AMH2097 Definitions of Key Terms Race characteristics the assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical o We are assuming someone is something because of how they look o Links exterior characteristics with inferiority or internal characteristics stereotypes o Cultural construction Historical invention o System of dividing population political undertones discrimination based on race a group of people that have something in common o Religion beliefs language traditions culture how they dress Racism Ethnicity belief that someone is superior inferior because of their holidays etc o Nativism ethnicity Nationality where you are from o Where you live and have citizenship Identity how you define yourself work job student What does the U S do with this information o Racial and ethnic hierarchies o Creation of the other o Race sex ethnicity daughter sister sexual orientation name What is immigration Waves of immigration o Formative wave Colonization 1607 1830 English did not consider themselves as immigrants Africans jews germans italtians o First wave 1830 1880 Germans Chinese o Second wave 1880 1920 Russians Jews Japanese First time we pass an immigration law o Third wave 1965 present Why do immigrants leave o Immigrant country someone who leaves home country to move to another o Most immigrants do not want to immigrate usually forced Not voluntary Consider it to be their home land Come to America because they can not strict on immigration Nick named push factors they are pushed out of their law country Job opportunities Freedoms Education Democracy o A lot of immigrants do not stay because they didn t want to come here in the first place somewhere else Get education or money and then leave to go home or Process of Emigration leaving their country Steps of emigration process o 1 Decision to leave or not leave Propaganda literature from America Ads in newspapers Travel accounts guidebooks American letters about how easy great it is from loved ones who traveled there Power of the returned immigrant Returns to original country to show others how great o OR Anti Immigration Forces they are Upper class use of clergy and journalists Talk about how bad it is to leave the country so they will still have low class to do shit jobs Families use of American letters Tell others things are not good in new country and not to move there o 2 Traveling to the port city o 3 Taking temporary residence in the port city o 4 Crossing the Ocean Takes 3 months in shitty conditions expensive food o 5 Taking temporary permanent residence in the city of arrival Boston or NYC Many have no money or are in debt o 6 Fitting into American society or trying to assimilation or acculturation How Immigrants Fit in Assimilation to completely give up foreign culture and adopt the new culture o Also known as Anglo Conformity o Xenophobia the fear of immigrants coming in Usually results in violence Occurs if assimilation does not Acculturation try to fit in on the surface o Cultural pluralism we accept peoples differences or even celebrate them Going to different ethnic restaurants all the time Do what they want at home but try to fit in when in public The Process o Very slow process to learn language culture etc Americans expect it to happen immediately Easier if family is helping if culture is not that different if you need money being educated if you have chosen to come here vs being forced age people who want to assimilate but cannot because of Un Assimilate able how they look Formative Wave Migration Anglo Saxon Protestants or The English The English WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant o What the English are called today Not a Homogenous group Became White o New term created when English came over to America when there were people who were red black etc o Called white because color meant something to them stood for angels The Immigration of the English 3 different models of immigration o Virginia Model Key Ideas Founding of Virginia Virginia Company 1607 Knights Gentlemen Merchants and other Adventures Profit Pro Immigration recruitment convicts kidnapping Immigration cheap labor etc Laborers Limited or no rights not a citizen Immigration is fine but those people will never be citizens Immigrants Leaders 10 o Knights Gentlemen Merchants and other Adventures Gentlemen usually wore gloves and never worked with his hands o Second Third Sons inheritance to the oldest child Primogeniture giving all Had no other choice but to go over to America Laborers 90 o Indentured servants Contract with people that if they traveled to America for free they had to serve them for 5 7 years Most are overworked until they can no longer survive o Labor Migrant convicts orphans breeders Breeders woman kidnapped from England and brought over to marry a 2 3 son and have kids prostitute o Slave Someone is enslaved for their lifetime that come over and have no rights Relations with Native Peoples Ignore until needed o Usually needed land killed until they got it o Massachusetts Model Founding of Massachusetts Bay Company 1630 Theocracy the church is the state Key Ideas Welcome True Believers equal rights o People who are exactly like them can immigrate Exclude all others Immigrants Pilgrims Puritans o Middle class from England o Came for religious reasons Artisans small farmers servants 15 o People who make and do things doctors Exclusionary lawyers etc Poor vicious and infirm or Quakers Excommunication Expulsion Banishment deportation o May have looked at someone the wrong way or said something wrong o Anyone who is different is called a witch and Violence hung Need letters of rec to be in church Relations with Native People Slaves Conversion or Exclusion choice Thanksgiving Praying Indians Praying towns o To convert to Christianity o Pennsylvania Model Establishment of Pennsylvania William Penn Quakers about equality Pluralism inclusion of other cultures Immigrants Quakers religious mix ethnic mix Relations with the Native People Slavery Convert by example to live like that as well Aliens Pluralism Poor and impotent Benjamin Franklin Germans o show how great their culture is so Indians want o Focused hate on the Germans out populated the English Passed laws about Germans coming in and other cultures Started becoming like Massachusetts o Most ignorant Stupid sort o The signs in our streets have inscriptions in both languages in some places only German o Why should be become a colony of aliens Immigration and the Formation of the US
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