RACE NATIONALITY AND ETHNICITY 1 Race the assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics Links exterior characteristics with inferiority or internal character a b Cultural construction historical invention c d Racism discrimination based on race System of dividing population political undertones i Not just for inferiority but superiority too 2 Ethnicity a group of people that have something in common religion language hometown political beliefs traditions a Usually linked to where someone is from which is not correct b Nativism a belief that someone is inferior superior to you because of their ethnic group 3 Nationality always a fact where you re from where you re bon OR it can mean where you live and hold citizenship a US and other countries don t like dual citizenship you can live in US and have all the rights but you still have your homeland citizenship isn t included in beginning of class because it s only 50 years old b 4 Identity how do you define yourself race sex ethnicity American a b Son daughter brother sister mom dad sorority fraternity c d Name could link to your homeland e Work job student what most Americans define themselves as which isn t how it Sexual orientation should be f What if someone else defined you i Government might even change someone s name Kuntakinte Toby WHAT DOES THE US DO WITH ALL THIS INFORMATION 1 Racial and ethnic hierarchy kind of like a ladder people on top are good a WASPs are at the top in America b We usually based on physical characteristics place most different people on bottom i Usually Africans African Americans 2 Creation of the other aka aliens a Different far down on the ladder b Ex going to a party judge people on looks have a fuck ladder but as the night goes on the ladder changes because you talk to people and drink more But this doesn t matter because we have no power THE HISTORY OF IMMIGRATION Waves of immigration large groups of people all come at once 1 Formative Wave 1607 1830 a Colorization people coming in and don t consider themselves to be immigrants b It s the English eventually becoming WASPs c Who else came Africans not considered people or immigrants first Jews came first Germans first Italians It was spread throughout the world that there s a new country letting everyone in d e This wave was not considered a wave so the second wave is called 1st wave 2 First wave 1830 1880 a Irish German Chinese 3 Second Wave 1880 1920 4 Third wave 1965 present a From eastern and southern Europe Greeks Russians largest group of Jews Japanese b Stopped in 1920 because we passed our first immigration law in 1921 a Right now we have the greatest amount of immigration because we have easy policies so they re considering shutting it down WHY DO IMMIGRANTS LEAVE Most immigrants do not want to leave their country usually forced to leave their homeland American is not usually their first choice because they won t be treated well they just do it because they can because it has easy policies Most people in other countries don t think highly of America and women are actually treated like women Push factors 1 War 2 Natural disasters 3 Government 4 Economy 5 Religion freedom of religion Pull factors Jobs money 1 2 Freedom 3 Education 4 Democracy 5 Religion Called return migrants PROCESS OF EMIGRATION Steps of someone leaving their country 1 Decision to leave or not to leave a Number one reason why people my age come leads to money A lot of immigrants don t stay because they didn t want to come here in the first place a Propaganda literature from America promoting immigration i Ads guidebooks ii Mostly untrue or exaggeration b American letters i Written by immigrants back to their family ii Most persuasive c Power of returned immigrant i Person that comes back successful d Or Anti immigration forces i Upper class use of clergy religious people and journalists 1 They talk about how bad America is because they need people to do the shit jobs ii Families 1 Use of American letters not all positive 2 Sometimes it takes immigrants months or years to come to America iii They go to a port city and may have to take up a temporary residence 1 Boats don t always come leave on time 2 Really shitty place to be living especially for women iv Crossing the ocean 1 Can take 3 months 2 They have food but it costs money so some immigrants are in debt before they get there 3 They use the same ships they use for the African Slave Trade v Taking temporary or permanent residence in the city of arrival New York or Boston 1 May have to stay and pay off debt HOW IMMIGRANTS FIT IN 1 Assimilation give up former culture and take up new one a Aka Anglo conformity b Xenophobia fear of foreigners immigrants i When you fear instead of dislike people actions will be made 1 Actions like make laws or violence c What this entails i Learn English ii Dress code iii Our religion protistarian type of Christianity iv Eat particular foods because of how they smell v Adopt our customs ex holidays 2 Acculturation giving up or adopting enough of their culture but still keeping some of your own fitting in outside of the home but still speaking their own language and everything at home a Cultural pluralism accept or even celebrate people s differences i Ex different types of restaurants The process of assimilation acculturation How quickly or slowly Takes a lot longer than Americans expect American expect them to be able to speak and write the next day getting a job applications What can make the difference If the person isn t as different 1 If they actually know English 2 3 If they have family here 4 Need or money or food 5 6 7 Their age If they have an education If they actually chose to come here everything a A child can assimilate quicker because they ll go to a public school and learn Un assimilate able they want to be American but no one will see them as one because of their physical appearance FORMATIVE WAVE MIGRATION 1 Anglo Saxon Protestants The English a Believe they weren t immigrants because they think they came to an empty country and started colonizing but there were actually people here b WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant i Their children people who completed America c Not a homogenous group i Anglos Saxons Gaelic tribes Celts Picts Britons Normans romans even i This term wasn t invented until the English came to America because everybody Vikings Melting Pot d Became white was white ii White really means clean and pure iii They decide who is
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