1 2 slavery existed from 1619 1865 major changes in both Time and Place First Slave 1619 he was actually an indentured servant North vs South Slavery A Historical Outline A B C D Slavery Reality vs Myth A A Was slavery the same everywhere at every time NO Were all africans slaves when they came a NO a b 1 Colonial Slavery Southern Colonies 1 D time based on price Age of Flexibility 1619 1680 A B C feeling out slavery guring it out no law that slave is enslaved for life more like indentured servitude a Matrilineal inheritance not yet a thing a Africans are more like servants a b c d can marry can sew can own white servants can own property def whatever your mother is you are E 2 3 Free Blacks Why did it Change A B C indentured servants from England stop coming Tabacco now we can afford slaves South Carolina a b c d e f g h Chattel Slavery a b becomes a slave society formed by english people via Barbados slave laws slave society slaves out number whites Slave Code hundreds of pages Barbados was a slave society by about 100 years by time S C Second and 3rd sons who didn t inherit the Barb plantations brought slaves and slave code adopted by colonies future institutionalized in 1787 3 5 property people are beast of burden D c supported by animality 4 Northern Slavery A B Everything the same as south except for agriculture just as bad Family Slavery a b c poorer people ex family farms one slave live in the house eating what and with the family 1 family doesn t think of you as badly as others maybe 2 Pros A Negatives A B C where are you going to nd your own family never see anyone like you Isolation assimilate into white culture not happy C D b Gradual Emancipation 1776 by government a to expensive freeing because the system of slavery is not working in the north 1 each state does it as its own 1776 is when it starts 1 2 3 by 1800 slavery not in the North some states say by 1800 we want to be slave free slaves now slaves for life but those born after are free some states sew for their freedom c Manumission master freeing one of his slaves a b some people may think its wrong some may not want slave anymore B Everyone in south owns slaves NO a out of that 25 25 of them owned more then 5 25 of pop of America will own slaves 1 2 common experience for americans is to not be a slave owner most experience family slavery The Rich 1 have large plantations 1 b c d POPULAR BECAUSE A B they are the power holders get the story from them e SLAVE EXPERIENCE 1 75 of slave live in holdings 50 slaves or more A they are on big plantations f Who Do Slaves Know A B Rich people are in town don t know the slaves not there slaves are on various plantations owned by one person a Business 1 2 Antebellum Slavery 1800 1860 Hierarchy of Plantation A B C D Absentee Owner Manager he is usually related to owner doesn t see slaves often a make sure he makes the most money for the owner wants that money passed down when owner dies competing with each other outshine other plantations gets money he is probably trying to be something else in the mean time trying to be a senator or doctor maybe BUSY b c Overseer hired not related a b c d e force people to work punishments Actually Knows The SLAVES Low class workers low paying job He would be red if he doesn t get slaves to meet masters quota he is hated by both slaves and masters f Drivers helpers a b c d e f g are slaves help the Overseer tell on slaves when they don t do there job TATTLE TALE Chosen by owner or manager because they are a favorite slave White think this is a reward Have to act like they are doing they re good but have to not piss of the people they care about If found out put back in elds Perks 1 2 3 gets better living conditions for him and his family better clothes better food h i C Are all slaves on Plantations No a b c 25 are not Slaves in Family Slavery South small farms plantations d e Slaves in the Cities worker directly for owners 1 ship building working on railroads 2 any labor 3 House slaves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 working as house servants most work directly for who owns them nothing to do with eld work better condition A better clothes B better places to sleep want best looking slaves around in the house for show guest lighter skinned may be children of owner driver maybe to Miscegenation interracial sex not illegal white white man and black woman A slaves start at 3 A personal friend of masters children CONS house slaves controlled by wife s wife s treats them badly mad that you are child of master or sleeping with him a b drop a dish she goes crazy she does punishing herself 1 constantly around whites on every plantation A B C D Husband could get mad but that may make him look bad Mistress on plantation will only punish or whip a slave in special places a b where most won t see use switch on girls privates to make girl ugly or unable to have sex 11 House slaves feel they are better then eld slaves hierarchy house slaves may be more educated more loved lighter Field slaves see that the house seems better only see the good A B C D D Were slaves happy NO a rebel resist at every moment of everyday all resist in someway at b sometime Active v Passive resist 1 active rare because it s sel sh everyone else gets in trouble A B C D murdering master setting res to the plantation rebelling running away family members will be whipped if someone runs away until the person comes back 1 2 Laws on slaves may get stricter for entire state dead master maybe all slaves sold families split up 2 Passive happens more often A putting one over on the master overseer pretend to act like what they think you are dumb animal a pretend you don t understand how to do something every time so overseer has to explain get out of working more ex rake story using what they think about him to his bene t b c slowing down a B make everyone decide that day that they are going to pick cotton slow driver is in on it overseer doesn t notice do it on hot days make master lose money since they don t pick as much money b c d pretend to be sick or have a problem Form …
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