1 Only group to have an immigration law passedagainst them only Chinese Exclusion Act 1 19th Cent China A rst wave 1830 1880 a Advanced Nation a b B coming in at the same time as Irish but to the other coast always considered advanced Difference btwn the country and the people who come from it 1 2 positive view about China but the Chinese that come here are Idiots Old nation vs New nation A Old a lot of history we respect that they ve been around for thousands of years they must know what they are doing America is still new still sitting at the kiddie table B c Division within China 1 Natural and Cultural divisions A geography dividing people from the beginning develop different cultures THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF CHINESE LANGUAGES a Communist anti religious Buddhist Doaist christian Most who came to America speak Mandarin B C d People who come to America From the Canton Province Gaudong 1 2 main port easier to get here from there A From one city Toishan Taishan A most Chinese are agricultural workers silk tea rice opium except people from Toishan A B They are traders shippers import exporters a b c more educated business and trade makers of reworks 2 Life in 19th Cent Canton A Differences a respect for age respect the eldest old is the best time 1 american respect elevate youth a meet a bunch of young people in cali 2 Chinese family is very important A Patriarchy a Chinese have male dominated world b c no respect for women women have no say even at home 1 Eldest male heads the family 1 tells you what to do for everything marriage job where you are immigrating Clan Family is extended family 1 live in compounds like a small gated community where everyone in it is related b Individualism 1 2 America is about Individualism China against this A Disrepectful and a crime a you will be disowned 1 c Surname 1 Ameirca surname is our last name A friendly then we start using your China A 2 without a family no one will employ you know one will talk to you you have nothing introduce yourself with your family name a introducing yourself as your family your name is just for your family to call you dishonor your whole family and all your ancestors b 3 Why did the Chinese leave China 1800s poo hits the fan all issues interconnected A a Government a b c dynasty hits modernity modern times don t want dynasty being around eldest males don t want dynasty anymore eldest males lead provinces Emperor send s troops to make eldest males do things his way 1 army comes to start scrimish with eldest males but the people are paying for the army people don t like this Rebellions people dying 2 3 B Overpopulation a used to be able to provide for people gov can t provide for all it s people 1 People not being fed unemployed Emperor can t help 1 he s spending money on war WTF b C Imperialism a b taking over a nation for economic reasons not to populate England France Japan Germany cut Canton into pieces and then take over ports 1 drug manifactured from poopies europeans love Opium Eurs ghting each other for territory in Canton Opium Wars after crops OPIUM A a b c c Eurs cause probs 1 2 End jobs Chinese used to hold cause more overpopulation Bring Ideas A B C bring culture DIFFERENT youth and individualism Youth in China start to question there culture individualism youth of china assimilating to western culture in their own country d Eurs take over Hong Kong english speaking christian 1 If you moved to US you probably kept your culture better then those who stayed in Canton province D Weather a Tsunami canton is hit twice in one century 1 oods and destroys everything port town everything they have gone b Bad weather crops ruined 1 oods droughts overpopulation E War and Rebellion War external a 1 against Russia and Japan 4 Why did they choose the U S long trip still 12 hours by plane from cali to china A 20 million people die during this century A A Gold a b c d Work say they are moving to Gum Saan gold mountain hear about the gold rush think america full of gold 1 California is a territory not state China has been trading with Cali for a long time they think they can nd some gold then go back home 5 B Coming to America A Return Migration plan on returning home B plan on returning to China a Sojourner bird of ight a b like a bird migration pattern eldest male picks best candidate to go to america 1 2 3 4 5 6 works goes back to china eldest male introduces him to his wife say for a few months have kids go back to America work later come back to china 1 Keep you Chinese a b do this for about 30 years then come home and retire C US Chinese immigrate into a PROBLEMS 1 2 Nativism and Evangelicalism temperance movement not as big here but still relevant drugs Immigrate into California the Wild West not yet a state multi ethnic territory A no law in place yet not a lot of women male dominated young white men looking to mine for gold D Typical Chinese Immigrant Male Bachelor Society a 1 2 men do everything outside the home if women came to america it s because they have no family A 2 of chinese immigration pop Paying for own passage on Chinese ships from trading society better than the Irish 4 month trip may be related to the ship owner or close part of family by extension b c d 2 Young Speak some english Have a little money can wait to get a 1 better job DON T HAVE MONEY BUTHAVE ENOUGH TOTAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES BETTER THAN THE IRISH E Numbers a b c looks bigger since not that many whites stayed in one place 300 000 by 1882 1 10 of CA total population 1 2 Chinatown San Francisco CA 1 2 3 where the boats went used to be away from wasps most intact ethnic enclave today F G Bachelor Society no family form family around group of companies Family how do you not assimilate a b The Six Comapanies Kongsi a ex The Wongs 1 help you nd a job nd you a place to live take you back and forth take care of you like a family The ask for your loyalty in return Reciprocity agreement 1 You turn over your loyalty to a company you don t disrespect the company companies don t get along when needed will join together against wasps NOT LIKE GANGS more like business rivals economic rivals 1 as Chinese move out of San Fran Companies can t help Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society 1 take care of Chinese where ever they are live on their territory in Chinatown b c d …
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