Race and Ethnicity in US History AMH 2097 Definitions and key terms Race The assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics Links exterior characteristics with inferiority or internal character Cultural construction historical invention System of dividing population political undertones Ethnicity A group of people who have something in common Nativism the belief that someone is better or worse than you based on what they like culture Nationality where you are from Problems Is it when you are born where you lived where you live now Identity How do you define yourself Race sex ethnicity American Son daughter mother father exc Sexual orientation Name Work job What if someone else defines you What the United States does with this information Racial and ethnic Hierarchies Creation of the other The history of immigration When people don t consider themselves immigrants English were the first immigrants over her Africans Jews Italians Germans all came as well Waves of immigration when a large group of people come into the country But the English were the most important and because of this consider themselves the only people Formative Colonization 1607 1830 First Wave 1830 1880 Second Wave 1880 1920 western Europeans Japanese After this America passes the first Immigration act Third wave 1965 present Immigrants usually Most immigrants do not want to leave their country America is not their first choice Because they can USA has easy immigration laws A lot of immigrants don t stay Process of immigration Steps of the emigration process 1 Decision to leave or not leave Propaganda literature from America Ads in newspapers Travel accounts guidebooks Power of the returned immigrant American letters Or anti immigration forces Upper class use of clergy and journalists Families use of American letters 2 Traveling to the port city 3 Taking temporary resident in the port city 4 Crossing the ocean 5 Taking temporary or permanent residence in the city of arrival 6 Fitting into American society or trying Assimilation The changing of yourself to become like everyone else Typically don t want to change and end up pretending to assimilate Anglo conformity Xenophobia fear of immigrants What this entails Language religion Acculturation hide their culture and pretend to fit in to society Formative Wave Migration Anglo Saxon Protestants or the English Cultural pluralism The process How quickly or slowly What can make the difference Un assimilate able The English W A S P White Anglo Saxon protestant Not a homogenous group The immigration of the English Three different models of immigrations Virginia model the founding and were first actually the Virginia Company Key ideas profit immigration cheap labor Pro immigration recruitment convicts kidnapping slaves laborers limited rights Immigrants who they are and why they came Leaders knights gentlemen merchants and other adventurers Second third sons Primogeniture first son gets everything Indentured servants had to work for someone after they got to come over to America Relations with native peoples ignore until needed Massachusetts model founded by the Massachusetts Bay Company Theocracy church is the state Key ideas welcome true believers equal rights Exclude all others Immigrants who they are and why they came Pilgrims puritans artisans small farmers servants Exclusionary poor vicious and infirm or Quakers Excommunication Expulsion Banishment deportation Violence Relations with native peoples slavery Conversion or exclusion Thanksgiving praying towns Indians Christian Indians Praying Indians Pennsylvania model Establishment of Pennsylvania William Penn Quakers Pluralism Penn was all about equality because he was a Quaker Immigrants who they are and why they came Quakers religious mix ethnic mix Relations with native People Slavery Convert by example see what the English culture is like They start restricting people who can come in after William Penn dies Aliens Pluralism Poor and impotent Germans Article 1 section 8 Three positions 1 No limits 2 Period of assimilation 3 Restriction In 1776 when America becomes a country and takes a mix of all 3 of the models 1776 Evolving the idea of who could have membership the American policy Congress has authority to create a uniform rule of naturalization Naturalized statutes very vague free and white people can come in and declare allegiance and good moral character Know political Cartoons The political cartoon shows fat rich white men stopping a poor German immigrant from coming off the docks then their shadow shows how that they were all immigrants at one point and that it was hypocrisy cultural Alien and sedition acts of 1798 Alien Act dangerous Deportation Enemy Aliens Act Power to restrain or remove alien enemies in case of war Sedition Act false scandalous and malicious writing against the US or the President Noah Webster Dictionaries were used to create a language or make multiple languages Language into 1 big language How the English language was created Religion protestant Education Public school WASPS lose eventually the numerical majority Majority and minority and the invention of the white race Who is white Accept more people They WASPS then let Dutch Germans French protestant Scotts Swiss welsh Protestant to become white Then later Irish Italian Greek Russian Jews White Hispanic Definition of forced movement Virginia Model Africans are first racial immigration 15th century Portuguese traders Route to the east Trading with west African kingdoms Trans Saharan trade 16th century change Discovery of New World Agricultural workers needed Native peoples Bringing diseases Why enslavement Pre conceived stereotypes about Africans Myth of Pan Africans idea that all Africans love each other and speak the same black Animality the belief that Africans are animals but not like animals Did Europeans bring slavery to West Africa African slavery Trans Saharan trade triangular trade Prisoners of War Did Africans help the Europeans enslave language Trading West Africans o Slave traders Kidnapping West Africans Kingdoms African Guides Africans within the trade o Shackles o Middle passage o Clips The Atlantic slave trade The Atlantic Slave trade Trade any West Africans could be traded started moving inland as the slave trade went on The longer you are on the boat the harder it is to keep Africans a live 20 of the middle passage slaves die The two ways of transporting slaves Tight packers Putting 20
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