual Orientation Heterosexual or Homosexual Sex Male or Female Gender and Sexual Scripts know Sexual Scripts the norms or rules regarding sexual behavior o Boys play with toys girls play with dolls o Blue is for boys pink is for girls o Boys are tough girls are weak We learn sexual scripts from o The culture we live in o The interpersonal communication between us and out partner o Out personal views Double Standard permissiveness in sexual behavior than women the idea that men have been allowed far more o Boys can have girlfriend young girls must wait longer o Longer curfew for boys than girls o Woman cannot have orgasm unless guys do it from intercourse but guy can Sexual Behaviors Sexual Expression Childhood Oral sex oral stimulation of the genitals Cunnilingus the oral stimulation of woman s genitals by her partner Fellatio the oral stimulation of men s genitals by his partner o Early childhood develop understanding of gendered behavior not supposed to look at others genitals o Middle childhood experiment with masturbation o Adolescence period when children sexually mature Sexual Behaviors Gay and Lesbian sexual relationships o Extramarital sex sex while married with someone other than your Both quality and quantity of sex is associated with feelings of love for one s Men are more likely to feel that a poor sex life undermines the entire Woman are more likely to feel that there is a problem before men men only Sex in Marriage spouse spouse or partner relationship notice in bedroom Look at sexually transmitted diseases
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