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AMH2097 Exam 2 Study Guide Irish Chinese Italians Jews IRISH Push Factors Why they left their home country 1 Plantation system English protestant confiscated land for livestock grazing or export production 2 Penal laws Denied landowning and voting rights to Catholics 3 Potato Blight of the 1840 s Gorta Mor famine starvation and poverty Where they settled City and name of enclaves Settled in predominately Urban Northeastern parts Major cities NYC Boston and Philadelphia Enclaves Southie in Boston Five Points in NYC Type of Migration Involuntary Migration Chain Migration A single member of a family comes first sends money home for one or more members to follow Who migrated Predominately young single women and men who migrated Labor what kind of jobs Men Unskilled Docks construction textile mills and factories Migrants Miners farm laborers transportation railroads and canal laborers Women Domestic servants work in the tenement houses Life in the Enclave Bare Knuckle Boxing Pub Culture Tenement Houses Political Machine Example Tammany Hall Political Boss Example Boss Tweed Stereotypes 1 Catholic Brainwashed by the Papacy Transubstantiation Communion 2 Race Ape Like Black Irish 3 4 Drunk English Americans used Pub Culture to legitimize notion that ALL Irish were alcoholics Inferior Immoral Lazy Uneducated Gender Names for man and woman Discrimination they faced NINA No Irish Need Apply React with resistance strikes created labor groups expanded westward Assimilation in what ways they became accepted and or upward mobility 1 English Americans change their views lighter skinned Catholic is better than Judaism 2 Irish Americans adapt too a Cultural Assimilation i Language ii The exception is that the Irish remained Catholic What they are known for today i e Irish Americans Today Completely assimilated Catholic Church St Patrick s Day 11 US Population a During 1880s 1920s New Immigrants come so the Irish become the Old Immigrants Irish are b Mostly remained unskilled but some become skilled educated Catholic schools provide education CHINESE Push Factors Why they left their home country Taiping Rebellion 1850 1864 the Chinese Civil War between Qing v Han Dynasty 20 million dead Natural Disasters floods Famine drought Female Infanticide mothers know how terrible life will be for their daughter so they kill it Economic Imperialism Opium Wars Wanted to take advantage of the Gold Rush in California 1849 Gold Mountain Where they settled City and name of enclaves San Francisco California NYC Chinatowns Type of Migration Involuntary life sucked in China Return Migration came to the U S with the intention of making money and returning to China Who migrated Men women single families etc Mostly single men although some women Labor what kind of jobs Men Railroads Transcontinental explosives Dirty Work unskilled labor Miners Laundresses feminine stereotype Domestic Servants usually a women s job Shop Keepers Women very few came those who did were tricked and sold into prostitution in China and bought as sex slaves by American merchants Life in the Enclave Tongs gang Began as a protective group against Whites became corrupt and were known as a gang or the Chinese Mafia Opium Dens Six Companies Stereotypes Cultural weren t familiar with their culture Too smart sneaky Yellow Peril skin pigment and fear they would take WASP jobs Discrimination they faced Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Chinese aren t allowed to come to the US if you re already here you can t become a citizen but you don t have to leave Assimilation in what ways they became accepted and or upward mobility First generation acculturated and 2nd assimilated and acculturated Today s Chinese Americans have completely assimilated The Second Generation Conflict Generational Conflict Mothers Daughters Chinese Cultural First Generation Obedience to ancestors take care of elders Patriarchal Society lack of rights for women expected to inter marry Chinese children will Second Generation ASSIMILATION Speak English go to college marry outside their race and move outside of Chinatown What they are known for today New Stereotypes honest highly educated strong family values hard workers ITALIANS Push Factors Why they left their home country Italian Unification Economy Catholic Church Overpopulation Natural Disasters Where they settled City and name of enclaves Ethnic enclave Little Italy Northeastern cities NYC Boston and Philadelphia Midwestern Cities Chicago and Detroit Type of Migration Chain Return Permanent etc Involuntary Migration Return Migration came to the US with the expectation to make money and then return home no intention to stay Who migrated Men women single families etc Families Labor what kind of jobs Unskilled workers Canals railroads water sewer system construction docks and factories Life in the Enclave Social Family Oriented People Weddings Bloody Sheet Family Travel and settle as families Political clubs Festivals Mutual Aid Societies Members made monthly payments to assist others with housing daycare funerals etc Stereotypes Catholic They make wine so they are seen as being drunks Race inferior dangerous disloyal and criminals Mafia Myth Discrimination they faced Wages dangerous conditions labor unions WWI targeted and arrested by FBI Assimilation in what ways they became accepted and or upward mobility Some forms of Italian culture accepted GI Bill giving them opportunities to serve and get educated transitioned to skilled jobs education The Second Generation Conflict Mother vs Son Conflict Speak English Intermarriage Catholic Church attendance declines What they are known for today Little Italy Keeping their ethnic traditions JEWS Push Factors Why they left their home country Mainly Russification but later Nazi Germany Holocaust Where they settled City and name of enclaves Northeastern Lower East Side Type of Migration Chain Return Permanent etc Involuntary Permanent migration Who migrated Men women single families etc Families Labor what kind of jobs Began as unskilled heavy industry manufacturing Later Middle Men Merchants trade shopkeepers Few professionals Scholars doctors and lawyers Life in the Enclave Strong Judaism traditions Kosher Hebrew Language Sabbath Holidays Synagogue Stereotypes Race Big nose dark hair facial features dark skin Hats covering their horns Devil Unassimilatable So different that they don t have a chance Stingy Cheap Sneaky Too Intelligent Discrimination they faced Anti Semitism Stereotyping

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