Ireland Chain Migration family sent one member to America using entire villages wealth Anchor Immigrant first immigrant usually single young male works to pay for others to slowly come over Trans Atlantic Crossing about a month and a half food not included if people have no money then they are in debt to the ship captain Coffin Ships 15 20 death rate sickness came from vomit and shit in the bottom of the ship Steerage Class ticket in the bottom of the ship retro fitted slave ship Ship Fever tuberculosis coughing up blood until person dies Ethnic Enclaves people of same ethnicity who choose to live in the same place WASPs hate enclaves because there is no assimilation Five Points ethnic enclave in New York close to ship yard extremely cheap besides Irish there are also blacks Southie South Boston today Irish are still dominate Ghettos a place outside the city limits no WASPs cheap housing nothing to do with race only money poor Lien Toos temporary dwellings that are outside piece of ply wood or aluminum that leans on a building and they live under it WASPs charge to use building to lean against Tenements build in high rise dumbbell style have shops on the first floor owned by WASPs some housing parts don t have windows fire and heating inside rooms that cause lots of smoke that kills them 80 of infants die 300 sq feet rooms 10 20 people live there however not all at once some sleep while others work and vice versa bathroom consists of hole in the back of the building Nativist Movement discrimination against ethnic groups result in wanting anti immigration laws 1 limit immigration 2 assimilate as quick as possible Temperance Movement upper to middle class women wanting to ban alcohol women were also part of Nativist Movement thought WASPs could handle their alcohol but immigrants couldnt Evangelicalism Protestantism second great awakening to go out preach the faith and switch to Jesus also part of the previous two movements Irish wont conform Transubstantiation bread and wine literally turn into the body and blood of Christ Cannibals protestants thought that Catholics literally ingest blood and flesh Baby Killers thought that Irish ate babies because of such high infant mortality rate tenements Blood Drinkers another name given to Catholic Irish from Protestants Brainwashed by Papacy the pope Catholics follow a foreign leader and are committing treason Americans think the Pope sent Catholics to America to take over America and convert them to Catholicism Black Irish meaning dirty and evil representing them as an inferior race even though Irish were black on the inside even though they were white as snow Bare Knuckle Boxing fighting without gloves not a gentleman sport equal to dog fighting and is illegal however it earned Irish more money and benefits than any other job WASPs bet on the fights New York Draft Riots 1863 Conscription Laws everyone being drafted were coincidentally only black or Irish however you could buy yourself out of the draft by bribing or paying someone to go for you Irish starting rioting against the blacks out of anger enforces Irish stereotype of being violent Gangs of New York Dead Rabbits look at online movie review on blackboard Irish Mob organized crime sells alcohol during prohibition created to earn money helps put people through college Prohibition 1920 30 Consumption of alcohol illegal once something is illegal it makes it more exciting Irish Pub Culture pub is like an Applebees Not a bar The whole family goes to the pub Americans do not understand Pub Culture and frown upon it Paddy and Bridget male and female stereotype cartoon characters created to get the word out to the rest of the US that are not exposed to the problems of the Irish No Irish Need Apply businesses who wouldn t hire Irish people put this sign on the front of the business the business would rather hire blacks Irish Wage extremely low paying wages lower than black people Day Laborers not a full time job temporary could be in a factory mining street cleaner pay by the day usually paid 50 cents weekly Trans Continental Railroad from the corners of the country to the center Irish are main workers on east coast paid well because it was dangerous there was an Irish man buried with every tie every ten feet Domestics women worked in factories that made clothing sex ratio was 50 50 made more than the men other jobs were maids and servants Prostitution highest paid job 1 street walkers has pimp 2 brothels run by madam or past prostitute house with prostitutes taken straight off the boat for their beauty women have nice clothes and medical supplies average street walker made 1 a week brothel women made from 5 25 a week Institutional Catholic Church main church on 5th avenue put this church where the WASPs live not for attending but to show off wealth of the WASPs Irish are always at church church had different roles 1 job recruiting 2 orphanage 3 Wayward girls leave prostitution 4 bank 5 mixers date functions Parochial Schools raise children with Irish culture St Patrick Patron Saint that brought Catholicism to the Irish Wakes having pre funeral that allowed friends of anchor immigrants to attended celebratory funeral before the immigrant went to America Voting Blocks in church advertise a certain man to be voted by people all of one types of ethnicities vote the same way started out in NY and Boston before it spreader Land Rush US gave away land for free four stakes to claim ones land all to promote western expansion ex Oklahoma land run Labor Unions helped workers with improved pay and conditions go on strike if they don t get improved conditions learned about unions in church 1960 Presidential Election of John F Kennedy was an Irish man made Irish considered white in 1960 first ethnic president voted in from voting blocks and first Catholic president China Patriarchy eldest male is the head of the house Surname second or last name Chinese introduce themselves by their last names first Guadong Canton Province English take over Guadong region and begin to assimilate it want them to be protestant Toishan Taishan trading culture and port city Clan family is large and extended not nuclear like America Imperialism outside country comes and takes over another country many countries take over China and cut it like a pie to get its goods such as silk rice tea and opium Tsunami huge wave hits Guadong destroys income because it kills crops Gum Saan Gold Mountain in California people thought
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