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AMH2097 Race Nationality and Ethnicity History of Immigration Race social construct we made up not biological fact you choose it the assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics 1 16th of black blood used to african american take physical characteristics you are assuming are true and assume they are true and that you are inferior superior group of people who have something in common ie irish culture what they eat how they dress traditions economic status language religion disliking someone because they are from a different culture from another Racism Ethnicity Nativism country another ethnicity Nationality where you re born used to also mean citizenship passport declares where you are a citizen Racial and Ethnic Hierarchies The US and power they create hierarchies The Other anybody other than you used to think african americans animals missing link to monkeys What do we used animals for Labor slavery The History of Immigration 3 Movements Waves 1 The Formative Wave 1607 1830 set up formal informal laws first english came over formative because forming a country all others considered others ignored former people here irradiated ect english don t consider themselves immigrants starts at 1820 immigration proof of this 2 First Wave 1830 1880 Irish German Chinese formers don t know how to handle others native americans indians french dutch spanish jews scotts irish etc 3 Second Wave 1880 1920 shit hits the fan Then Why do immigrants leave How do immigrants fit in assimilation acculturation The Process Un assimilation able What does the US want from Immigrants First 1609 1960 Anglo Conformity anglo white basically complete assimilation 1960s During this time we question should we make immigrants assimilate switch to CULTURAL PLURALISM 1980s Present Cultural Pluralism during time of women suffrage gay rights etc Where we want accept others culture how they dress foods religion etc Leads to Xenophobia Nativism and Xenophobia fear of another race nationality or ethnicity causes one to act irrationally Why we are using film Formative Wave Migration The English WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant Protestant christianity thats NOT catholic extremely not christian not a Homogenous group anglos saxons gaelic tribes celts picts britons normans romans italy even vikings Scandinavia melting pot of people not all the same become the whites leader died Queen Elizabeth turmoil still under her laws ways low on money because The Immigration of the English England in 1600 of recent wars Why did the English Colonize America problems in England because everyone is doing it problem they cant afford it South vs North First colony Jamestown 1607 why did the English Colonize Primogeniture second third sons so they have the citizens pay to get on the boat themselves therefore when they go over they own what they find don t have to send it back to the crown indentured servants poor who are the hungary starving people who cant find jobs they contract themselves to the 2nd 3rd sons basically trade labor for certain amount of years usually 5 7yrs for money to float over to the new world in order too own land opportunity money from the very beginning America is about money Second Colony New England 1620 Why did the English Colonize Pilgrims Puritans protestants in a protestant country these people are generally middle class have a lot of money but not landed come to America to get landed and become upper class The New Zion Gods promise land come over to create a world where they middle class in England become the top middle class aren t gentlemen they know how to get hands dirty do things for themselves come over for power Images of The New World through film the new world shows the people as heros other than class change middle become upper it is basically England laws influence lifestyle the crucible 1996 witchcraft trials etc shows others as crazies Formative Migration controlled the 13 colonies and later the US wrote the blank slate created laws etc WASP Dominance Influence Major Areas 1 Language language most of documents are in english 2 Religion Protestant Separation of Church and State US loves Protestants English Language Only Laws when immigrants take the test to become a citizen they can take it in any bull shit ie court swearing to tell truth on Bible 3 Education public school perfect for assimilation free schooling where immigrants are INDOCTRINATED in the culture Even if parents don t want to assimilate the younger generation assimilates 4 Political and Legal Institutions English common law Constitution basically plagiarized legislative branch who reps us problems in the institutions themselves 5 Economic Institutions Anglos in power historically WASPS run the political institutions president executive judicial How do they maintain control and separation nativist and xenophobic from the beginning ALEIN AND SEDITION ACTS OF 1798 WASPS increases NATURALIZATION ACT 5 to 14 years process of becoming a citizen after 5 14 years you can try to become a citizen long time because want to maintain in power this keeps them from voting and someones chances to assimilate ALIEN ENEMIES AND FRIENDS ACTS DEPORTATION who we can deport from the US cannot ever come back began using toward people who aren t citizens who speak out about laws English are the dominant group majority 60 still leaves 40 NON ENGLISH The invention of the White Race eventually no longer the numerical majority Majority and Minority Majority higher power not numbers Minority less power not numbers White The white race is an invention created by the US to differentiate us from the others Dutch German Huguenot French Protestant Scandinavian Scottish Swiss Scots Irish and Welsh Protestants Eventually Irish Italian Greek Russian etc Now even White Hispanic WASPS couldn t keep numerical majority up worried about loosing power therefore they began to classify more people under the white category to increase their numerical majority and protect their power control AFRICANS comes in during the formative wave second largest minority during the formative wave I European Discovery of Africa a 15th Cent 1400s Portuguese Traders route to the East trading with Africans GOLD b 16th Cent Change discovery of The New World Agricultural workers needed long almost 1 year one way trip around africa to india china Started meeting Africans along the way and began to trade with them Portuguese Christopher Columbus find sugar crop they can

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