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o Plantation system English protestants confiscated land for livestock or export o Penal laws denied landowning and voting rights to Catholics Exam 2 Study Guide For all Four Groups You will Need to Know Push Factors Why they left their home country Irish production o Potato blight of the 1840s Gorta Mor Famine starvation Poverty Chinese o Taiping rebellion Chinese civil war Qing v Han dynasty 1850 1864 20 million died o Natural disasters Floods destroy rice paddies o Famine o Female infanticide o Economic Imperialism o Opium Wars Kill own daughters because they don t want them to grow up in china Italians o Italian unification Joining of north and south Italy North dominate south o Economy High taxes on land Poor land Unemployment o Catholic church o Overpopulation o Natural disasters Mt Vesuvius 1906 Mt Etna 1908 Earthquake Tidal wave Tithe taxes that must be paid to the church Jews o Tsar Alexander II assassinated in 1881 Rumors that assassins were Jews actually atheists Christians attacked Jewish communities o Pogroms o Tsar Alexander III Organized attacks on Jewish communities Russian orthodox church Autocrat ordained ruler by God Judaism is incompatible o Russification culturally Attempt to make all of Eastern Europe like Russia both politically and Religion is a part of your culture Jews all over eastern Europe experienced progroms Where they settled City and name of enclaves Irish o southie Boston o Five points NYC Chinese o San Francisco o china town Italians o little italies o Northeastern cities o NYC Boston Philadelphia Jews o Lower east side o NY Chicago Baltimore LA Miami Type of Migration Chain Return Permanent etc Irish Chinese Italians o Chain Migration o Return Migration o Return Migration Jews o Permanent Who migrated Men women single families etc Irish Young adults both male and female Chinese mostly men Italians family Jews family Labor What kind of jobs Irish unskilled workers worked in docks Chinese unskilled workers railroads Italians Unskilled workers Life in the Enclave Irish o Tenement houses o Pub culture Socialization o Bare knuckle boxing o Urban lifestyle Brothels Chinese o Tongs Jews Began as unskilled but came to white collar jobs in 3rd generation More than one person to a room rent for a day week month Hearty filling drink before and after work Began as protective group against whites Became corrupt Gang or Chinese Mafia o Opium dens Prostitution o Six companies Six Chinese run family businesses End prostitution Clean up corruption Emphasize morality Italians o The family o Weddings o Political clubs o Festivals o Mutual Aid society Stereotypes Jews Irish Members made monthly payments to assist others with housing day care funerals etc Transubstantiation practice of communion in the belief of ingesting the o Catholic Brainwashed by pope body and blood of Christ Blood drinkers Baby killers Vampires o Race Ape like Nativists claim that Irish were the missing link between the human race and the gorilla Black Irish Equal to African Americans Bridget name for all Irish women self sufficient and street smart Paddy derogatory term for an Irish man derived from Patrick English Americans used Pub culture to legitimatize the notion that ALL Irish were alcoholics o Inferior Immoral Lazy Uneducated o Drunk Chinese o Race physical Yellow peril Skin pigment Short No facial air Feminine Buck teeth Slanted eyes Queue ponytail Culture Religion Buddhism Food Language mandarin Appearance pajama like dress Italians o Catholic o Drunk Loud o Race Dark skin Dark hair Inferior Dangerous Disloyal o Mafia myth o Vendetta Seen as lawless thugs looking for a fight Criminality is a part of the Italian race When an act of violence is taken personally by the whole family Jews o Race Facial features Big nose dark hair Darker skin o Culture unassimilatable devil Hats are covering their horns Discrimination they faced Italians o NINA No Irish Need Apply Chinese o Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 No one can come in people already there can t become citizens Geary Act 1892 Renews exclusion for 10 more years Italians o Wages Paid less o Dangerous conditions Sweat shops Maimed killed in accidents Tuberculosis infection of the lungs o 1921 Immigration and Nationality Act In 1880 take 2 of the total number of Italians and that s how many can come per year Jews o Anti Semitism Stereotyping prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people o Killers of Christ Rumor created by Christians Romans killed Jesus and crucified thousands of Jews Christians blame major world disasters on Jews o Smite o Intelligence o Cheap Too intelligent crafty and sneaky Jewish merchants devious Frugal and saved hard earned money Christians saw as stingy Assimilation in what ways they became accepted and or upward mobility Irish o English Americans change their views During 1880s 1920s New Immigrants Irish became old immigrants Lighter skinned Catholic is better than Judaism o Irish Americans adapt Cultural assimilation Language Exception is that Irish remained catholic Mostly remained unskilled some became skilled catholic schools provide education John F Kennedy first catholic president Chinese o Education 52 have a college degree 13 of Ivy League students Highest scores on standardized tests o Socio Economics White collar jobs Higher income than white Americans Upper middle class Italians o Some types of Italian culture are accepted WASPs see little Italy as entertainment o Service and Education Food WWII G I Bill Can go to college Transition to skilled labor Jews o Reformed Judaism o Embraced opportunities Italian Americans fight for US seen as brave and good soldiers Jobs Citizenship Education o Blue to white collar in 3 generations Work ethic College educated Family enclave support o Political Activists Major support during civil rights movements in 1960s Students for a democratic society The Second Generation Conflict Chinese o 1st generation vs 2nd generation 1st generation Obedience to ancestors Take care of elders Patriarchal society lack of rights for women Expected to intra marry 2nd generation Speak English Go to college Marry outside the race Move outside of the Chinatown Italians o Speak English o Intermarriage Major source of conflict o Catholic church attendance declines What they are known for today i e Irish Americans Today Irish Chinese Italians Jews o 30 5 million o Completely assimilated o 3 8 million o Upper middle class o 15 7 million o Keep ethnic traditions o Live in neighborhoods o 6

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