create base culture people still have to assimilate into today voluntary immigrants 1 Formative Wave A English a ancestors WASP white anglo saxon protestant 1 2 create the term white not homogenous A B anglos saxons gaelic tribes celts picts britons normans romans even vikings b They think they are the best make people comform 1 B C Became the Whites De nition of whites a Why 1 2 The immigration of the english A England 1600 a Queen Elizabeth 1 purity clean innocence Christian faith meanings A like god didn t want to colonize A scared not the best doesn t want to pay B a b wait to see what mistakes others made explorers make the money Queen asked that they y the english ag C A meanwhile Spain and Portugal take over everything English Colonization vs other European Colonization B b Why did the English colonize america a b problems in England European Class System 1 stuck in your class A c d Economics 1 Lower class poor largest A can work move up in class Primogeniture 1 eldest son gets everything Middle class not allowed to own land even though wealthy america looks good need something other then waiting for the elder son to die upper class wants to move use their connections and education to get to the new world e f Second Third Sons 1 2 3 Urban Poor 1 may have a better life a stories of success of get back to England more come C Jamestown a Fails 1 all second third sons A gentleman don t know how to work b get indentured servants 1 contract rich pay for passage in exchange for work for some many years A ticket was about 5 pounds today 250 5 7 years 2 3 a unfair trade Indentured Servants work to earn freedom A Bad side a b no rights basically slaves many didn t live to 5 7 years 1 die of disease exhaustion in England not allowed to own land or be in parliament want to be in charge D E F Second Colony New England 1620 a Pilgrims Separatist Puritans 1 2 persecute people diff from them b Thirteen Colonies formed by these people Wrote the Blank Slate created laws a Major Areas language 1 A English language only laws a b Many states have tried to past West Virginia passed it 2 Religion Protestant A separation of Church and Sate a catholics not liked anyone not Protestant hated more bullshit B 3 4 5 Education A public school a indoctrinate people into being american English Common Law Constitution Political and Legal Institutions A Economic Institutions A wasps 1 of pop control 90 of wealth G White example everyone sat down a b c 1830 wasps lose numerical majority not losing power add other people to de nition of white dutch 1 2 germans huguenots french prots 3 scandinavian Scottish swiss ScotsIrish and Welsh Protestants d eventually irish italian greek russian etc now white hispanic keep majority 1 2 Majority people in power minority w o power e f How do they maintain control and separation a English are NAtivist and Xenophobic from the start 1 Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 A H B Naturalization Act 5 14 years as resident 5 today a get residency then after a few years you can become a citizen 1 2 detouring people they can t vote Alien Enemies and Friends Acts deportation a b c nationalities we will and won t accept do let you in if from country we don t like we can let you in they decide if you are friend or enemy deport 1 Deportation mean you can never come back to america again 2
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