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RACE ETHNICITY LECTURE EXAM 2 4 factors that determined whether WASPS would like that immigrant group Money Numbers large numbers more likely to not like them Location move away from where WASPS were good o All are related If group didn t have money they couldn t move away from WASPS Stereotypes Germans hardworkers Irish drunks 1st group of Germans formative wave Created a good stereotype WASPS thought all Germans were like this so they were excepted by WASPS Pennsylvania Dutch German Settled in Pennsylvania English called anymore with blonde hair and blue eyes Dutch Germans fled from German and were living in Holland immigrated from Holland Push factor Germany wasn t a good place to live split between protestant and Catholic didn t like each other Wars fought in Germany all the time armies would kill because of religious beliefs caused diseases Germans had to quarter soldiers o 30 years war 1619 1649 35 of Germans died Germans fled to Holland Penn Dutch 300 000 Penn Dutch living in colonies by 1776 Mostly Quakers Pull factor could own their own land religious freedom WASPS liked Germans because they were Protestant they built nice farm houses barns fences neatness hardworking best crops and farms met every qualification for WASPS Ben Franklin Afraid Germans were going to make Penn a German colony didn t like the Germans maintained Culture o Penn Dutch mad no effort to become like English Spoke no English WASP liked it because they were staying out of their way Germans Largest immigrant group to ever come to America Introduced new things to America Hot Dogs Apple Pie Santa Started businesses in America Budweiser started by Germans Most Germans arrive with money Not many from lower class 58 million claim German ethnicity Lower Class WASPS gave Germans factory jobs o Fought with Irish all the time Middle Class Most Germans were middle class Revolution of 1848 political and religious turmoil Upper middle class participated in Rev leave or stay and German get killed 48er s Upper Class Make up the smallest of the 48er s Lawyers teachers start businesses Politically active Tried to end slavery Democratic Revolutionaries Chain Migration Sets Germans apart bring their entire families over Anchor immigrant work and send money back to Germany to send over extended family Location Primarily settled in the Mid West Settlement based on their religion Protestant Catholic Ethnic Enclaves Areas that only Germans lived within cities Germans Triangle between cities of Cincinnati Milwaukee and St Louis Parochial Schools Taught in German Kirchendeutschen churches had services in German Vereinsdeutschen cultural promoted German culture and heritage German language newspapers news from both US and Germany Eventually become German Americans begin marrying into American families speak English to try and fit in Don t fully assimilate still hold on to culture After German Unification relations between America and Germany continually improved German Day World War I 1900 German Americans made up of American population Germany Austro Hungary and Ottoman Empire Vs Britain France and France had alliance with Russia declare was on Germany Russia eventually America Austria declares war on Russia Woodrow Wilson declares American neutrality German Americans wanted to help Germany sent food supplies Germany invades Belgium looting towns taking food from citizens American public opinion shifted Germans began unrestricted submarine warfare o Lusitania sailing from America to G B 1915 German submarine thought Lusitania was a warship and fired 1000 people died including Americans o American s warn Germans to stop because they were killing Americans o 1917 Germans reinstitute unrestricted submarine warfare Zimmerman Telegraph Sent to Mexico intercepted by America Offer to Mexico to join war on German side If America enters war attack they would give Mexico all the land that was taken from them by America o America declares war on German in 1917 Anit German Hysteria APL American Protective League If you lived next to a German you could spy on them ordinary citizens could sign up o Espionage Act gave police power to imprison anyone who was doing unpatriotic acts Post Master General gave power to open German mail Internment German Language German language was banned in public and even in their own home in some states o Royal family in England changed their name Changed the name of food French fries Freedom fries Libraries and Newspapers Shut down newspapers and German literature was banded and burned in some cases Ethnic slurs and harassment Hunskunk tarred and feathered Lynching Prohibition to put German breweries out of business o Robert P Prager German American suspected of being a trader 1981 put in jail townspeople broke into jail and hung him Armistice November 11 1918 Germans called armistice Once war is over relations between Germans and Americans go back to normal World War II 12 000 Germans interned o based on nationality or political affiliation German Americans not treated nearly as bas as before Because the Germans were Anti Hitler o Newspapers politically active Japanese are now the American enemy Dwight D Eisenhower Supreme commander in Eupore German American Irish WASPS thought they weren t very smart didn t like them because they were catholic Failed all WASP stereotype of a good immigrant Largest Non Protestant Migration to the US until that point 1st wave Migration o No money had to stay in big cities near WASPS o Only thing they were good for in the eyes of the WASPS was moving crates off ships lowest paying jobs o Got the stereotype of being racist because they were competing with African Americans Economic Labor immigrants Push factor o Overpopulation 8 million people living in Ireland by 1800 o Politics English subjection the more you around someone from Irish you would turn into an Animal passed laws forbidding English marriage with Irish English began immigrating to Ireland conquered northern Ireland Irish were slaves of their own lands Rural illiteracy English didn t set up schools only wanted Irish for labor Penal Laws Made Irish nothing but Laborers Popery Act If you have a farm you have to divide it between your heirs English buy their land and take over Punishable by death Permanent Underclass o Economics Tenant farmers given a small plot of land but your first job was to work for your land owner 1778 Ireland was 95 protestant owned Nepoleonic Wars between France and Great Britain large

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