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Immigration from China Introduction 1 they are the first group we will pass an immigration law against 2 They are the only group that we actually pass a law only against them chinese exclusion law 3 Unassimilatable but rise up in hierarchy In cartoon they show them just as they get off the boat Views of Chinese Americans China o Advanced Nation Economically they can support their people Technologically still known as this today They have things way before other Eurpoeans We know this because of their population Up until 1800 they never had any problems with their population o Cosmopolitan China opened the doors to western expansion Started with Marco Polo and the west road Have always been part of the world o Divisions within China different culturals religions etc Naturally divided Historically they have always been divided by Natural divisions like rivers mountains etc They are different because of these divisions Cultural Divisions they have divided themselves into provinces Politically made these divisions Regions provinces Very diverse o The Chinese Family they hold two things very differently then we do in America 1 Age American loves young China says older you are the better closer to a higher power 2 Individualism in America we revolve around what I want In China there is no such thing as me there is family Institutions in china family is 1 government is 2 Patriarchy male dominated Clans very large families You live in a compound with all of your family They are all linked to one another Eldest Male runs the family The eldest male chooses who you marry chooses what job you have whether you immigrate or not Chinese in China o Guadong or Canton Province came in first wave They hold the city of hongkong today They are merchants fisherman businessmen urban workers fireworks explosivses They are NOT argricultural workers o City Toishan Taishan most come from this city Immigration to the United States Push factors o Government first thing that goes wrong At this time is controlled by an emperor Qing Dynasty Pronounced Ching Been around for 100s of years The people start not liking what the emperors are doing Since China is so divided people stop paying attention and live their own way Emperors do not like this He starts raising taxes to pay for an army to kill them chinese Taipei and Boxer rebellions these are the heads of the clan going against o Overpopulation up until the 1800s China has not had an overpopulation problem Meaning the government cannot support its people not enough jobs the emperor food o Imperialism Europeans decide they want to come and take over China economy because it makes a lot of money Opium Wars people want opium main import very expensive drug Opium is making so much money so they come in to take it They also fight with everyone for the best parts Europeans take over most of the jobs this can be linked back to the irish when the british took their land o This creates an unemployment problem Europeans also bring over their culture This makes the eldest male not as important Traditional chinese culture starts to disappear o The chinese who immigrated to America actually kept their culture better in America than they would if they stayed in china Did better in US than in China o Weather there are a serious of flooding or drought This ruins their money making crops like silk and tea Tsunami a shipping area called Toishan is destroyed This becomes a huge deal because of loss for people They cant grow rice so they start starving They are also poor o War and Rebellion Interior war eldest male vs emperor There is also a war against Russian and Japanese 20 million die from wars this helps overpopulation o Most of chinese do not go to US bc british are mean They go to places like Austrailia Pull Factors for the Chinese o 1st Gold Gum Saan gold mountain this is what Chinese called US o They believed that when they went to US it would be land filled with gold o Also gold is in the interior of California which is not where they immediately will arrive Chinese thought this would be an easy way to make money o Later Work First Impressions with Queue There s no other group that will be competing with Chinese for jobs o Stereotypes of the Californian WASPs and Chinese Yosemite Sam and Chang There are hardly any women in California at this time They are all white Yosemite Sam typical California he is in California for gold to be a rancher cowboy he is single and white When he hunts he hunts with knife he eats with that same knife He is protestant an upbringing of Christianity Average height 5 8 he is hefty and muscular Chand with Queue He is wearing traditional clothing made of silk capri with white silk stockings with colorful silk slippers There is no facial hair Average height 4 8 He looks like a girl Religion he does not practice Christian religion he walks into a temple practices Buddhism He eats tofu soy beans little meat fish they use chopsticks o They do not eat cow which whites eat Chinese are un assimilatable Chinese Immigration to the US o Money they have a little bit of money enough to get buy which is good o Return migration the Chinese will not stay in US They come over because eldest male comes over to make money once all push factors go away they will return to US they choose the best candidate male single Another reason why they do not assimilate You will stay for thirty years But you cannot be controlled in America so they will return about every 5 years When you return you will find your wife get married have kids return back to US repeat every 5 years you are being reintroduced to your culture Return migration takes 3 5 months on boat so they are not in US long this creates a bad reputation in America Bachelor Society Most of immigration is male They are bachelors because they either are single or do not bring their family wife Whites fear that Chinese will try to marry white women o Numbers bad 300 000 by 1882 low number but they all settle together 1 10 of CA population CA is not a very populated area and when the Chinese all settle in CA they make up a lot of CA population o Location bad Ethnic Enclave Chinatown San Francisco CA Work jobs will reinforce stereotypes o Coolies Hard Labor cheap hard labor The chinese will always work for the least amount of money CA wasps make it illegal for chinese to own land they can not be gold miners they can only be gold miners and work for gold miners Gold Miners Foreign Miners Tax 1852 tax the chinese for

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