Race and Ethnicity Final Exam The Chinese First wave immigrants 1849 1880 300 000 small number Unique o West coast migration o Laws passed against Chinese immigration o Discriminated yellow Push factor o 85 from the same region Guandong Province Overpopulation 1000 people per square mile in Guandong Crop failure became a problem Primitive agriculture practices wooden plows same crops Natural disasters Flooded rivers Tsunamis o Two major Tsunamis o Large amount of damage o Further hurt an already weaken economy o Europeans were able to become more embedded in the Guandong economy so they could rebuild o Clan conflicts A clan is the connection of a lot of families that are related by a late ancestor Societal structure Supported Emperor Punti Hakka Clan War Taishan 1855 1867 Clans killed each other over petty issues Hundreds of thousands of people died o Rebellion Taiping Rebellion 1850 1864 Hong Xiuquan believed he was brother of Jesus believed China was morally corrupt and believed he could reform China for the good of the peasant Had a large following and declared war on the Emperor lost 20 million Chinese died o European Influence Trade agreements Europeans controlled companies and economy Colonialism Christian Missionaries began splitting chinese families clans over conversing family members Anglo Chinese Wars Pull Factors o Clipper Ships how chinese found out about America used ships to hunt and trade with chinese o High paying wages o Golden Mountain what chinese called America o California Gold Rush 1848 Chinese were told about gold by sailors on Clipper ships o Symbol of Wealth Return Migration one member would go to America and make money go back to China and live in China o Patriarchic o Confucianism o Return multiple times o Family improvement o Lew Family Lew Git came to America to practice return migration left oldest son in charge of family sent to America and son kept buying land on credit died in America paying off debts that his son was running up in China o Single men not many women Bachelor society Location o San Francisco California o Ethnic Enclaves Chinatown o Mostly stayed on the West Coast Jobs o No Go on Gold Chinese worked too hard harder than white Americans First law California set in place was that Chinese were not allowed to own Gold mines Chinese worked for whites Yellow Price Chinese would mine gold and exchange in for America dollars Chinese got the normal exchange for gold before law o Miners Railroad workers Transcontinental Railroad Chinese worked for company that started in San Fran became best railroad workers set records 10 miles of tracks a day o Domestic Work Feminine Jobs Chinese would wash clothes and cook food for white miners because it was women s work o Migrant workers o Fishing o Dream of Golden Mountain shattered but still able to find jobs Chinese Support Structures o Hui Kaun started in Beijing China places were people from Guandong could stay when visiting the Capitol Food shelter medical care Basically union centers In Beijing to look after the well being of Guandong Each clan set up Hui Kauns in America A place to stay until you could support yourself Six companies 6 Hui Kaun s o Made rules for Chinese immigrants in America o The repetitives didn t want to give the WASPs any reason to not like them o Set up committees to look after immigrants protected them against extortion and being taken advantage of o Made sure there was no Clan violence o Tongs Chinese Mafia Opportunity to take advantage of dumb Americans Run illegal business in America drugs alcohol and Used some money from activities to help Chinese immigrants Provided burial insurance made sure body got back to China prostitution for burial Stereotypes o Yellow peril all Asians were inferior to Whites o WASPs harass Chinese because of Religion o Jobs Women s work o Dress Wore robes Dresses Hair wore in a pig tail o WASPS made fun of Chinese because of their diet food Anti Chinese Sentiment Chinatown dirty and run down criminal stereotype Violence Economic Disputes Chinese workers were harder working and would work for less American workers disliked their work ethic American business owners were pro Chinese paid them less for a better days work Burlingame treaty 1868 Between U S and emperor of China allow American business to hire 10 thousand Chinese workers to build railroads Transcontinental railroad finished that year Chinese workers were stuck in U S without work began taking American jobs Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 said that Chinese immigration would be stopped for 10 years because of the excess Chinese workers taking American jobs First law to be passed to stop an immigrant group from coming to U S Scott Act 1888 Extended Chinese exclusion indefinitely o 1906 Earthquake Hit San Fran All Chinese had to register with the U S These records were held in San Fran in a building that was destroyed in the earthquake Chinese immigrants could now forge documents to enter the U S under the name of someone already in the U S Paper Sons Chinese that used these forged documents to stay in the U S Angel Island all ships that carried immigrants had to stop on Angel Island in San Fran Built to stop illegal immigration of Chinese U S solution to the Paper Sons 20th Century and beyond o WWII 1930 Americans find a new yellow threat the Japanese o Model Minority Chinatowns are now tourist attractions now accepted o 1 6 million Americans of Chinese decent today Second wave of immigrants Come from Europe enter through NYC Philly Boston Non English speaking Unskilled The Jews Arrive with harshest stereotypes Hated by Christians o Went back 200 years Killers of Jesus Christ Judas betrayed Jesus he was a Jew Crusades 1st crusades took Jerusalem from Muslims killed everyone Muslims and Jews were the same to Crusaders o Economics Usury Christians had to begin borrowing money from Jews Jews would charge interest Christians didn t want to pay interest thought Jews were being cheap o Exclusion Stereotypes of Jews o Jews could not be trusted Jews were trying to take over the world o Cheap o Henry Ford published one of the most anti sematic newspapers in the U S Jewish Immigration to America o Only group that come from different countries around the world Jews can claim many different nationalities Russia German Middle East Caribbean Spoke many different languages Didn t all subscribe to the same religious theories Only share the Jewish ethnicity o Jewish Diaspora dispersal 60 A D Roman empire
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