AMH2097 Study Guide Who are the Immigrants of the Second Wave Jews Italians North Koreans Middle East Latin America What major movements were happening in America that affected the Second Wave Immigrants Industrial Revolution demand for unskilled labor Gilded Age Progressive Era try to fix abuses done in former time period What is the process of their emigration Mexicans walk over or commute to US and back everyday Jews come over by boat Italians come with all of their family by boat Why did the Second Wave Immigrants leave their countries Jews Russification Pogroms Italians opportunity and land Mexicans Mexican Revolution pushed lower class Mexicans out in search for jobs rift between upper and lower class Why did the Second Wave Immigrants come to the United States Jews Italians Land and opportunity Mexicans some already here due to Treaty of Guadalupe others because of exemption from Quota Acts and Chinese Exclusion Act excludes coolies therefore demand for cheap labor Who were the typical immigrants from each group Jews Ashkenazic orthodox Italians North wealthy Italians South no money Mexicans Peons lower class What were the stereotypes of each group How do you see them in political cartoons Jews Killers of Christ taking over the world economically usury inferior race big nose dirty unkempt Italians South dark criminals stupid mongrel race violent North skilled light skinned cosmopolitan Mexicans interior race Mexican race dark unintelligent violent drug cartel pachucos street gangs illegals What type of discrimination did the Second Wave Immigrants face Mexicans violent street gangs cartel racial profiling KKK barrios lowest wage Jews violent Murder Inc religious discrimination Italians violent Mafia non institutional catholic discrimination against Irish What type of jobs did the Second Wave Immigrants take Jews sweat shops Italians municipal works mills mines Mexicans migrant farm work house work gardening housekeeping How did the Second Wave Immigrants resist assimilation Italians return migration no education because don t trust anyone work with family Mexicans commuters residents wants to educate children Jews want to acculturate and educate children ASAP How did the Second Wave Immigrants work up the hierarchy in the United States Jews educated their children Italians blue collar work Mexicans have not moved up the hierarchy too much Why did the Cubans leave their countries Socialist communist movement lead by Fidel Castro Why did the Cubans come to the United States Flew or sailed over because it was the closest and most developed place What type of discrimination did the Cubans face Only Marielitos faced discrimination because of criminal stereotype and Scarface which reinforced stereotype How did the Cubans work up the hierarchy in the United States Educating their children What are the ethnic groups like today in the United States Italians second largest ethnic enclave little Italy s in all major cities those who remain in ethnic enclaves retain culture more Cubans successful mostly in Miami FL little Havana Calle Ocho Kendall Mexicans not assimilated keep on immigrating want to send children to school Jews top of the hierarchy higher education righteousness UNLESS THEY ARE UNDOCUMENTED 23 poverty rate What are the Immigration Laws set up by the United States 1903 against anarchists 1917 literacy tests 1921 1924 The Quota Acts 1921 1990 3 1924 1890 2 1965 20 000 from every country Reform and Control 1986 employers must prove citizenship of employees What is the current Immigration and Naturalization Process in the United States Immigration Act of 1990
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