AMH2097 Week 1 Emily Johnson 5 11 2015 Race ethnicity migration culture How immigrants shape policy and culture Native Americans Central Montana Clovis people Siberia Alaska 12 000 40 000 years ago Infant found 12k yo from Siberian decent Agriculture development allowed for indigenous settlement Fishing hunting ceramic pottery Tribal groups Cahokia tribe Henry Brekenridge discovered Cahokia in the late 1800s by the 19th centry the mounds were removed Mississippi tribe built mounds of soil for religious purposes and burials Obsidian copper shells were used to build resources from many different places in North America 25k people lived here from surrounding areas Europeans blamed the extravagance of the site on foreigners but in Monk Mound temple large plaza for sporting events 1950 researchers determined that there was an evident hierarchy Human sacrifice for punishment or religion Hides from buffalo meant that the people were nomads that had to follow to the buffalo population Plains Tribes They had domesticated dogs Plains people created the stereotype of Native Americans that we think of today Men and boys were hunters and involved in battle Women gathered maple rice etc Stayed at home with the children and took care of the everyday activities Dakota tribe hunted deer and elk Gods provided abundant game for year round consumption Europeans vs Indigenous Tribal People Generally squabbled over land ownership gender roles and religion Religion Single creator Hunting was a focal point for religion No split between secular and non secular or supernatural and natural Spirits of animals could help or harm There was a great deal of respect for shamans or medicine men that translated spiritual world for people Europeans used the fact that the tribes didn t all think the same i e Europeans were mostly Christian protestant or catholic Private property was a European concept Sharing good Indigenous thought that land resources were common property Gender Premarital sex was practiced Homosexuality was not only accepted but also very common Lineage was traced back through the mother Goods and property belonged to women Women controlled the farming and this caused a huge rift between European settlers Few diseases due to less amount of domesticated animals amoung The Europeans brought over tuberculosis and syphilis Sharing of a characteristic or orgins Disease Kinship tribes 5 12 2015 Encomienda and Repartimiento Systems European contact began in 1492 with Christopher Columbus Affects of contact with indigenous and how the Native Americans responded o Resistance and adaptation The Spanish Looking to extract resources minerals timber people labor First on the scene to colonize By the early 1500s the Spanish had gone into Mexico and traveled as far north in Oregon 1590 established what is now New Mexico Encomienda system slavery system that indigenous people were forced to participate in and in return the indigenous received protection and spanish lessons Replaced with the Repartimiento native people were forced to work for wages for the Spanish Spanish takeover of the Maya Aztecs already submitted after fighting Spanish wanted to convert the Mayans to Catholicism 1526 moved to the Yucat n peninsula but most men died of disease and exhaustion later found riches in Peru 1540 the Mayans were weakened by drought and starvation and lacking a good leader the Spanish took advantage of that and began to plunder them Settlement was that the Mayans could live their traditional lives but ultimately answered to the Spanish Accepted some things Responsible for cataloging Mayan language and cultures ran the 1562 20 years after the attempt to change the Maya perspective of culture idols were found and the Monks wanted to remove them Inquisition De Landa removed idols and made the Mayans admit to false idol worship many tortured and escaped Force and torture were questioned in Europe but he was let go Good example of interactions between Spanish and Natives the focus was on religious practices Mayans still wanted to practice their traditions Diego De Landa mission Spanish requisition of Florida Evidence that Spanish explorers brought African slaves French had already set an outpost in Florida but the French depended on pirates for supplies Began to explore southeastern US 3 major tribes mission outposts Timicuan o Settled permanently in agricultural communities o Chief lived in the center women could be chiefs civilians showed loyalty Chiefs gave aid and gifts in order to keep power o Spanish exploited the fact that the people of this tribe didn t always get along o Guale o Georgia ate shellfish o Disease ravaged Apalachee o Mission San Luis museum of a Spanish mission to Tallahassee FL region o Complicated hierarchy village tribe leaders o Haciendas worked on cattle ranches Repartimiento sent to st Augustine to answer to the Spanish Old and young hit by disease and the remaining people were ravaged by European settlement The English in the New World Arrival in Roanoke in 1585 Different reasons for immigrating business religious freedom Introduced slavery Puritans surplus population indentured servants Virginia Settlement death of colonists leaders claimed that it was God s will to destroy them because they were enemies of the church Henry VIII Catherine of Aragon 1400s and 1500s strife in England and Henry VII aimed to reunite Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife Catherine and caused a lot of 1553 Edward VI died at age 16 then Lady Jane Grey then Queen Mary was a catholic and changed the whole game problems Mary Queen Elizabeth I Remained queen for 50 years propelled England onto the world Prosecuted Catholics but still wanted to unite society through class lines and wanted to end religious strife English identity became Protestant identity stage Ireland conquered and pacified this area and Protestant rulers didn t like how Catholic they were same techniques used to conquer Native Americans as people in Ireland first step of colonization Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke First settlement 1585 by Queen Elizabeth I On his own dime 100 men sent under military command that attacked Spanish ships and stole 1586 100 men women and children but the colony had been abandoned moved to Croatoan island with Native Americans Jamestown 1607 first permanent colony searching for gold and it wasn t for settlement but for resources England wanted to be a superpower and the New World was a place England could send surplus
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