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includes Irish and German and Chinese 1 2 First Wave 1830 1880 A Irish A stereotypes a b c d e Drunk Rowdy violent Catholic Red hair short freckles Potato farmers 3 What made Irish leave Ireland A Problems with England a England went over to Ireland tried to colonize it Fight against brits keeps English out 1169 Norman invasion of Ireland 1 2 Henry VIII re conquest of Ireland 1536 1 b wants to change there Religion Henry V111 makes England break away from Catholicism he wants to make Irish Protestants culture religion A B C force Irish to change their culture politically change but people really don t 2 c James I and the Plantation system 1 decides to take their money A B C D E F G Plantation system Plantation of Ulster Irish use to have family farmers take farms away from Irish James takes over Ulster today called Northern Ireland Bring in Scots known as erce ghters tell them to turn area into plantations then give them the plantations change for Scotts to get land for ghting Scotts also protestants so they want to change Irish H I Sheep on plantations A B 2 3 need huge areas of land not many workers Taken over land for sheep sheep eating everything only two or three guys need to work the land no where to grow food Make irish into Tenant Farmers like sharecropping Irish Slavery A paying to rent the land stuck on land not theirs stuck in cycle of property irish no where to go can t escape debt 1600 Irish own 80 land 1778 english own 95 4 B C D E 1607 Penal Laws Irish codes what Irish can or cannot do A a b c d if you hurt an English man you die cannot congregate with people instills curfew cannot practice Catholicism cannot vote cannot hold political of ce cannot go to religious school but not going to let their kids go to English school so their kids don t assimilate e 5 6 B over pop means country cannot support it s people Population Economics over pop 8 million A a mostly rural population on land that doesn t belong to them poor high illiteracy 2 3 cannot sign their name C Irish were a Permanent Underclass B SECOND REASON FOR MOVING THE GREAT FAMINE potato famine 1845 1852 1 Immigration from Ireland at rst can t leave because too poor A The Catholic Irish 1845 1921 a Potato Blight 1840 s 1 2 potatoes cheap potato comes from the new world potatoes grow well in the rocky soil James gave them the bad land A Bad shipment from rat infested Potato Blight 1840s spreads to other potatoes little by little blight goes all the way to Russia Not a lot else for the Irish to eat Gorta Mor The Great Hunger A malnutrition more probs irish aren t allowed to eat other crops they are growing English considered this an act of god didn t help god wanted them to die a Irish speak Galic 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 million die C People deicide to leave Ireland a b coming on retro tted slave ships hard because they don t want to leave home Transatlantic Crossing 1 Steerage Class not that expensive not allowed to come up to where to Upper Class level Cof n Ships 1 2 pay for passage once on boat not told they have to pay for food at beginning 1 month and 1 2 death rate 15 25 lack of food and water Ship Fever tuberculosis c d e f 4 The Immigrants A poor unskilled can only form single a Chain Migration Anchor Immigrants a entire town or village saves up money to send one person to american 1 maybe skilled literate or literate young 18 male healthy speaks English he works really hard save money send money back money used to send another person send 260 million back to Ireland some helps ireland get back on its feet 2 3 A Factors of success a b c Americans don t like large groups don t have money bad location 1 5 million during Famine 1 million more with Chain 2 5 million Irish total B C Numbers a b c Location a stop where boat drops you off New York and Boston 1 Five Points New York 2 Southie South Boston mass stay together keep culture stay safe Ethnic Enclaves 1 2 3 4 in Ghettos outside the city center Lien Toos lean something up against side of building and live in it b c d Tenements if lucky pack as many people as possible no bathroom outhouse out back or do business in pan and dump out the window 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sending most of money back guilt of family starving at home covered in suet 10 people in each 80 of all irish infants die sleep in shifts no ventilation re escapes just open to outside can t get down D e The America the Catholic Irish Immigrated to a Nativist Movement more north 1 want to stop immigrants from coming into country Gate keepers of American culture A want to keep america pure white a b seen miscegenation fear tanning of the american race 2 3 4 5 6 7 there from beginning gets strong as more immigrants irish come they consider themselves native to the US consider everything diff from american culture bad Don t want the culture ruined Decided what is American Merica A decide Irish are not white not america whites are wasps Discuss restriction of immigrants A B Nativist against immigrants Use Propaganda ethnocentrism b c Temperance Movement more north 1 2 3 stomping out alcohol anyone who drinks is bad irish are drunk wasps just drink A no hard alcholo vodka bourbon whiskey beer and whine okay a Irish have whiskey Irish are know as a drinking culture 4 Evangelicalism Protestantism more south 1 2 3 Second Great Awakening make prots more proty andmake others very religious don t like catholic Irish A movements get stronger as Irish come in 5 Stereotypes A England tells us about how bad the Irish 1 Religion A B Catholic Communion different from prot communion by Transubstantiation priest says this is the body and blood of christ it is literally turns into the body and blood of christ Irish explain this to prots when they come here Prots say they are CANNIBALS Prots ask with where do you get esh and blood a say the Irish are going out and killing people dosnot worknot high crime rate since 80 of babies die Prots say they are eating babies Where do they get blood Prots say they are Blood Drinkers Vampires b c C D E F G Irish speaking another language latin in dark buildings preist doesn t face you LOOKS FREAKISH Prots don t like that the Pope makes decisions for Catholics Pope is center of all decisions a Americans don t like idea of foreign power making the decisions Brainwashed by Papacy believe the Pope is trying to …

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