Lecture First Wave 1830 1880 Nativist Movement o Movement of people who don t like immigrants o Started off small but as more people came into the US it got o Eventually became a political group o Mainly in port towns since these people were affected most bigger by the immigrants Temperance Movement consumed in USA at the beginning of the first wave and will lead you down a bad path o Anti Alcohol movement o Upper and middle class women who think drinking is a sin o Starts small in port cities but as it moves out it gets bigger o Leads to prohibition 1920s no alcohol produced or o Bad for Irish since their culture is part of pubs Evangelicalism Protestantism o This is known as the second great awakening and it happened o Renewed movement for Protestant religion o Usually involved in both the other movements o Massachusetts model Want those just like us Process of emigration o Decision to leave or not leave o Traveling to the port city o Taking temporary residence in port city o Crossing the ocean o Taking temporary or permanent residence in arrival town o Fitting into American Society trying to most acculturate Success Factors America wants for all Immigrants Remember Factors of Success 1 Money 2 Small numbers 3 Locate away from WASPs 4 Good Stereotypes 5 Completely Assimilate Lecture Immigration from Ireland Norman Invasion of Ireland Henry VIII Irish Push Factor while Ireland is Catholic o King of England and Ireland he and England is Protestant Re conquest of Ireland o Henry the 8th took over and calls it the Kingdom of Ireland o Forced English culture and religion on Irish people o Burns churches kills priests and nuns Plantation System English beliefs o During the 16th 17th century because Ireland would not conform to Tenant Farmers forcing them to work on it for someone else Forced Irish into submission from economics o It took over the Irish economic system o Makes it so more land goes to a lesser amount of people Irish Slavery Problem of Plantation system Taking their land they used to own themselves and No money exchanged Cycle of poverty Penal Laws High illiteracy Irish cant go to school don t want to lose power Irish cant even sign their name not it lead to jail or death Wanted Irish to outlaw the Catholic Church if Slave codes The Irish were treated with a set of rules How they can and cannot act adopted from Cant meet in groups of more than 5 Cant have a weapon stone shoelace Caribbean Overpopulation 8 million In sum Irish were a permanent underclass Definition To many people for the nation to support Cant feed Cant House Cant employ them Potato Blight 1840s o 10 year long period where little by little the potatoes in o USA exported potatoes to Ireland the diseased potatoes were Ireland were inedible Soon ALL potatoes were inedible planted in Ireland causing all potatoes to grow to be diseased o This was all the Irish could eat it spread all the way to Russia Gorta Mo r The Great Hunger The Potato Famine Irish push factor cant eat are dying o The English believed the potato famine was Gods way to get o The great evil with which we are to content is Not the rid of bad people physical evil of the famine but the moral evil of the selfish perverse and turbulent character of the Irish people British Government official Chain Migration Anchor Immigrants o Price is extremely high they don t have much money since o Entire town gets together and pull every piece of money they o Send 1 person with all the money collected the best o Goal is to send money back to get more people over tenant farming can sell everything candidate will be anchor Healthiest Young Male they can work Be skilled Know English Then send another anchor to make money and Grows faster idea is that they will all make it to Immigrate to America work and send the money back to the city send money back the arrival city Boston o Lots of guilt to get a good job to send to family o Two biggest ports out are London and Liverpool in England spend money to get to England and then run out of money till he can get job to get on boat Journey wave o Need money for ticket and food on boat in 1830 3 month o As time goes on journey gets down to 3 weeks by end of first Trans Atlantic Crossing o On a ship that was used for slavery when the slave trade ended it was used to bring immigrants over they experienced very similar conditions o Steerage Class o Bottom of Ship tight or loose packing o Coffin Ships where cows are or would be Ship Fever Tuberculosis cough blood till you die 15 25 Death Rate When die they throw them over board Old city doesn t know when anchor person dies on ship they are eating o Most Irish have never been on ship before losing nutrients Coffin Ships Ethnic Enclaves o Ship the Irish came over on o When the Irish arrive they form little Ireland in America o Definition Giant group of 1 ethnicity in an area WASPs don t like 5 Points Gangs of NY Setting Five Points o Irish Ethnic Enclave in NY Southie o Irish Ethnic Enclave in Boston o Extremely close to the water o Area outside the city limits o WASPs don t want to be here o bad part of town Ghettos Type 1 of living in a Ghetto Lien Toos Cardboard against a building and live under it Gets cold there Cheapest need money to send back Type 2 of living in a Ghetto Tenements Bathroom is downstairs bedroom kitchen bedroom Highrise 5 stories at this time Horribly dirty not good sanitation Approximately 20 people living in 1 tenement Sleep in shifts since it cant fir 20 people all at once WASPs open factories for 24 hours a day Irish view housing as selfish what they have is better then what their grandma has Tenements are owned by WASPs no running water inside and maybe a fire place with no chimney for the smoke to escape Could have a window but don t want to open because stench is horrible from the 1 toilet use bucket in middle of night and throw out the window bad stench Basically a sewer outside No fresh air Not much food Shows how horrible the conditions are 80 of all Irish Infants died living conditions awful o Biggest thing between WASPs and Irish o America is Protestant at this time don t understand Catholics Irish Stereotypes 1 Religion 2 Violent 3 Drunks 4 Inferior Race Catholic Communion 1 o Last supper Passover gives body bread and blood wine to o Protestant pass cracker and grape juice this represents body o Catholics Bread and wine all people before being crucified and blood of christ Transubstantiation 1 o Catholics In front of a priest at the
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