2 10 15 English Colonies and Formative Wave Migration 1 Virginia and Massachusetts a Colonized by very different people b Traditional view of European colonies of the Americas c Very different climates environments outcomes 2 Jamestown Virginia 1607 a Virginia Company responsible for raising funds and sending people b Everything we see is ours c d Settled on the James river in 1607 e Most people going to Virginia are looking to make lots of money very Ignored native American presence and Spaniard claims of the land f easily get rich quick Second sons would go and make their own money because they couldn t inherit the land only first sons did in England g People of upper and lower class mostly h Push factors i Lower class low job rates overpopulation Aristocrat inability to inherit land i Pull factors i Aristocrats making money fast Lower class employment j Economy hardly profitable for the first 30 years because they had bad expectations of what they were going to find therefore the people they sent were not equipped to create a colony k The colonists were expecting for the native Americans to give them their gold that they found i As a result they had a bunch of goldsmiths and people that knew how to deal with gold instead of having skilled laborers a Economy tobacco b Problem with planting tobacco is that it is very labor intensive c Indentured servants person who wasn t able to afford to pay their boat passage from England to the Americas so they signed a contract to work for the passage 7 years ship captain would sell the contract to a plantation owner owner treated it as an investment at first they would be treated okay but then towards the end of the seven years they would start to be treated worse and worse because their investment was coming to an end d Masters would add lengths of time to the indentured servants cost of buying clothes food breaking instruments e Virginia is a dismal failure based on survival rates f Death Terrible climate climate the English aristocrats weren t used to malaria ramped combination of overwork and disease as a result of climate g Virginia was a huge success based on the economy 3 Jamestown VA 4 Shift from indentured servitude to slavery 5 Massachusetts a Who s going a Despite differences indentured servitude was very harsh b People were worked to death during the end of their contract c People were indentured servants for more than 20 years because they would be punished towards the end of their contract d Only 20 of the people that came to Jamestown as indentured servants lived to see the end of their contracts e Runaways change their name try to make it to a different city blend in f Better economy in England factories led to more jobs for the urban poor so less people would come to the Americas g Bacon s Rebellion 1676 Daniel Bacon appealed to white indentured servants and small farmers who were kept as under class and weren t allowed to get land tired of abused and wanted freedom attack Virginia government saying we want land we want freedom we don t want high taxes on our crops rebellion fizzled out because Daniel bacon died h Eased out on the hard taxes but stopped bringing in as much indentured servants and gave less land to small farmers i Pilgrims Plymouth 1620 ii Puritans Massachusetts Bay Company 1629 b Pilgrims want to leave Church of England went to Netherlands first c Puritans think they can purify the Church of England settled Salem d Push Factors i Overpopulations religious reasons wanted everyone to practice their strict religious beliefs e Pull Factors i Wanted to create their own society in New England wanted to make it a moral and religious society city on the hill for the world to look up to f Population more people came as family units can increase through child birth instead of by bringing in more people g Near 100 000 due to families coming over and increasing their family h Economy more diversified didn t expect to go over and find gold expected to have to create their own society brought over carpenters and other types of laborers focused on timber ship building fur trade no one thing dominated the economy i Climate harsh winters more conducive to them after a couple of winters got used to it the harsh winters would actually help keep the people healthier j As a result the life expectancy was in the 80s k Some indentured servitude to happen but not as much as Virginia 6 Massachusetts and Virginia were the two extremes 7 13 Colonies 8 Maryland 1634 a Lord Baltimore he was a captive respected even though he was the wrong religion Catholic if the king would give him land he would take as many captives as he could to the New World to harvest crops the king would make money off that b Close to Virginia similar c First settled by an overflow of Virginias looking for land d Formed as a haven for English captives e Not enough Catholics moved to sustain the colony people from f Catholics became outnumbered became dominated by the people of Virginia came over the Church of England 9 Pennsylvania 1681 10 Dutch Overseas Empire 1600s a Established as a haven for Quakers by William Penn b Born into aristocracy but converted c King owed money to Penn s father so the debt was cleared by the king giving the Penn s the land of Pennsylvania d Quaker beliefs no matter a persons race nationality age gender they were equal in the eyes of God no social or religious hierarchy women were allowed in roles of social and religious leadership pacifists e Quakers often beat because of their religious beliefs f Penn wanted Pennsylvania to be open to all pacifists or people who didn t want to pay taxes very tolerant to people of other cultures g Legally forbid the establishment of a church h Democratic i All property owning men could vote and hold office j Was actively promoted paid for a lot of Englishmen to come over high availability of land and jobs religious tolerance and land offered k Led to a lot of people who weren t English to settle here Isn t that vast a b Dominated European banking and textiles c Employed a large number of merchant ships and privateers to control their commerce d Realized profitability of the fur trade e So they established on Manhattan island the New Netherland New Amsterdam capital 1624 f Dynamic trade center g Few settlers h Dutch were mainly there to trade i Provide lots of money to Dutch and English settlers to settle on the river to protect their investment Incredibly diverse j k Becomes New York 1664 l
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