Day 1 Nationality where a person retains citizenship Race assumption of innate differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics made racism Racialization Ideological racism belief where someone thinks their race is better than everyone else Considers a group unchangeable because of their another or physical or intellectual characteristics Scientific racism experiments paid by the government to prove one race is better than another by science Johann Blumenbach 1795 decided to put down the hierarchy of the races into a book trying to nd perfect race that northern Europeans could be compared to Samuel Morton Philadelphia scientist trying to prove blacks were less than collecting a measuring skulls the bigger skull white was bigger than the whies by blacks skull which was much smaller Josiah Nott made book called Types of Mankind book said Africans should only be whites which would make abnormal children slaves because if they were free they would run around and mate with Individual racism one person acts out against one persons or group Institutional racism it s the policy of the government to discriminate against a Dominant group vs subordinate group dominate groups sets the rules and is hierarchy the WASPS the group or race W White A Anglo S Saxon P Protestant Day 2 Types of immigrants Voluntary moves to another country voluntarily nothing is making them leave Displaced Person move because of a threat in political office their life or natural disaster they go back after issue is resolved Forced forced to move against their will mostly slaves Dominant groups highest number of people and highest amount of power puts the smaller groups in based how they think they are Subordinate groups smaller or new group have to pick to either assimilate or acculturate Assimilate give up EVERYTHING about themselves to be more like the dominate group to fit in Happens very quickly Acculturate people stay true to their culture and heritage but adapt some traits of the dominant group stay true to yourself Happens over time gradually change and adapt trade Example American Indians speak English but retain their rituals and 3 Categories to describe U S Anglo conformity everyone assimilates to become WASPS Melting pot everyone give up everything to become a new people Cultural pluralism gives up a little but retains most values and heritage Three Waves of Immigration in American History Formative Wave 1607 1820 First Wave Immigration 1820 1880 Second Wave of Immigration 1880 1920 1st Americans were hunters and gatherers mainly hunted animals on the side they picked berries always on the move also called Clovis Hunters because they went to current day New Mexico their arrow heads were found in a town now called Clovis Agricultural Revolution started in Central Mexico 200 AD Americans used it allowed people to stay and live in 1 place now Indians were living off crops and supplementing with meat Anasazi part of agricultural revolution main crops were corn squash and beans homes built on side of cliffs crops in valley below had irrigation system through the mountains to the valley drought hit 1250 AD not enough food Cahokia part of agricultural revolution mound builders lived in current day St Louis 1350 AD fed over 40 000 people built pyramids to try and reach sun god Ceremonial burial people buried with all their possessions for after life killed friends so dead dude could have company 1450 AD drought hit controlled trade Indian Tribes in 1492 Iroquois and Algonquian hunted each other first to possess firearms Adoption someone dies in one tribe they would take someone from opposite tribe and make them one of them Iroquois ate organs of Algonquian s to possess their special powers got horses from the Spanish which let them travel to Mid West became hunters and gatherers again herded buffalo horses became the new currency and status symbol best riders were called Comanche they raided and got whatever they needed tortured people to prove their point 1st Conflict with Native Americans during American Revolution British told Natives if Americans won they would their land so Natives fought for the British we won British never gave us our promised land instead gave Natives guns to 1812 we found out and went to war with the British made policy of assimilation for Natives Natives east of Mississippi moved to the Mississippi River so they can watch us an learn to act like us can t they are like us take fight us Thomas Jefferson west of come back until Andrew Jackson hated British and Natives family killed by Natives 1st gold rush in North Georgia 10 000 miners went and invaded Cherokee land Jackson said they were a nuisance 1830 Congress signed Indian Removal Act moved Indians to certain designated areas Supreme Court said Cherokees could have their land back because they were a separate nation Jackson ignored it Natives sent to Oklahoma Tail of Tear 4 000 out of 16 000 Natives died on the David Crocket stood up for Indians and declined the Indian Removal Act way Seminoles Mix of a bunch of different tribes fought back for 6 years 1846 1852 Seminole Indian War one of longest in After Civil War relationships changed history Great Plains Ulysses S Grant we started to move into and invade the Natives land conquest through kindness move Indians to reservations and government will take care of them learn the white ways put in schools Day 3 Missed Day 4 2 tribes invaded England from Roman Empire Anglo and Saxon s 1066 Norman Conquest Normans took over England 99 of Englishmen coming to the New World were Protestant broke from Catholic Church 1 Englishmen coming to New World were Catholic lived in Maryland Henry VIII king of England wanted a son but kept having daughters asked Pope to divorce his wife and Pope said no 1534 Henry started his own church so he could divorce French Dutch and Spanish all didn t last because they were built on one product French and Dutch were for fur trade Spanish were for gold and silver English lasted because they attracted so many people because of religion had many different kinds of people with different skills 1st Great Migration 1629 1640 took place in New England mosquitoes were deadly New England so cold they didn t have to worry about them short growing season no cash crops farming didn t work so they went to sea fishermen Separatists wanted to be free from Church of England Went to Holland first because children were losing their English heritage 1st to come to New
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