Race Pseudo Scientific Biology physical characteristics Inherited and unchangeable Modern Socially defined not biological Still based on physical features but is always changing Ex White Ethnicity Modern Group members themselves based on cultural linguistic or national traits Ex English American Nationality Being a citizen of a nation Ex United States Prince Akeem Race Black Ethnicity African Nationality Zamunda Zamunda The country that Prince Akeem lived in Emigration Movement of people out of a country Emigrate from Europe to the US Immigration Movement of people into a country Entering Push Factors causes person to leave country emigration war disease economic hardship lack of land appreciation religious intolerance Pull Factors causes person to come to a country immigration peace freedom economic opportunity availability of land established communities religious freedom Factors of Immigrant Success 1 Money Did they come with money or take jobs 2 Location Where are they going Competitive City Rural 3 Numbers Small large groups Gradual or all at once 4 Stereotypes What local population thinks about them Religion 5 Language Barrier Assimilation Allowing one s original culture to be dominated by the local culture Forming to new culture Melting pot theory Acculturation Acquiring ability to function in a new culture while keeping traits from previous culture Salad bowl theory Ethnocentrism Looking at the world from the perspective of one s own culture Thinking ones culture is the best or right J Hector St Jon Crevecoeur J Hector St de Cr vecoeur 1735 1813 Written from the point of view of an ordinary man Cr vecoeur s Letters from an American Farmer is the first text to ask and answer the question What is an American Although Cr vecoeur was describing life in the British colonies in America he used his character James to portray the new consciousness of emerging American society Ellis Island Paradigm Immigrant Assimilation Model focuses on Europeans old wave Northern Europeans English new wave Eastern Germans Italians Polish one way migrations treats the English as native not immigrants themselves Eurocentric Ignores Africans and Natives Americans Melting Pot Myth proportional blend see assimilation Transnational Diasporic Model Diaspora emigrants come from one country Still maintain homeland connections not a one way migration seasonal or return home Ex Italian old men make then go home English migrated all over the world Panethnic Model Distinct Ethnic groups came together transformed to form cross ethnicity identity Does not assume Anglo conformity Focuses on migrants in the new country less on old country Normative whiteness Social phenomenon of mainstream society seeing whiteness as the norm and therefore the sense such assumptions carry is that someone who isn t like that is abnormal in some way Ancient America vs Pre history Ancient America had to use archaeology to determine culture religion and gender roles Mostly non literate more oral than written Monk s Mound Proves that they were not primitive and capable of building something like this Also shows that there was a hierarchy with someone making decisions Cahokia Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement in the Mississippian culture which developed advanced societies across much of what is now the central and southeastern United States beginning more than 500 years before European contact Overseas Migration people came to the Americas over Pacific little hard evidence Rapa Nui Easter Island Hawaii Oldest to record 20 000 years ago from Japan Coastal Migration similar to Land Bridge Theory hugged coast in seafaring ships able to stop and hunt if needed Alaskan and Siberian Natives Bering Land Bridge A Bridge of land that was exposed connecting Siberia and Alaska Many migrations happened both there and back Following animals prey that they wanted to hunt The prey would lead them over the bridge Paleo Indians Until 8000 BC Lived in small nomadic bands moved around a lot for food Hunted large game Archaic 8000 700 BC Regional diversification wider variety of food Some sedentary groups Plains Hunters overlap paleo Indians up to the 1800s focus on hunting buffalo did not use horses Nomadic or seasonally nomadic Used complex hunts Buffalo jump kill buffalo by leading them off a cliff Horses Plains Indians didn t get horses until after European contact for most of their history Buffalo jump Horde bison towards a hill or a cliff would back them up and they would fall over the hill Easy and effective way of getting food Southwestern Farmers Agricultural revolution that coincides with the extinction of large animals More corn bigger population High calorie food source Permanent settlements people wanted to stay and work their fields Expansion of culture Permanent more time to think about religion society gender roles Corn Population booms due to abundance of a high calorie food More reliable food source than hunting animals Pacific Coastal California 100 1700 Grew corn and tobacco Eastern Woodland 1 000 BC to 1600 AD Expanding agriculture sedimentary permanent lifestyle Mounds used to bury important leaders Trade exotic items over long distances Formed hierarchical societies largely egalitarian Lasted through European contact Mississippian 700 to 900 AD Innovative population in 100 000s Centralized power by Chiefs Chiefdoms Hierarchical and stratified Centralized power Specialized labor Tribute and redistribution to those in need Agriculture discovery Irrigation could get water to the fields Atahualpa Incan leader who initially decided to take Europeans in then was ambushed after changing mind He was told that if he disarmed his soldiers and gave Pissarro gold that he would eventually gain his freedom He was killed after giving up his gold Gunpowder invented by Chinese Steel Technology Discovered by the people in the Fertile Crescent not Europeans Eurasian and American Geography It was easier to travel across Eurasia because it was from east to west and went across the latitude of Eurasia East to west had similar climate but north to south did not It was easy to spread resources and trade from east to west because climate stayed consistent It was hard to spread resources and trade north to south because the climate was so drastically different Francisco Pizarro Spanish conquistador ambushed Incas and their land was influenced by Cortez and used same tactics to conquer Guns Germs and Steel Spanish had guns used
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