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Patriarchy Clans Males rule everything o Makes all decisions Chinese big on this Group of people related by blood or marriage Clan called by their last name Last name Tong Tong Clan No concept of individualism o o If you were on your own you were the lowest class Beggers and prostitutes Eldest Male Eldest male is head of the clan o Once eldest male dies power goes to next oldest o Decides EVERYTHING for clan Where they live jobs husbands wives if they go overseas Listen to him no matter what o No questioning authority Surname Last name is your whole identity Tells what clan your from i e your importance rank in society Guadong or Canton Province Most immigrants come from here Home of the capital city Taishan Toishan Trade hub o Right on the ocean Known for firework production Diverse and cosmopolitan o No agriculture REASONS FOR LEAVING CHINA Overpopulation People didn t pay taxes so government couldn t give them what their taxes typically paid for o Couldn t import food because there weren t taxes Had no way to grow it either Lots of people not enough resources Imperialism Outside nation comes in to take over o Europeans mainly came in and took over Canton Province to gain access to trade Wanted opium specifically o Europeans just gave Hong Kong back about 5 years ago Bring their own ideas about life and culture and change the atmosphere o Ends up being that immigrants keep their culture better than the ones who stay in China o Younger generations assimilate to British culture o Idea of individualism takes hold Bring their own people over and take jobs from the Chinese British want to take over control of opium trade and Chinese said HELL NO Opium Wars Tsunami Destroyed both British and Chinese property Two tsunamis back to back o Destroyed harbor too Series of droughts and floods fluctuation Leaves no crops to trade or eat o o Main crops are rice tea and poppy for opium but they don t do well with the drastic water level Gum Saan US advertises that they need gold miners in Cali o o Gold Mountain Just a ploy to get them to come work Chinese clans pool money and pick the bet candidates to immigrate to US Return Migration Go over for 5 years then come back to China with money o Usually meet wife for the first time get her pregnant then go away for another 5 years o Cycle repeats for about 30 years until man is allowed to stay home Send young males because America loves youth long and expensive journey which is why they stay in America for years before getting to go home Called SOJOURNER because they re constantly moving around o Never in one place Bachelor Society All males hardly any woman at all come over o Which is why US fears that Chinese will rape the white women Chinatown Ethnic enclave o Keep culture here better than they do in China Located in San Francisco Use to be ghetto o White still consider it to be Built on the sewage system Just like another province of China but in America Lots of Mexicans and blacks also live around that area The Six Companies Literally 6 controlling companies in Chinatown Called KONGSI in Chinese Join a company based on your clan o Big clans and clan friends form the companies o Pledge allegiance to only serve that company o Basically like having a clan back in China but with all males Still a head figure who tells you what to do Travels all the time though so never physically there o Has someone stand in for him while he s gone o Set you up with everything you need House job ect Come over and leave on their ships Take your body back to China if you die Other companies don t like each other o Fight with each other for majority power in Chinatown Have their own legal system with judges jury and police If you break a law the whites will never know because the Chinese take care of it themselves Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society Chinese start moving from China town so the 6 Companies make this to control them Basically 6 Companies in another place o o o Tongs People outside of the 6 Companies Linked by individual friendship Like the 6 Companies 6 Companies don t like them Have to pay them lots of money to use their ships to go back to China Make them out to be criminals because 6 companies can t control them Embrace this reputation and get into organized crime 6 Companies in on some of the crimes too but blame it all on the Tongs o 6 Companies bring in the opium and Tongs buy it from them to distribute Control the city Still exist today along with 6 Companies Coolies hard laborers Work like slaves Take what they can get Work for basically nothing Gold Miners Work as day laborers for the miners Will find gold but won t turn it in o Don t get jobs unless they offer to work for half of what everyone else will o Miners find out about this and brutally strip search them Don t stay in mining long because of the abuse Foreign Miners Tax 1852 Takes 3 out of every 6 a month they make Put in place 4 years after Chinese get there Also force Chinese out of mining Feminine Jobs Take domestic jobs because they just want work Adds to the stereotype of them being feminine Other immigrant men won t take the job because its girly but the Chinese don t care Transcontinental Railroad Chinese build the west side of it o Connects to what the Irish built in the east Know how to use dynamite because of their knowledge of fireworks from Canton province Lighters Get the name lighters because they lay the dynamite then light it Get paid a lot because its dangerous and the job is necessary Blow through mountains so the railroad can go through it instead of around it o Paid in advance so that if they die on the job their company still gets the money Migrant Farm Work Many die Like Mexican migrant workers Take a farming job for weeks at a time then move on to the next job o Go where they re needed when they re needed o Work when they need to then go home when they can Scientific Racism o Hierarchy system is scientifically proven o Darwin s Origin of the Species Take his theory and apply it humans specifically Chinese Measured skulls Chinese were in the middle compared to other groups Way to say without a doubt the Chinese were inferior Shorter in stature 4 8 5 Queue Pony tail hairstyle Made them look more feminie Un assimilate able Idea of the perpetual foreigner Different race o Yellow not white Yellow Peril o Will always keep Chinese culture and keep going back so they won t assimilate China sent their men to take over America o Only males …

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