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treated well not all one group THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE GERMANS 1 Introduction A B largest immigration to the U S No such thing as Germany during the rst wave a b did not unify until 1871 City States or Principalities 1 different cultures diff ways of speaking German diff religion A Never Call Themselves Germans a say they are from they re City State After 1871 identify themselves as german 2 C c Immigration in All 3 Waves a Diverse group continuous migration D Stereotypes U S View of Germans A Myth of Pennsylavnia Dutch a call themselves Doytch we misunderstood It means German b Set stereotype for the Wasps c 1 saxon share traits with anglo saxon superior race White A B Protestant A Skilled Hard working A 2 3 things done with precision though not all Germans are Prots but Pens Dutch were d e Santa Clause Christmas tree Apple Pie white picket fences hot dogs and hamburgers Nothing Negative PERFECT 1 assumes all germans that come in after are just like them B NOT TRUE FOR ALL a b c d 1 3 catholic 1 3 jewish not all rich NOT ALL PERFECT 3 First Wave 19th cent A B coming in at same time as Irish and Chinese Who came a b Largest Group 6 million from 1820 1914 Diverse Group 1 2 religions catholic protestant jews all classes A many cultures came as singles and Family groups A those who have money Families those who don t single B 3 4 Money it depends some people has some didn t C What made them Leave a It Depends 1 Political reasons A Uni cation of Germany a Revolutions of 1848 guring out who would be the head of Germany 1 2 every city state wanted their Prince to lead choose wrong side and you could die A rich if your related to the prince or you are the prince get out Conscription Laws mandatory draft the men didn t to ght b b 2 Economic Reasons A Industrial Revolution a Germany Leads world in this 30 years before we do 1 Factory replaced skilled individualism 1 2 used to be upper middle class skilled craftsmen go where they are still needed or be the ones who open up the factory B C doesn t lead to famine but go farm something else in US Potato blight Lower class a b Taxes a b don t want to pay for war some feelthe taxes are so big they can t affrod to take care of family 3 Religious A Strong protestant background reformation of Catholic Church happened in Germany Caltholics want to have it better B C JEWS a b suffer a lot during this time come to US D Why did they all come LAND Nobility owns land in Germany a Primogeniture 1 Heard about land 1 2 3 b Agents Americans go and Talk about America Ask them to come factories send representatives in some cases we pay for them to come A B People had heard of our problems Germans Don t trust what we say c Gottfried Duden 1829 german who writes propaganda peice about how great America is The Mid West 1 tells them it s like germany and you can just buy land with a little pit of money Causes more Germans to come True in some regard Land is cheap in some cases free A B He is talking about Land around the railroads Railroad companies sell or give away land around there railroad need people to use there train and there need to be places a people want to go to in btwn the east and west 2 3 E Jobs a 4 Location A an Wasps owner would hire a German over anyone else go nd people like you where you go depends on the city state if you have money you can leave the cities B Settled based on religion and class a b Upper Middle Class a b c have money move where Dunden says form largest Ethnic Enclaves THE MID WEST 1 Mid West Ethnic Enclaves AKA German Triangle A a b Cincinnati Milwaukee St Louis can move buy land away from wasps SUCEED IN LOCATION C d Lower Class a Lower East Side NYC majority A and Boston settle in Little Germanys 1 2 makes up Little Germany Lower class not successful in location tenements of saxon jews streets of one group b c d 5 German Life A Upper Middle Class a b c d e Farming dividing by where they come from and religion making a little Germany out of the midwest doing it away from the eyes of wasps These communities are basically Germany A Everything in german school newspapers a news about Germany f Eventually Bring Skills 1 2 Beer and Pianos Pianos A E F Beer A 3 Americans have had to order Pianos from far away Damage on the journey no tuners sounded like honky tonk we thought that was normal Germans bring good pianos a Pianos are important to americans at this time a Stein weigh Family comes over mass produces pianos MAKES US LOVE GERMANS MORE no other entertainment Pianos sign of richness we had a crap version of beer more like a cider we were drinking nasty stuff before the Germans a German see that we don t have They start making beer Craftsmanship in the German states a beer masters were payed very well 1 dark heavy beer Partner with other German farmers send to city to be manufactures In the Mid West because you need natural products to make beer a b Beer came out lighter Germans were like WTF WASPS LOVED IT B C D B C D E F G nally gure it out Making 2 beers Lighter beer for WASPS darker beer for Germans and others B Lower Class a b just as many Germans in cities as we have Irish doing everything wrong in ethnic enclaves in the Lower East Side 1 Primarily Catholic 1 2 c never had a law against being Catholic didnt think it was so bad SHOCKED A B shocked that wasps don t like them shocked that the Catholic Church looks different and run by Irish a b c d Irish are institutional Catholics They are there all the time Germans don t like the Irish Catholic way Build They re Own Church Looks more like an Apartment Building or Business building keep it on the DL 1 2 wasps just let this go don t realize 2 mill are catholic Germans want to please the wasps not coming from oppression not rebelling d working in factories 1 germans can always get the job A B promoted rst german americans moving up economically therefore up the hierarchy faster then any other groups they aren t forming voting blocks wasps like that a they aren t from the same groups so of course they wont vote together C e Social Clubs 1 beer halls pub culture but its called a social club 2 A 3 4 looks like a fraternity …

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