Germany o Called by where you came from o 1st group of German immigrants Pennsylvania Dutch or the Amish during 1700 s Settle in Pennsylvania Sailed from Dutch ports so they taught the early immigrants were from Holland Everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes Dutch Protestant o Reasons for leaving Germany Always a battlefield every time Europe went to war Principalities always went to war People were killed during these wars stomped on their crops and ate there food Worst was the 30 years war o 1619 1649 35 of German Citizens were killed Cold Snap became a winter wasteland in early 1700 s Stories came back from the new world that sounded amazing religious freedoms planting whatever you want o William Penn advertised land to the Germans Said they could own land and practice their own religion o 45 000 Germans in the first movement o 1776 300 000 Germans living in Pennsylvania Typical Penn Dutch Family o very large o didn t stop having children until they couldn t no longer WASPS would rate immigrant groups o 1 Numbers how many immigrants of a certain ethnicity larger number more the WASPS disliked them o 2 Location if immigrants come over in large numbers and settle away from the WASPS the WASPS are more likely to like them Germans came over in large numbers but settles away from WASPS on frontiers or farms Irish come over in large numbers and settle in big cities o 3 Money WASPS like people with money Germans have money so they can settle far away from the WASPS o 4 Stereotypes Irish had bad stereotypes Thought the Germans were very organized Farms were neat Fields had stone fences Did not get involved in Politics stay to themselves Germans were self sufficient German children learned German not English WASPS liked Germans because they kept to themselves Only thing was they did not assimilate Benjamin Franklin hated Germans thought they d take over because so many of them Why WASPS liked the German o Come over with money and move to the frontier o Prosperous farmers o Hard working o Pennsylvania group set this stereotype so all other Germans who came through America were seen as good immigrants 1800 s Germans introduced o Hamburgers and Hotdogs o Apple pie o Santa Clause o Beer Largest Immigrant group to ever come to America Germans 58 million people today claim German ethnicity 48ers came over in 1848 o Because German was controlled by outside powers o Launch a revolution to free Germany from outside repression revolution fails so all the failed revolutionaries fled to America o These immigrants are anti slavery strong abolitionists Want everyone to enjoy democracy because it is something they did not have in Germany Location Germans o Primarily settled in Mid West o German didn t have a lot of experience with heavy machinery o Germany Triangle Between the cities of Cincinnati Milwaukee and St Louis o Settlement based on their religion o Ethnic Enclaves o Believe everyone should be in charge of their own farm 19th Century German American culture o Do many things to hold onto their German culture The church promotes German heritage and culture Kirchendeutschen German churches Parochial Schools church schools Germans did not want their children to be corrupted by loss of heritage o Vereinsdeutschen societies that promoted German culture and brought Germans literature societies language societies book clubs sports clubs Separate from the church o German Language Newspapers were distributed to German towns 19th Century Germans Model Immigrants o Begin marrying WASPS to prevent interbreeding and so they can begin working in the together factories o Become German Americans were their children and grandchildren begin interbreeding o Have to start learning English and have to associate themselves with English culture so they can begin to get jobs in the factories Race white like WASPS Money have money and WASPS like money Numbers large numbers but can spread out out of sight of mind of the WASPS Location away from the WASPS Stereotypes good stereotypes hardworking neat clean organized Did they assimilate it took them a very long time to assimilate but by the 2nd and 3rd generations they begin assimilate for the most part they do assimilate World War I America o 1900 German Americans total American population supported the Germans o Germany Austro Hungary and Ottoman Empire VS Britain France Russia and eventually o German Americans supported Germany during World War I and tried to get America to support them but their support began to fade o Woodrow Wilson American president at the time was pro Britain o Germany planned on attacking France from going through Belgium and Norway and attack France from the North Went to Belgium and took their food and starved them When people began to hear about what the Germans were doing German Americans stopped supporting them o Unrestricted submarine warfare German submarines would send torpedoes at merchant ships 1914 early 19195 before submarines would surface and tell a merchant ship to stop and allow the crew to get off and then would blow the merchant ships up with dynamite o Lusitania minutes and killed 100 000 people including 200 Americans as big as the titanic and was hit with torpedoes and sunk in 15 Woodrow Wilson sent and threat to Germany and said if they don t stop this warfare America is going to enter into warfare 1917 Germany sent this to Mexico asking Mexico to Zimmerman Telegraph join their side and attack America and they will give them all the land back that America stole from them Mexico chose not too America intercepts this and went to war with Germany Made the Germans look really bad like savage beasts set up by the attorney generals offices voluntary detective force Spy on your German neighbors to make sure they weren t trying to sabotage their war effort All the people in the neighborhood were on the same phone line so when the phone rang people from the APL would answer and listen in on the conversations o APL American Protective League All German books were burned and German language was banned Had to speak English in public and was fined 100 dollars if spoke German Ethnic slurs and harassment began against the Germans Germans were called Huns Hun skunk was the worst thing you could call a German Re named things that were associated with German things ex German Sheppard s bratwurst and any German last names The royal family changed their last name Robert P Prager suspected of sabotaging a coal mine arrested him and put him
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