AMH Exam 3 Key Terms Introduction to Second Wave Progressive Era Progressives o Progressive Era 1900 1920 o Social activism and political reform in the United States Upper and middle class WASPs professionals lawyers doctors teachers administrators very well educated o People who believed that the problems society faced poverty violence greed racism class warfare could best be addressed by providing good education a safe environment and an efficient workplace o Progressives saw second wave immigrants as the root of all problems voting for political bosses in exchange for favors work in unsafe conditions enriching big names in factories helping the enemy o Pass laws to improve minorities suppress Scientific Racism germ theory IQ tests eugenics o Scientific Racism Attempts to use science to support or justify racist beliefs determine character and intelligence Take what they already assume to be true look for evidence to The measurement of the cranium or skull in order to o Craniology support the preset hierarchy used skulls because whites slightly had a larger circumference Large skulls good moral character and high intelligence proved something to be true already Germ Theory Shift from the miasma theory to the germ theory Sound science that s poorly applies Examples Trachoma Venereal Diseases STDs Miasma Filth trash generated disease the smell transmitted that disease Germ Theory Learned later that microbes deal with disease located in the in the air the microbes are what causes the disease People see immigrants as inherently dirty sickly Trachoma real health issue bacteria in eye highly contagious IQ Tests Eugenics Splurge Water coming up to your body on the toilet o Makes intelligence hereditary Immigration Act of 1903 o Against Anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti Anarchists People who want to get rid of the government Southern Italians tend to have an Anarchist point of view in their background distrust of government Immigration Act of 1917 o Literacy test in order to enter the country AMH Exam 3 Key Terms o Banned men and women from entering who were idiots imbeciles epileptics alcoholics poor etc o 3 D s Dependents Delinquents Defectives Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924 Quota Acts o Established a quota for how many individuals of a particular immigrant o 1921 o 1924 Quota 3 of groups population in the US as of the 1910 census Act established a harsher annual quota group could enter the country annually New quota 2 of groups population in the US and 1890 census Barred Asian immigrants targeting Japan and India from entering the country already done to the Chinese Quotes did not apply to the immigrants form western hemisphere Immigration from Italy Italian Unification o Italian kingdoms o 1871 Unification or 1919 Some say they are still not unified o Family and churches own parts of Italy o North v South Italians North v South o Very different o People divide based on food language and culture Vendetta o Vendetta A disagreement between males kill them o Family has been wronged o Between two families o First way can be rectified in an public apology but you will then be dishonoring your family o Second way kill the person or be violent o Females Virginity Incredibly important to family because they link two families together Don t have much power Hanging of the sheets to show that she was actually a virgin Causes the strongest vendetta Campanilismo o Loyalty to those who live within the sound of the village church bells Non Institutional Roman Catholic Church Virgin Mary Saints Rosary Shrine Magic Tithe o The Church Roman Catholic o Trust no one Virgin Mary Saints Rosary Non institutional only in church for baptism marriage and death Still incredibly religious but do not think the church is there for them AMH Exam 3 Key Terms Shrines of saints Magic when prayers just aren t enough Tithe 1 5 of your earnings go to the Church for the poor Industrial Revolution o JOBS Industrial Revolution o The reason they came to the United States Return Migration o 5 years in the US then go home to Italy permanently Unless they don t have enough money to sustain their family Ritornati Sojourners Birds of Passage o 5 years until they return back to Italy o 1880 70 return to Italy o BUT 1920 10 return to Italy o In 1921 USA passed the immigration act so they couldn t come back o Switch from return migration to chain migration Little Italy s o Ethnic Enclaves Little Italy NYC Boston etc o Ethnic enclaves in the ethnic enclaves o A city of villages own dialect food saint Padrone System Padroni o Padroni An individual that meets immigrants at the port where they land they a song from different villages in Italy o Get the immigrant a place to live a job find the family do it for money o Speak English for you Mutual Aid Societies o Keep immigrants together through heritage o A way for people in a village or tenant to hang out with each other and take care of each other Similar to the Six Companies o Takes care of your culture bakes you food takes care of you when you are sick etc o The Mafia Tenements o Places to work sleep o Poor living conditions o Bunking 30 people living in a room take shifts o Must know the people they are living with TRUST NO ONE o Horrible sickness disease Municipal Works o Digging canals laying paving and gas lines building bridges tunneling new york subway system Municipal for the city o Little money made no minimum wage AMH Exam 3 Key Terms Sweat Shops o A way women can work inside of the home to keep them safe 1 Can be inside the home Men bring home raw materials and the women children are supposed to make this into a final product Paid by how many products are produced instead of hourly rate The more children you have the more economically viable you 2 A group of Southern Italian women in the basement of a tenement set up a become small factory Prohibition o 1920 1933 Organized Crime Godfather and Godfather II Based on the family trust no one that s not blood related Continuation of Violent Stereotype Vendetta WASPs thinks it has to be taken care of by violence One of the lowest groups as far as violence goes Bootlegging Making alcoholic beverages OR importing it Making alcohol illegally importing it from elsewhere and selling it to WASPs Drinking increased by 35 during prohibition Everyone s doing it Scabs o Scab Breaking the strike o Labor Unions Joining a labor union is instantly gives the stereotype of being an o Strikebreakers and Wage cutters Negative connotations that
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